Full form COCOMO
constructive cost model
what is COCOMO model
The COCOMO estimates the cost for software product development in terms of effort and schedule based on the size of the software product.
what are three modes of COCOMO
COCOMO is applied to
organic mode
semidetached mode
embedded mode
what is organic mode
It belongs to small & simple software projects which are handled by a small team with good domain knowledge and few rigid requirements.
what is semidetached mode
It is an intermediate (in terms of size and complexity) project, where the team having mixed experience (both experience & inexperience resources)
what is embedded mode
This project having a high level of complexity with a large team size by considering all sets of parameters
what is basic COCOMO
It is the one type of static model to estimates software development effort quickly and roughly.
It mainly deals with the number of lines of code and the level of estimation accuracy is less as we don’t consider the all parameters belongs to the project.
why is level of accuracy less in basic cocomo
the level of estimation accuracy is less as we don’t consider the all parameters belongs to the project.
what is intermediate cocomo
The intermediate model estimates software development effort in terms of size of the program and other related cost drivers parameters of the project.
what is detailed COCOMO
It is the advanced model that estimates the software development effort like Intermediate COCOMO in each stage of the software development life cycle process.
The model incorporates all qualities of both Basic COCOMO and Intermediate COCOMO strategies on each software engineering process.
what are advantages of COCOMO
Easy to estimate the total cost of the project.
Easy to implement with various factors.
Provide ideas about historical projects.
what are disadvantages of COCOMO
It ignores requirements, customer skills, and hardware issues.
It limits the accuracy of the software costs.
It mostly depends on time factors.
what are types of estimation techniques
Empirical Estimation Techniques
Heuristic Estimation Techniques
Analytical Estimation techniques
what is empirical estimation technique
is done on the basis of educated guess of the project parameters.
This technique becomes more helpful of the estimator has already had experience doing similar project in past.