Coagulation Science Flashcards
Vascular reaction
Primary heamostaisi
Secondary haemostats
Vascular Damage
Vessels constrict
Release of procoagulant factors
Release of anticoagulant factors
Provides a surface for platelet activation and aggregation
Primary Haemostatis
Platelet adhesion
Alteration in platelet shape
Activation, release of platelet granule contest - degranulation of attractants
Aggregation of platelets
Secondary Haemostatis
Most proteins involved in secondary haemostats are serine proteases
Serine proteases = enzymes that cleave peptide bonds in other proteins
Cascade mechanism - activation of 1 serine protease, will then activate the next
anti - coagulant factors - make up secondary haemostatsis, coagulation cascade to form a stable fibrin clot
Vitamin K
Is essential for production of serine proteases active in secondary haemostats
It is involved with the post - translational modifications of these proteases to enable their function
Serine. proteases linked to vitamin K action are - Factor II, Factor VII, Factor IX, Factor X, Protein C
Secondary haemostatis - coagulation cascade
Extrinsic pathway - tissue damage
Intrisinc pathways - surface contact
Common pathway
Physiologicsl inhibitors of coagulation cascade (anticoagulants)
Antithrombin - principle physiological inhibitor of activated coagulation serine proteases
Physiologicsl inhibitors of coagulation cascade (anticoagulants)
Antithrombin - principle physiological inhibitor of activated coagulation serine proteases
Degradation and dissolution of formed fibrin clots
requires fast and localised effect
Main components of fibrinolysis pathway
Plasminogen activators - intrisinc and extrinsic
Plasminogen and plasmin - strong affinity for fibrinogen and fibrin
Inhibitors of fibrinolysis
Platelet Disorders
Qualitative - normal number but abnormal function
Quantitative - abnormal number, thrombocytosis - too many, thrombocytopenia - not enough
Low platelets can be seen in following conditions - post surgery, post chemotherapy, server infection
Reactive to - blood loss, iron deficiency, post surgery
Primary Causes
Disorders of platelet adhesion or aggregation
Reduced numbers
Essential Thrombocythaemia
Myeloproliferative disorder
Must be closely monitored and treated
2-3 diagnosed per 100,00 annually
Secondary causes - far more common
Reactive - post - op infection
Drug induced - chemotherapy, heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Hepatic disease - Thrompoeitne
, synthesis of coagulation factors
Condition’s associated with bleeding disorders
Liver disease
Renal disease
Drug related
Immune complexes
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
DIC is a common complication of a wide range of disorders
A DIC can be triggered by a combination of three mechanism
Haemorrhagic Disorders
E.g. Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)