CNS TERMS Flashcards
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Sensory input from the viscera and blood vessels, and motor output to involuntary effectors (cardiac muscle,smooth muscle,glands)
Single long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses way from the cell body.
thin, superficial layer of gray matter that covers the cerebrum and cerebellum.
Highly branched processes of a neuron that carry impulses to the cell body (main receiving or input region)
Enteric plexus
Network of neurons in the wall of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Fasciculus (fascili:pl)
Axon bundles of nerve.
Ganglion (ganglia:pl)
Cluster of cell bodies and the synaptic region for neurons located in the PNS.
Gray matter
Contains cell bodies, dendrites, axon terminals of neurons, unmyelinated axons, and nueroglia.
Interneurons (associated neurons)
Multipolar neurons located within the CNS that integrate incoming sensory information to elicit a motor response
Motor (efferent) neurons
Multipolar neurons, convey impulses from the CNS out through the PNS to effectors (“involuntary” muscle or glands)
Bundle of axons in the PNS
Cluster of cell bodies and the synaptic region for neurons located in the CNS
Cells that support, nourish, and protect neurons.
Nervous tissues cells that fe specialized for nerves impulse conduction.
Parasympathetic Division:
Division of the ANS that performs our housekeeping activities and conserves energy (“rest and digest”)
Our awareness of sensory input (stimuli)
Sensory (afferent) neurons
Unipolar (pseudo-unipolar ) neurons , convey stimuli impulses to the CNS for integration.
Sensory receptor
Monitor and transduce changes in our internal and external environment.
Spinal cord
Frau matter forms an H-shaped inner core surrounded by white matter.
Cell body of neurons that contain he typical organelles plus chromatiphilic (NISSL) bodies
Somatic nervous system (SNS)
Sensory input from the head, body walls, limbs, and special sense organs and motor output to “voluntary” skeletal muscles.
Sympathetic division
Division of the ANS that is activated under stressful situations (“fight or flight”)
Bundle of axons in the CNS
White matter
Aggregates of myelinated axons