Code Of Ethics term Flashcards
Hey son and unreasoned ending of accounting relationship, they could cause the client harm
This helps individuals groups in counselors, especially bring it down barriers to growth of a client
A way of showing agreement with the client is not able to give them from consent in the usual way
Getting information about a client so that affect a plan for treatment can be created
Excepting items, other than money from clients as a payment for services
A person seeking services from a professional clien t
Vertical duty of a counselor to protect the personal identity information of the client
Professional relationship, that of all seeking advice or information
A membership in a certain way of living that centers around beliefs and worldviews
Prejudice treatment of a person or group based on their grouping
Similarities and differences that happen across cultures
A process of encoding information in order to limit access to unauthorized people
Behaviors that take advantage of someone else
Fee splitting
Payment or acceptance of fees for client referrals
Informed consent
The process of giving all the information about what a client good experience in the counseling relationship, and making sure the client understands and give consent
Actually, using set research practices, determine the presence and strength of certain attributes
Interdisciplinary teams
Teens, a professional, serving clients, who may not fall under the same confidentialities requirements
Multi cultural diversity, competence
The counselors awareness and ability to deal with the first issues, and Clydes in a professional way
Multi cultural diversity, counseling
Counseling understands, and uses the diversity of cultures in the practice, attempting to preserve the Disney uniqueness of clients
Personal virtual intelligence
Getting involved in a personal relationship online, they could possibly violated counselors code of ethics
A legal term that protects the right to privacy of a client during legal proceedings 
All information or documents at the counselor keeps about the client
Records custodian
A professional coworker, who takes care of plant records for mental health, professional
Self growth
Accounts are using a process of reflection to become more effective us, professional
Serious and for seeable
When a counselor can predict series are home for outcomes
Sexual harassment
Verbal or nonverbal actions that are sexual nature in connection with the workplace are unwelcome cause a hostile work environment
Social justice
Equality for all people, purpose of ending injustice in all institutional settings