Codecademy C# Flashcards
Command to print text to a console
Command to read text a user types into the console
Command to run interactive code
dotnet run
One line comments
after //
Multi-line comments
between /* and */
Whole integer number data type
A piece of text data type
Data type which represents the logical idea of true or false
Decimal number data types
Single characters data type
Assign variable command
data type __________ = “__________”;
Assign variable example
string countryName = “Netherlands”
Good practice style for naming variables
camelCase example
string iAmAVariable
Implicit conversion definition
Happens automatically if no data will be lost in the conversion
Explicit conversion definition
Requires a cast operator to convert a data type into another one
Explicit method for converting to string
Explicit method for converting to double
Character after decimal to show that it’s a decimal
Character after decimal to show that it’s a decimal example
decimal variableName = 489872.76m
Command to increment by one
Command to decrease by one
- -
Modulo definition
Returns a remainder
Modulo operator
Command too find the absolute value of a number
Command to find the square root of a number
Command to round a given double or decimal down to the nearest whole number
Command to return the smaller of two numbers
Not a number abbreviation
Command to raise an exponent
Math.Pow( , )
Command to round a double or decimal up
Command to find the larger of two numbers
Character to escape a character
Command to print the following text on a new line
String concatenation symbol
String interpolation definition
A method for inserting variable values in the middle of a string
String interpolation command
String interpolation example
$”Your favorite musician is {yourFaveMusician}.”
Command to find how many characters exist in a string
Command to find the position of a specific character or substring in a string
Command to grab part of a string and return a new string
Command to change the case of strings to uppercase
Command to change the case of a string to lowercase
Equals operator
Inequality operator
Less than operator
Greater than operator
Less than or equal to operator
Greater than or equal to operator
> =
AND operator
OR operator
NOT operator
Clause to write a conditional
Clause to be executed if the if condition is false
Conditional statement to use to check for multiple conditions
else if
Statement which allows for compact control structures by evaluating a single expression and executing code blocks based on a matched case
Specifies different potential values
Case to run if none of the conditions are met
Ternary operator
Ternary operator example
string color = “blue”
string result = (color == “blue”) ? “blue” : “NOT blue”;
PascalCase definition
First letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized
PascalCase example
Operator for defining an optional parameter
Defining an optional parameter example
static void YourMethodName(string punctuation = “.”)
Named arguments command
YourMethodName(argumentName: argumentValue);
Named arguments example
YourMethodName(d: 4);
Int16 storage capacity
-32,768 to +32,767
Int32 storage capacity
-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Int64 storage capacity
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Method overload definition
Having multiple versions of the same method but with different parameters
Method overload example
Math.Round(Double, Int32) vs Math.Round(Double)
Return type to be used if a method returns nothing
Return type to be used if a method returns nothing example
static void DecoratePlanet()
Return type to be used if a method returns a string example
static string DecoratePlanet()