Coagulation + Platelets Flashcards
Which type of bleeding defect?
Hemarthrosis, hematuria, deep hematoma
Coagulation defect
Which type of bleeding defect?
Petechiae, ecchymoses (bruise), mucocutaneous bleeding
Platelet defect
Which type of bleeding disease?
Both coagulation and platelet defect
von Willebrand Disease
PFA-100 abnormal in (2)
Platelet disorders:
Qualitative platelet defect
Which lab test?
Warfarin prolongs ____
Prothrombin time (PT)
Which lab test?
Sensitive to Factor 8 and 9
Which lab test?
Prolonged in hemophilia
Which lab test?
Prolonged in vitamin K deficiency
Which lab test?
Prolonged in liver disease
Which lab test?
Prolonged in coagulation factor inhibitors
Which lab test?
Sensitive to Factor 7
Which lab test?
Used to detect defect in fibrinogen
Thrombin time (TT)
1:1 mix that corrects suggests ___
Factor deficiency
1:1 mix that does NOT correct suggests ___
Factor inhibitor
Which of the following is FALSE about Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura?
A. Children: acute, self limited
B. Adults: chronic
C. Associated w/ pathogenic E. coli harboring plasmid encoded Shiga toxin
D. Associated w/ other autoimmune disorders
C. This is a feature of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
ITP: Anti-platelet antibodies → Severe thrombocytopenia
Which of the following is NOT a treatment of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura? A. Corticosteroids B. Anti-D immunoglobulin C. Rituximab D. Desmopressin E. Thrombopoietin receptor agonist
D. Used to treat mild hemophilia A
B. Anti-D immunoglobulin: bind to RBC → macrophages bind to RBC and spare platelets
C. Rituximab: reduce production of antibodies
E. TPO receptor agonist:
• Increased bone marrow production to compensate loss
• Life long therapy b/c endogenous production decreases since getting it exogenously → use only for refractory patients
Name the disease:
vWF-cleaving protease deficiency (ADAMTS13)
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
What would you see on blood smear of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura?
Which of the following is FALSE about Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura? A. Elevated LDH B. Normal PT C. Prolonged aPTT D. Presence of ultra long multimers
C. aPTT normal
Schistocytes on blood smear
Which of the following about vWF is FALSE?
A. Facilitates platelet adhesion to injured endothelium
B. Binds, carries coagulation Factor 9 in plasma
C. Binds collagen and platelets
D. Forms large multimers through disulfide bonds
B. Factor 8
Name the disease:
Abnormal PFA-100 or bleeding time in absence of thrombocytopenia
Qualitative Platelet Disorders
Name the disease:
Normal PT
Prolonged aPTT
Corrects 1:1 mix
Name the disease:
Normal PT
Prolonged aPTT
NOT corrected 1:1 mix
Coagulation Factor Inhibitors
Name the disease: Normal PT Prolong aPTT Corrects 1:1 mix Prolonged PFA-100 Normal plt ct
Von Willebrand Disease