Coasts Flashcards
What is the importance of geology in developing a coastal landscape in Cork?
- Cork has a unique discordant landscape 90° to the ocean
- Limestone/Sandstone against Igneous rock
- Resulted in headlands and bays
- Islands too due to hard rock remaining after soft rock around has eroded away
What are the importance of factors other than geology in developing a coastal landscape in Cork?
- Long Atlantic wave fetch means that waves have more energy and are more powerful
- Storms cause high precipitation leading to weathering
- Isostatic rebound downwards has led to isostatic SLR resulting in flooding of river valleys
- Leads to backwards erosion of softer rock at bays - Wave refraction does a play a role at erosion at headlands
Are Trinidad’s management policies based on economic risk?
- Trinidad has high urbanisation along the coast
- The East Coast is home to the petrochemical industry
- Coconut Plantations are also on the East Coast
- Coastal recession/flooding could lead to a devaluation of house prices and reduction in tourism
- Coastal flooding repairs cost $5 million
Are Trinidad’s management policies based on social and environmental risk?
- Workers at plantations will lose jobs
- Nests of Endangered turtles on the North Coast
- 16,000 Trinity Halls Wildlife Sanctuary Reserve on the South Coast
- 70% of the population live or work on the coastline
Evaluate the view that coastal recession in Guinea is largely controlled by factors other than geology:
- Sand and gravel extraction from rivers reduces depositional processes at the mouth reducing replenishment
- Offshore dredging removes material offshore allowing deepwater to retain its energy so waves are more aggressive
- Mangrove deforestation for fuel means wave energy is retained rather than absorbed so waves are more powerful
- Non-holistic attempts at blocking LSD have depleted southern beaches of material
Evaluate the view that coastal recession in Guinea is largely controlled by geology:
- Cliff material is unconsolidated, clastic soft rock
- Mostly limestone and chalk
- Much easier to erode
Evaluate the view that the Deltawerken was founded on social judgements:
- 1,900 deaths and 72,000 displaced
- 50,000 buildings destroyed
- Entire communities and towns wiped out
Evaluate the view that the Deltawerken was founded on economic judgements:
- $5 billion dollars of damage to the country
- 10% of all farmland destroyed having an adverse impact on the emerging economy
- Govt. sets aside 1 billion euros/yr to deal with coastal management
Evaluate the view that the coastal flooding of Kiribati is mainly down to rising sea levels:
- Steric effect via thermal expansion, and land glacial melt has led to increased sea levels
- Kiribati’s height means that it is only 2-3m above sea level so it is more vulnerabe
- 1.5m SLR by 2100 could inundate the country
Evaluate the view that the coastal flooding of Kiribati is mainly down to other factors other than rising sea levels:
- Low pressure zone leading to tidal bulges so more powerful coastal flooding
- Land subsidence is increasing due to tourism urbanisation
- Increased coastal vegetative deforestation has allowed waves to retain energy
- SID so not a large amount of money to spend on defences
- Also isolated so aid is inefficient leading to hazard fatigue
- Hesitance to implement hard engineering for fear of losing tourism
What is the success of sustainable management policies in Bangladesh to combat coastal flooding?
- Coastal Climate Resilience Project of 2012 supported by the ADB
- Road connections improvement via raised embankments
- New markets created on platform above 2050 SLR
- 25 new tropical cyclone shelters
- training in climate resilience
- EIA used
- Has alleviated poverty by 10%
- Generated income opportunities
What is the failure of sustainable management policies in Bangladesh to combat coastal flooding?
- Disturbance of people and natural habitats
- Permanent removal of natural vegetation
- Relocation of some households
- $60 million
- Slow progress on embankments
Evaluate the success of sustainable management policies in Slapton to manage coastal erosion:
- Holistically considered the entire littoral cell
- Used Shoreline Management plans which used:
- CBA and EIA leading to Strategic Environmental Analysis (SEA)
- Have used many appropriate strategies such as hold the line/ realignment/ advance
- Helped protect A379 and Slapton Ley (lagoon) and barrier beach
Evaluate the failure of sustainable management policies in Slapton to manage coastal erosion:
- Drawback is cost: £300,000 to align, and £50,000 to maintain
- May not take global shift in sea level and temperature into account
- Like eustatic sea level rise
- Which could affect erosion
What is the success of sustainable management policies in Lyme Regis to manage coastal recession?
- Implementation of the ICZM
- Breakwater on the Cobb
- Rock armour and cliff stabilisation for town centre
- Groynes and sea wall further north
- Use of appropriate tech
- Have protected 5000 residents
- Boosted tourism with more than 2000 more visitors every year