Coasts Flashcards
Types of erosion
- corrasion / abrasion
- hydraulic action
- cavitation
- wave quarrying
- solution / corrosion
- attrition
Definition : corrasion (abrasion)
- type of erosion
Bits of rock and sediment transported by waves that smash and grind against other rocks and cliffs becoming smoother
Definition : Hydraulic action
- type of erosion
Air in the cracks on a cliff is compressed from waves crash against it, the pressure breaks apart the rock
Definition: cavitation
- type of erosion
As waves recede from the cliff the compressed air largely expands exerting more pressure and causing rock to break
Definition: wave quarrying
- type of erosion
Energy of the waves against a cliff breaks away the rock
Definition: solution/corrosion
- type of erosion and transportation
Soluble rock (limestone or chalk) dissolved by seawater
Definition: attrition
- type of erosion
Rocks in the water smashed against each other and become smaller
Definition: suspension
- Type of transportation
Very fine material is carried in the water
Definition: saltation
- Type of transportation
Larger particles transported by the force of the water causing them to bounce along the seabed
Definition: traction
- Type of transportation
Very large particles such as boulders are pushed along the sea bed
Types of transportation
- Solution
- saltation
- traction
- suspension
How do groynes (hard engineering) work
- fences built at right angles to the coast
- trap beach material transported by longshore drift
- creates wider beaches which reduces the waves energy preventing erosion
Evaluation of groynes (hard engineering)
+ relatively cheap
+ low maintenance
Last around 10-25 years
- unnatural and can be unattractive
- only work on the part of the beach they are covering, can increase erosion in other parts of the beach
How do sea walls (hard engineering) work
- reflect waves back into the sea to prevent erosion of the coast
- can act as a barrier to prevent flooding
Evaluation of sea walls (hard engineering)
+ 30-50 years
+ effective in preventing erosion
- expensive to build and maintain
- can create a strong backwash which erodes under the wall
- can be intrusive on a beach
How does rip rap (hard engineering) work
- boulders piled up along the coast
- absorb wave energy and prevent beach erosion
Evaluation of rip rap (hard engineering)
+ fairly cheap
+ easy to maintain
- can shift in storms
- can lookout of place with local geology
- can be a danger to public with children climbing across them
How do revetments (hard engineering) work
- slanting structures built at the bottom of a cliff
- break up waves and absorb their energy which prevents cliff erosion
Evaluation of revetments (hard engineering)
+ cheap to maintain
+ effective and quick
+ last 30-50 years
- can create a strong backwash which can erode under the wall
- intrusive and unnatural
- expensive to build