CNS Stimulants and Related Chapter 13 Flashcards
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) uses
Therapeutic- CNS stimulant
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) dose
Dosage- PO(Adult) 20mg/day for ADHD, 10-60mg/day in divided doses q 8-12 hr for Narcolepsy.
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) side effects
Side effects- Hyperactivity, insomnia, restlessness, tremor, SUDDEN DEATH, palpitations, tachycardia, anorexia
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) nursing implications
NI: Assessment- Monitor BP, HR, and respirations before and periodically during treatment. Obtain history, physical exam, to assess for cardiac disease, and further evaluation (ECG, echocardiogram) if indicated. If exertional chest pain, unexplained syncope, or other cardiac symptoms occur, evaluate promptly. Monitor closesly for behavior changes, Has high dependence and abuse potential. Tolerance to medication occurs rapidly; don’t increase dosage.
Lab Test Considerations- May interfere with urinary steroid determinations. May cause increase plasma corticosteroid concentrations; greatest in the evening.
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) interactions
Interaction- DD- Use with MAO inhibitors or meperidine can result in hypertensive crisis. Increase adrenergic effects with other adrenergics or thyroid preparations. Drugs that alkalinize urine (sodium bicarbinate, acetazolamide)) decrease excretion, increase effects. Drugs that acidify urine (ammonium chloride, large doses of ascorbic acid) increase excretion, decrease effects. Increased risk of hypertension and bradycardia with beta blockers. Increased risk of arrhythmias with digoxin. Tricyclic antidepressants may increase effect of amphetamine but may increase risk of arrhythmias, hypertension, or hyperpyrexia. Proton pump inhibitors may increase effects.
Drug-Natural products- Use with St. John’s wort may increase serious side effects (avoid concurrent use).
Drug-Food: Foods with alkalinize the urine (fruit juices) can increase effect of amphetamine.
amphetamines (Amphetamine Salt, Adderall) contraindications
Contraindications- Hyperexcitable states including hyperthyroidism; Psychotic personalities, Suicidal or homicidal tendencies; chemical dependence; Glaucoma; structural cardiac abnormalities (may increase the risk of sudden death); potentially embryotoxic.
caffeine use
Therapeutic- CNS stimulant, analeptic drug
Pharmacologic- respiratory stimulant
Pregnancy category C
caffeine dose
Dosage- PO 300-400mg; IV 500mg
caffeine side effects
Side effects- stimulation of Vagal effects (gastric secretions, diarrhea, and reflex tachycardia). Stimulation of Vasomotor effects include flushing (warmth, redness) and sweating of the skin. Respiratory rate can be elevated. Muscular tension and tremors, reduced deep tendon reflexes.
caffeine nursing implications
NI: Assessment- Assess respiratory status frequently throughout therapy. Monitor patient for signs of necrotizing enterocolitis (abdominal distention, vomiting, bloody stools, lethargy). May be fatal. Monitor serum glucose levels, may cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
Lab Test Consideration- Therapeutic range: 8-20mcg/mL.
caffeine interactions
Interaction-Cimetidine, fluconazole, and ketonconazole decrease metabolism. Phenobarbital and phenytoin may increase caffeine metabolism (increased doses of caffeine may be necessary). Because caffeine is a significant metabolite of theophylline, concurrent administration is not recommended.
caffeine contraindications
Contraindications- Hypersensitivity. Use cautiously in history of seizure disorders, history of CV disease.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) use
Therapeutic: CNS stimulant
Schedule II
Pregnancy Category C
methylphenidate (Ritalin) dose
Dosage- PO (Adult) ADHD- 5-20mg 2-3 times daily as prompt-release tablets. When maintenance dose is determined, may change to extended-release formulation. Narcolepsy- 10mg 2-3 times/day; maximum dose 60/mg day.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) side effects
Side effects- CNS hyperactivity, insomnia, restlessness, tremor, SUDDEN DEATH, hypertension, palpitations, tachycardia, anorexia.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) nursing implications
NI: Assessment- Monitor BP, pulse, and respirations before and during therapy. Obtain a history (including family history of sudden death or ventricular arrhythmia), physical exam to assess for cardiac disease, and further eval. (ECG and electrocardiogram), if indicated. Monitor closely for behavior changes, May produce false sense of euphoria and well being. Provide frequent rest periods and observe patient for rebound depression.
Lab Test Considerations- Monitor CBC (Complete blood count), differential, and platelet count periodically in patients receiving prolonged therapy.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) interactions
Interaction- DD- Increase sympathomimetic effects with other adrenergics, including vasoconstrictors, decongestants, and halogenated anesthetics. Use with MAO inhibitors or vasopressors may result in hypertensive crisis (concurrent use or use within 14 days of MAO inhibitors is contraindicated). Metabolism of warfarin, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, phenylbutazone, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants may be decreased and effects increased. Avoid concurrent use with pimozide (may mask cause of tics). May decrease the effectiveness of antihypertensives.
Drug-Natural products- Use with caffeine-containing herbs (guarana, tea, coffee) increase stimulant effect. St. John’s wort may increase serious side effects (concurrent use is NOT recommended).
Drug-Food- Excessive use of caffeine-containing foods or beverages (coffee, cola, tea) may cause increased CNS stimulation.
methylphenidate (Ritalin) contraindications
Contraindications- Hypersensitivity; hyperexcitable states; hyperthyroidism; Patients with psychotic personalities or suicidal or homicidal tendencies; Personal or family histroy of Tourette’s syndrome; Glaucoma; Motor tics; Concurrent use or use within 14 days of MAO inhibitors; Fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or sucrose-isomaltase insufficiency; Surgery.
phentermine (Ionamin) uses
Therapeutic- weight control agents
Pharmacologic- appetite suppressants
phentermine (Ionamine) dose
Dosage- PO (Adult)- tablet or capsule 15-37.5mg once daily; disintegrating tablets 15-30mg/day.
phentermine (Ionamine) side effect
Side effect- CNS stimulation, VALVULAR ABNORMALITIES, hypertension, palpitations, PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
phentermine (lonamine) interaction
Interaction- Short-term treatment of obesity in conjunction with other interventions (dietary restriction, exercise); used to produce and maintain weight loss in patients with a BMI >30kg/m2 or >27kg/m2 in the presence of other risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia.
Phentermine (lonamine) nursing implications
NI- Assessment- NONE, the drug is not used any more. It is replaced with orlistat (Xenical a lipase inhibitor.
Phentermine (lonamine) contraindications
Contraindications- Hypersensitivity or known intolerance to sympathomimetic amines; Cardiovascular disease; Hyperthyroidism; Moderate to sever hypertension; History of drug abuse; Agitation; Glaucoma; Concurrent or recent (within 14 days MAO inhibitor therapy); Concurrent SSRI antidepressants.