Coasts Flashcards


Coastal system

  • Coasts - where land meets the sea
  • Coastal systems are in dynamic equilibrium - inputs and outputs are balanced

Positive feedback - when a change in the system causes other changes to have a similar effect
- Beach starts to form —> slows down waves —> causes more sediment to be deposited —> size of the beach increases

Negative feedback - when a change in the system causes other changes to have the opposite effect
- As a beach is eroded —> the cliffs behind it are exposed to wave attack —> sediment from cliffs is deposited on the beach, causing it to grow in size

Coasts are systems:

- Energy and sediment coming into coastal system e.g. energy inputs come from waves, wind, tides and currents

Stores (stores of sediment):
- Erosional landforms e.g. cliffs
- Depositional landforms e.g. spits, beaches, dunes

- Sediment can be washed out to sea or deposited further along the coast

Flows/transfers (sediment moves from one store to the next):
- Erosion, deposition, transportation, weathering, mass movement

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Sources of energy in coastal systems


- Winds are created by air moving from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. During events such as storms, the pressure gradient (the difference between high and low pressure) is high and winds can be very strong
- Strong winds can generate powerful waves. If wind consistently blows from the same direction (prevailing wind) — this causes higher-energy waves than winds that change direction frequently

How are waves formed?
1. Waves are created by the wind blowing over the surface of the sea. The friction between the wind and the surface of the sea creates small waves which gives the water a circular motion
2. When waves approach the shore they break. Friction with the sea bed slows the bottom of the waves (makes their motion more elliptical - squashed and oval shaped). The crest of the wave (top of wave) carries on moving - rises up and collapses

What is wave energy affected by?
The taller a wave, the more energy it carries —> wave height is affected by wind strength, duration and fetch of the wave
- Wind strength (link to pressure gradient)
- Wind duration
- Fetch of the wave (the maximum distance of sea the wind has blown over)
- Sea bed —> gently sloping sea bed — waves experience friction with the sea bed and slow down —> waves lose energy —> less erosion// steeply sloping sea bed —> less friction with the sea bed —> waves won’t lose as much of its energy —> more erosion

2 types of waves and characteristics:
- Low frequency —> 6-8 per minute
- Low and long
- Strong swash, weak backwash —> carries material up the beach and deposits it

- High frequency —> 10-14 per minute
- High and steep
- Strong backwash, weak swash —> removes material from the beach

  • Constructive waves tend to deposit material —> size of beach increases
  • Destructive waves cause erosion —> size of beach decreases

Anatomy of a wave (search up diagram):
- Crest - highest point of wave
- Trough - lowest point of wave
- Wave height - different in height between crest and trough
- Amplitude - half the wave height
- Wave length - difference between 2 crests/2 troughs
- Frequency - number of waves per minute

- Tides - the periodic rise and fall of the level of the sea, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun
- Spring tide - when the moon, earth and sun are in a line, the combined gravitational pull creates the highest high tides and the lowest low tides —> greatest tidal range
- Neap tide - when the sun and moon are perpendicular to each other, their gravitational pulls interfere with one another, giving the lowest high tides and the highest low tides —> smallest tidal range
- Tides affect erosion and lead to the formation of different landforms

- Currents - general flow of water in one direction

3 types of currents:
Longshore currents (littoral drift)
- Flow of water parallel to the coastline —> move material along the coast

Rip currents
- Strong currents moving away from the beach
- Waves cause a build up of water at the top of the beach —> eventually the waves finds a route back out to sea —> creates a strong current

- Winds drive water across the ocean surface, allowing cold, nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean to rise to the surface

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High and low energy coastlines

  • High-energy coasts receive high inputs of energy in the form of large, powerful waves. These can be caused by strong winds and long fetches. High-energy coastlines tend to have rocky landforms e.g. cliffs, caves, stacks and arches. The rate of erosion is often higher than the rate of deposition
  • Low-energy coasts receive low inputs of energy in the form of small, gentle waves. These can be caused by gentle winds and short fetches. Low-energy coastlines often have saltmarshes and tidal mudflats. The rate of deposition is often higher than the rate of erosion
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Sources of sediment in coastal systems:
- Rivers carry eroded sediment into the coastal system
- Sediment is eroded from cliffs by waves, weathering and landslides
- Sediment can be formed from the crushed shells of marine organisms
- Waves, tides and currents can transport sediment into the coastal zone from offshore deposits
- Sea level rise can flood river valleys, forming estuaries (river and sea meet). Sediment in the estuary becomes part of the coastal system

Sediment budget:
- Sediment budget - difference between the amount of sediment that enters the system and the amount that leaves
- If more sediment leaves than enters, there’s a negative sediment budget and overall the coastline retreats
- If more sediment enters than leaves, there’s a positive sediment budget and overall the coastline grows

Sediment cells:
- The coast is divided into sediment cells (also called littoral cells)
- These are lengths of coastline (often between two headlands) that are pretty much entirely self-contained for the movement of sediment (sediment doesn’t move between cells). This means that each cell is a closed coastal system

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Wave refraction

  • Occurs when waves approach a coastline that is not a regular shape (headland and bay)
  • Wave energy becomes concentrated on the headland, causing greater erosion
  • In a bay, the waves lose power, causing deposition
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Coastal processes

  • Sub-aerial processes (operate on land)
  • Marine processes (operate in the sea)
  • Aeolian processes (driven by the wind)
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Erosional processes


Erosional processes:
- Abrasion/corrasion - bits of rock/sediment carried by the sea are picked up by strong waves and thrown against rocks and cliffs, breaking bits off and smoothing surfaces
- Wave quarrying - energy of wave is enough to detach bits of rock
- Solution (corrosion) - soluble rocks get dissolved by the seawater e.g. limestone
- Attrition - Bits of rock in the water smash against each other and break into smaller bits
- Hydraulic action - force of water crashing into rocks, compressing air in cracks, and breaking the rock apart
- Cavitation - occurs when fast-flowing water creates bubbles in cracks. These bubbles collapse with force and break rocks apart

Factors affecting erosion:
Wave strength (strong waves = more erosion)
- Controlled by fetch and wind strength/duration e.g. long fetches and stronger/longer winds create bigger and powerful waves —> more erosion

- Underwater topography of the seabed impacts the strength of waves
- Gently sloping sea bed —> waves experience friction with the sea bed —> waves lose energy —> less erosion
- Steeply sloping sea bed —> waves experience less friction with the sea bed —> waves won’t lose as much of its energy —> more erosion

- Beaches increase the distance a wave travels before it reaches the cliffs —> absorbs some wave energy before it reaches cliffs —> waves energy is reduced —> less erosion

- Weathering creates weaknesses in rocks which can be further exploited by the processes of erosion
- Weathering rates are high —> rates of erosion will be faster

Rock type:
- Sedimentary rocks e.g. limestone have lots of faults, making them weak and vulnerable to erosion whereas igneous and metamorphic rocks are made up of interlocking crystals, making them more resistant to erosion

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Transportation (eroded material being moved):
- Solution - substances that can dissolve are carried along in the water e.g. limestone is dissolved into water that’s slightly acidic
- Suspension - very fine material e.g. silt and clay particles are carried along in the water (most eroded material is transported this way)
- Saltation - larger particles e.g. pebbles or gravel are too heavy to be carried in suspension so particles bounce along the sea bed
- Traction - very large particles e.g. boulders are dragged along the sea bed

Longshore drift:
1. Swash carries sediment up the beach in the direction of prevailing wind
2. Backwash carries sediment back down the beach at right angles
3. Overtime, sediment is moved along the beach

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Deposition (process of dropping eroded material):
- Marine deposition - when sediment carried by seawater is deposited
- Aeolian deposition - when sediment carried by wind is deposited
- Both marine and aeolian deposition happen when the sediment load exceeds the ability of the water or wind to carry it. This can be because sediment load increases, or because wind or water flow slows down (so it has less energy)

Wind and water slow down for similar reasons:
- Friction increases — if waves enter shallow water or wind reaches land, friction increases, which slows down the water or wind
- Flow becomes turbulent — if water or wind encounters an obstacle, flow becomes rougher and overall speed decreases

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  • Weathering is a sub-aerial process (operates on land)
  • Weathering - weakens rocks and makes them more vulnerable to erosion

Different types of weathering:
- Physical/mechanical - when rocks break up with no chemical changes
- Chemical - rock breakdown due to a chemical reaction
- Biological - rock breakdown due to organic activity

Salt weathering (physical/mechanical):
1. Salt water enters cracks in rocks at high tide
2. As the tide goes out the rocks dry and the water evaporates —> salt crystals are left behind in the cracks
3. As the salt crystals form they expand, exerting pressure on the rock - this causes pieces to fall off

Wetting/drying (physical/mechanical):
1. Some rocks contain clay
2. When clay gets wet, it expands and the pressure caused by this breaks fragments off the rock

Freeze thaw weathering (physical/mechanical):
1. Water enters cracks in rocks
2. When temperatures drop below 0°C, the water freezes and expands which causes the crack to widen
3. The ice melts and more water fills into the cracks
4. The process repeats itself until the rock breaks

Biological weathering:
1. Plant roots growing in cracks of rock —> widens cracks —> can cause rocks to breakdown

Chemical weathering:
1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in rainwater, forming a weak carbonic acid. This acid reacts with rock that contains calcium carbonate e.g. limestone and the rocks are gradually dissolved

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Mass movement

  • Mass movement is a sub-aerial process (operates on land)
  • Mass movement - shifting of material downhill due to gravity

Type of mass movement depends on:
- Type of material (e.g. consolidated rock or loose soil)
- Angle of the slope (gentle or vertical)
- Saturation of rocks

Types of mass movement:
- Slides - material shifts in a straight line (consolidated rock)
- Rockfalls - material breaks up and falls (consolidated rock)
- Mudflows - material flows downslope (unconsolidated rock)
- Slumps - material shifts with a rotation (unconsolidated rock)

  1. Unconsolidated rocks e.g. clay are prone to collapse as there’s little friction between particles to hold them together
  2. Heavy rain can saturate unconsolidated rock, further reducing friction and making it more likely to collapse
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Coastal landforms caused by erosion


Caves, arches, stacks and stumps:
1. Headlands have cracks —> abrasion and hydraulic action widen the cracks
2. Repeated erosion of cracks causes cave to form
3. Continued erosion deepens the cave until it breaks through the headland to form an arch
4. Arch is eroded until the roof collapses leaving a stack
5. A wave cut notch forms at the base of the stack, eventually causing it to topple over and collapse —> leaving behind a stump
Example: arch, caves and stacks on the shore of Loch Bracadale, Scotland

Headlands and bays:
1. Headlands and bays form where there are alternating bands of hard and soft rock at right angles to the coast (discordant coastline)
2. The soft rock is eroded quickly, forming a bay
3. The hard rock is eroded more slowly and forms a headland which sticks out
Example: headlands and bays on the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Wave cut platform:
1. Sea attacks base of cliff forming a wave cut notch
2. Repeated erosion causes rock above notch to become unstable and it eventually collapses
3. Collapsed material is washed away and a new wave cut notch starts to form
4. The process repeats and the cliff continues to retreat, leaving behind a wave cut platform
Example: wave cut platform near Lannacombe Bay in South Devon

1. Waves approach the bottom of the headland where there’s a crack
2. Water is forced and compressed into the cracks
3. Eventually. water spurts out the top, forming a blowhole
Example: the world’s largest blowhole is found in Nakelele Point in Hawaii

1. Formed on concordant coastlines
2. Resistant outer band rock is eventually breached
3. Erosion speeds up when waves reach the less resistant bands of rock —> erosion spreads out laterally
4. Once harder rock is reached again, erosion slows down
Example: Lulworth Cove in Dorset

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Coastal landforms caused by deposition


- Spit - a finger of beach material extending out to sea
1. Longshore drift moves material along the coastline
2. When the coastline changes direction e.g. at a headland, longshore drift doesn’t change direction
3. Sediment builds out to sea and this creates a spit
4. A change in wind direction will cause the spit to curve at the end. This is known as a recurved end
5. Over time, several recurved ends form as the waves return to their original direction and then change again. A spit that has multiple recurved ends is called a compound spit
6. The area behind the spit is sheltered from the waves and often develops into mudflats and saltmarshes (sheltered area allows for the deposition of river sediment —> over time, this sediment builds up to form a mud flat —> as vegetation begins to grow on the mud flat, it transitions into a salt marsh)
- Example: Spurn Head on the coast of East Yorkshire

1. A bar forms when a spit joins 2 headlands together
2. A lagoon forms behind the bar
- Example: Slapton Sands in Devon

- If a spit/bar joins up to an island, it creates a tombolo
- Example: Angel Road of Shodo Island in Japan

Offshore bars:
- Destructive waves remove sediment from the beach and form the offshore bar. They are covered at high tide and exposed at low tide
- Example: Scroby Sands, Norfolk, England

Barrier islands:
- Barrier islands are long, narrow islands of sand that run parallel to the shore and are detached from it
- They tend to form in areas where there’s a good supply of sediment, a gentle slope offshore (more friction with seabed —> waves loss energy —> increased deposition), fairly powerful waves and a small tidal range
- It’s not clear exactly how barrier islands form, but scientists think low sea level that they probably formed after the last ice age ended, when ice melt caused rapid sea level rise. The rising waters flooded the land and transported sand offshore, where it was deposited
- Example: Horn Island in Mississippi

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Sand dunes (depositional landform)

  • A vegetation succession is a plant community that changes over time - from pioneer species (first plants to colonise an area of bare ground e.g. marram grass) to climax community (a community of plants which have reached a steady state over time and vegetation has evolved to the end point of succession e.g. deciduous woodland)

Conditions needed for dune formation:
- Large tidal range (large amount of sand exposed at low tide)
- Large supply of sand
- Large tidal range and large supply of sand allows the sand to dry so that it is light enough to be picked up and carried by the wind to the back of the beach
- Wind
- Obstacle
- Vegetation

Sand dune formation:
1. Sand is deposited around an obstacle e.g. seaweed and driftwood
2. An embryo dune develops which may become vegetated by pioneer species such as marram grass
3. Roots bind the sand together// marram grass help slow the speed of wind —> wind loses energy —> sediment is deposited
4. Several embryo dunes will join together to create foredunes and yellow dunes. This is the tallest of the dune succession (yellow dunes)
5. Grey dunes form as the dunes become more mature. As plants die, nutrients are added to the sand dune, so more complex plants can grow. Eventually, the climax vegetation is reached e.g. heathland or woodland
6. Areas between dunes (slacks) may be damp or even contain water

Characterises of marram grass:
- It is tough and flexible, so can cope when being blasted with sand
- It has adapted to reduce water loss through transpiration
- It has mechanisms to tolerate high salinity

Example: Sand dunes at Cape Hatteras in North Carolina

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Mudflats and salt marshes

  1. Mudflats and saltmarshes form in sheltered, low-energy environments e.g. river estuaries or behind spits. These areas are protected from strong waves, allowing fine sediments to accumulate
  2. As silt and mud are deposited by the river, mudflats develop. Vegetation such as eelgrass and algae starts to grow, stabilising the sediment
  3. The mudflats are then colonised by vegetation that can survive the high salt levels and long periods of submergence by the tide (known as halophytes e.g. cordgrass). These plants trap more mud and silt, causing the area to build upwards over time
  4. As the mudflats rise and remain exposed for longer periods, they transition into a saltmarsh. Pioneer species like cordgrass are succeeded by other plants, such as sea lavender, which continue to stabilise and build the marsh
  5. Eventually, these species are replaced by other species. Dead organic matter improves soil fertility and helps soil to retain water. This allows taller plants to grow, adding further height to the salt marsh
  6. Eventually, the vegetation is replaced by trees and shrubs and the climax community forms

Example of saltmarsh: Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina

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Eustatic and Isostatic sea level change

  • Eustatic sea level change is caused by a change in the volume of water in the sea, or by a change in the shape of the ocean basins (global)

Causes of eustatic sea level change:
1. Changes in climate:
- An increase in temperature causes melting of ice sheets, which increases sea level
- As water becomes warmer, it also causes water to expand, which increases sea level further (occupies a larger volume)
- A decrease in temperature causes more precipitation to fall as snow. This increases the volume of water stored in glaciers and so reduces the volume of the sea, which decreases sea level
2. Tectonic movements:
- Tectonic movements of the earths crust can alter the shape (and so the volume) of ocean basins e.g. sea floor spreading increases the volume of the basin and so decreases the sea level

  • Isostatic sea level change is caused by vertical movements of the land relative to the sea (local)
  • Any downward movement of the land causes sea level to rise locally, while uplift of land causes sea level to fall

Causes of isostatic sea level change:
1. Tectonic movements:
- A coastal region experiencing seismic activity (earthquakes) may experience land being shifted upwards or downwards as a result of pressures being released by an earthquake
- Subduction plate sinks under overriding plate —> lots of friction between 2 plates which causes the overriding plate to be stuck —> however, the subduction plate is still moving, which causes slow distortion of overriding plate (plate is being forced/bent upwards overtime) —> land rises so sea level appears lower
2. Subsidence of land due to shrinkage after abstraction of groundwater e.g. drainage of marshland
3. Crust is floating on the mantle —> ice sheet adds lots of weight onto crust and pushes it down into the mantle below —> results in sea level rise// if the weight is lifted e.g. ice sheet melts during interglacial period —> crust rebounds and rises —> sea level falls


Sea level changes

  • During the last glacial period (roughly 110,000 to 12,000 years ago), water was stored in ice sheets, so sea level was lower than present. At the last glacial maximum (around 21,000 years ago) sea level was about 130m lower than present
  • As temperatures started to increase (about 12,000 years ago), ice sheets melted and sea levels rose rapidly. It reached its present level about 4000 years ago
  • Over the last 4000 years, sea level has fluctuated around its present value
  • Since about 1930, sea level has been rising
  • Over the last century, global temperature has increased rapidly. This is called global warming. There’s been a sharp rise in average temperature (1.08 °C between 1900 and 2016)
  • There is a consensus among scientists that the changes in climate over the last century are a result of human activities, such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels
  • These activities increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere greenhouse gases absorb outgoing long-wave radiation, so less is lost to space. As their concentration increases, more energy is trapped and the planet warms up
  • Increases in temperature are likely to cause increases in sea level, through melting of ice sheets and thermal expansion of water in oceans
  • Global sea level is currently rising at almost 2mm each year. If greenhouse gas emissions remain very high during the 21st century, this is predicted to increase to 8 to 16 mm a year by 2100

Impacts of climate change on coastal areas


Impacts of climate change on coastal areas:
1. Storms are likely to become more frequent and more intense due to changes in ocean circulation and wind patterns. This would cause damage to coastal ecosystems and settlements
2. If sea level rise continues as predicted, it will have major impacts on coastal areas:
* More frequent and more severe coastal flooding. Flooding of low-lying areas has increased with sea level rise and it will increase more with further rises. For example, from 1995 to 2004, Kings Point in New York state, USA, flooded around 80 times, but from 2005 to 2014 it flooded nearly 160 times
* Submergence of low-lying islands. Lots of low-lying islands are at risk of disappearing. For example, if the sea level rises by just 0.5 m from its current level then most of the Maldives will be submerged
* Contamination of water sources and farmland. Salt water may enter bodies of fresh water (e.g. lakes and rivers) near the coast, damaging ecosystems and making the water unsuitable for lots of uses.
Salt water entering soils may damage crops and make land impossible to farm
3. Sea level rise and increased storminess will increase coastal erosion, putting ecosystems, homes and businesses at risk


Coastal management


Coastal Management:
1. The aim of coastal management is to protect homes, businesses and the environment from erosion and flooding
2. This is because flooding and erosion of the coastline can have severe social, economic and environmental impacts
3. All coastal settlements want to be defended, but the amount of money available is limited so not everywhere can be defended. Choosing which places are defended (and how) is based on a cost-benefit analysis (evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the costs). The money available is usually used to protect large settlements and important industrial sites, rather than isolated or small settlements

4 options for coastal management:
1. Hold the line - maintain the existing coastal defences
2. Advance the line - build new coastal defences further out to sea than the existing line of defence
3. Do nothing - build no coastal defences at all, and deal with erosion and flooding as it happens
4. Managed realignment - where areas are intentionally allowed to flood to protect more important places e.g. flooding farmland rather than towns


Hard engineering

  • Hard engineering - involves built structures

Sea walls:
- Reflects waves back out to sea, preventing erosion at the coast
- Acts as a barrier to prevent flooding

Positives and negatives:
- Sea walls acts as promenades so people can walk across them —> promotes tourism ✅
- Expensive ❌
- Waves can erode the sea wall ❌

- Sloping structures that absorb wave energy —> reduce erosion

Positives and negatives:
- Beach access steps can be built into the revetment —> promotes tourism ✅
- Cost effective ✅
- Visually unappealing ❌

- Fences built at right angles to the coast. They trap material transported by LSD. This creates wider beaches —> waves have longer distance to travel so they lose energy —> less erosion

Positives and negatives:
- Builds a wider beach —> encourages tourism ✅
- Can create erosion further down coast ❌

Rock amour:
- Large boulders placed in front of a cliff or sea wall —> absorb wave energy and reduce erosion

- Visually unappealing —> they look different to the local geology as the rock has been imported from other areas ❌
- The rocks are expensive to transport ❌
- Can shift in storms ❌

- Wire cages filled with rocks —> absorb wave energy and reduce erosion

Positives and negatives:
- Cheap compared to other forms of hard engineering ✅
- Wire cages can rust —> unattractive —> less tourism ❌
- If the wire cages break then they are very dangerous —> people may trip on rocks or cut themselves with the broken wire// birds could injure themselves with the broken wires ❌

- Concrete blocks or boulders deposited off the coast. They force waves to break offshore. The waves energy and erosive power are reduced before they reach the shore

- Can be damaged in storms ❌
- Expensive ❌


Soft engineering

  • Soft engineering - natural approach to manage coastal erosion and flooding

Beach nourishment:
- Beach nourishment is where sand and shingle are added to beaches from elsewhere. This creates wide beaches, which reduces erosion of cliffs more than thin beaches

- Lots of maintenance needed —> very disruptive —> e.g. material delivered by trucks will cause congestion in the road and beaches might need to be closed whilst material is being moved around ❌
- Expensive —> has to be repeated ❌
- Taking material from places like seabed can kill organisms like sponges and corals ❌

Dune regeneration:
- Creating new sand dunes or restoring existing ones by planting vegetation to stabilise the sand —> dunes act as a barrier and absorb wave energy —> waves have less energy —> less erosion

Positives and negatives:
- Dune regeneration increases biodiversity —> when new dunes are created/existing dunes are restored, it provides habitats for a variety of plants and animals ✅
- Dunes can be easily damaged by storms ❌
- Areas have to be zoned off from the public while plants grows —> less tourism ❌

Creating marshland:
- Creating marshland from mudflats can be encouraged by planting appropriate vegetation. The vegetation stabilises the sediment, and the vegetation helps to absorb wave energy. This reduces their erosive power and how far the waves reach inland, leading to less flooding

Positives and negatives:
- Increases biodiversity —> marshlands create habitats for wildlife ✅
- Salt water can have a negative effect on existing ecosystems ❌
- Required to compensate for people who lose buildings and farmland ❌


Sustainable coastal management strategies

  • Coastal management has to be sustainable — this means that strategies shouldn’t cause too much damage to the environment or to people’s homes and livelihoods, and shouldn’t cost too much
  • Hard engineering is often expensive, and disrupts natural processes
  • Soft engineering tends to be cheaper and requires less time and money to maintain than hard engineering. Soft engineering is designed to integrate with the natural environment
  • So soft engineering is a more sustainable management strategy than hard engineering because it has a lower environmental impact and economic cost

Shoreline Management Plans:
- The coastline is split into sediment cells
- For each cell, a plan is created for how to manage different areas with the aim of protecting important sites without causing problems elsewhere in the sediment cell
- For each area within a cell, authorities can decide to hold, advance or retreat the line, or to do nothing

Integrated Coastal Zone Management:
- ICZM considers all elements of the coastal system (e.g. land, water, people, the economy) when coming up with a management strategy (holistic approach)
- It is a dynamic strategy - decisions are re-evaluated if the environment or demands on the area change
- All stakeholders all involved