Coaching, mentoring and the work environment Flashcards
What is coaching?
An approach whereby a trainee is put under the guidance of an experienced employee who shows the trainee how to perform tasks.
What is mentoring?
A long-term relationship in which more experienced person acts as a teacher, counsellor, role model, supporter and encourager, to foster individual’s personal and career development
What are the 5 steps needed for coaching to succeed?
1.) Establish learning targets
2.) Plan a systematic learning and development programme
3.) Identify opportunities for broadening the trainee’s knowledge and experience
4.) Take into account the strengths and limitations of the trainee in learning
5.) Exchange feedback
What is the nature of the role of a MENTOR?
M -Manage the relationship
E - Encourage mentee
N - Nurture mentee
T - Teach of coach the mentee
O - Offer mutual respect
R - Respond to mentee’s needs
Zeus and Skiffington -coaches and mentors placed to implement organisational changes aimed at improving performance because of their:
1.) Communication skills
2.) Orientation
3.) Empathy
4.) Credibility
What is organisational culture ?
The underlying beliefs, values and practice that make an organisation what it is.
Organisational culture split into formal/behavioural factors using an iceberg (French and Bell):
1.) Formal aspects(above surface):
- structure
2.) Behavioural aspects
- Attitudes
- Behavioural patterns
-Group dynamics
- Political behaviour
According to Schein what are the observable,éxpressed or explicit elements of culture:
-1.) Behaviour - customs and rules, acceptable/unacceptable
2.) Artefacts - art, literature, interior design
3.) Rituals -patterns of collective behaviour that have traditional or symbolic value.
4.) Values and beliefs
5.) Assumptions
Johnson’s cultural web framework:
1.) Paradigm - guiding set of beliefs, values and assumptions shapes organisation purpose
2.) Stories - tales of successes or failures.
3.) Rituals - symbolic behaviours and routines
4.) Control systems - ways in which control is exercised- standards,monitoring and supervision.
5.) Organisational structures - formal authority/communication channels, departments, teams and so on.
6.) Power structures - how power is distributed and who’s most powerful
7.) Symbols - formal logos and corporate identity
What are the 4 influences on organisational culture?
1.) Organisation’s founder
2.) Organisation’s history
3.) Leadership and management style
4.) Organisation’s environment
What are Handy’s 4 types of organisations?
1.) Zeus - power culture - key central figure,power is direct and formal, suits small organisations where people get on well.
2.) Apollo - role culture- classical, rational, bureaucracy, stable, slow-changing, formalised and impersonal, authority based on position and function.
3.) Athena - task culture - management is directed at outputs, problems solved, projects completed, team based, horizontally structured, flexible and valuing expertise to get the job done.
4.) Dionysus - person culture - purpose is to serve interests of individuals who make it up, management directed at facilitating and administrating.
Culture & Strategy - Myles and Snow. Name 4 cultural styles and strategies they like to support?
1.) Defenders - like low risks, secure markets, tried and trusted solutions.Decision taking is formal.
2.) Prospectors - where dominant beliefs are more to do with results. Seek to expand and increase market presence.
3.) Analysers - balance risk and profits. Use of core stable products and markets as source of earnings.Like defenders but move into areas that prospectors have already opened up. Follow change but do no initiate it.
4.) Reactors - do not have viable strategies other than living hand to mouth, simply respond to external demands and changes.
Culture & Strategy - Denison and Mishra. Name their 4 possible cultures?
1.) Consistency culture - stable environment, structure is well integrated, management preoccupied with efficiency. Predictability and reliability are valued. (much like Apollion cultures).
2.) Mission cultures - environment is relatively stable, organisation oriented towards it. Mission culture whereby members’ work activities are given meaning and value.
3.) Involvement culture - satisfaction of employee needs is necessary for them to provide optimum performance. Involvement and participation to create greater sense of commitment.
4.) Adaptability culture - Company’s strategic focus is on external environment, which is state of change. Encourage inquisitiveness and interest in external environment.
Culture & Strategy - Strong culture theory- Deal and Kennedy.
Suggest that culture is determined by level of risk associated with organisation’s activities and speed of feedback on the outcome of organisation’s activities. Suggest that some companies blend all 4 cultural types so they can respond well to environmental change.
1.) Bet your company
2.) Process
3.) Touch-guy macho
4.) Work-hard-play-hard
Supranational culture :
Refers to culture that extends its influence across national boundaries.
What is Adam’s equity theory?
Concerned with feelings of workers and their perception of how fairly they have been treated when compared to the treatment received by others. The pay one individual receives compared to another’s.
3 types of psychological contracts between employee and employer (Rosseau and Greller):
1.) Coercive - employees feel unfairly treated and do not receive awards. Motivation is low.
2.) Calculative - employee voluntary working in exchange for a reward. Motivation increase as rewards increase.
3.) Co-operative - employees contribute greater levels than is expected. Do it to help organisation achieve its objectives. Motivation is linked to achievement of task.
4 types of Discrimination:
1.) Direct discrimination - when one group is treated less favourably than another. Aware that they are discriminating.
2.) Indirect - policy or practice is fair in form, but discriminatory in operation.
3.) Victimisation - when a person is penalised for giving information or taking action in pursuit of claim of discrimination.
4.) Harassment - use of threatening, intimidatory, offensive or abusive language or behaviour.
Employers need to maintain health and safety because of:
- to meet legal obligations
- to minimise risk of accidents
- to minimise risk of litigation
What are the 5 features of a health & safety policy :
1.) statement of principles
2.) details of safety procedures
3.) detailed instructions on how to use equipment
4.) training requirements
5.) compliance with law