coastal_planktonic_system Flashcards
what are the main components (reasons) of plankton losses
what does DMA stand for?
dilution (water amss coming in )
mixing (with deep waters)
advection (water mass coming in)
what are ressources for growth of
- phytoplankton
- animals
- inorgainc nutrients (P,N)
- light
- food (energy)
- essential nutrients
how does phytoplankton reacts to high nutreint suppyl?
which phytoplankton group reacts the most to the high nutreint supply ?
primary production increases
- nanoautotrophs
- microautotrophs
- picoautotrophs
how does fertlization (input of N, P) affects taxonomic groups of phytoplankton?
all groups are affected;
most strongly diatoms
are phytoplankton biomass affected by zooplankton grazing in a natural system, where all factors are interacting?
high phytoplankton abundance –> high grazing –> decrease of phytoplankton
how does the the loss of carnivore fish affects phytoplankton abundance?
loss of carnivore fish –> high abundance of small fishes –> low abundance of zooplankton –> high abundance of phytoplankton and eutrophication / algae blooms
how does zooplankton (heterotrpphic biomass) react to increases food supply
- feeding activity enhances but the biomass only increases moderately
- -> low biomass response
- increased bacteria activity
who is eating who? bacteria ciliates HNF copepods
bacteria food for HNF and ciliates HNF food for ciliates and copepodes ciliates are food for copepodes copepodes food for.... etc
predation pressure:
how does high abundance HNF influences their food?
no relationship
predation pressure:
how does ciliates effect the abundance of HNF?
moderate predation effect
- ciliates affect some top down control of HNF biomass
predation pressure:
how does copepodess affect the abundance of ciliates?
stronge predation effect
-copepodes affect some top down control of ciliat biomass
give examples for “top down” controlls
grazing, predation
give examples for “bottom up” controlls
nutrients, co2 light, food, essential nutrienst = resources for growth