CNS Infections- T. gondii Flashcards
Toxoplasma gondii/Toxoplasmosis is
a tissue protozoan (eucaryote) and an obligate intracellular parasite
Can infect what type of cells?
any nucleated host cell
spreads to all organs and tissues
Latent pseudocyst found primarily in __________ T. gondii cannot form a true cyst as per T. solium (a helminth) cysticerci. The pseudocyst is formed by _________. Clinical symptoms occur during reactivation due to specific immunosuppression.
the brain and muscle
the host immune system in response to the trophozoite
definitive host- cat
intermediate- humans
- Ingestion of tissue pseudocysts in undercooked or uncooked meat (esp. pork or lamb)
- Inhalation or ingestion of mature oocyst (passed in feces of cat)
Causes what?
Multifocal mass lesions
Sites where lesions are most commonly found?
CNS most common, eye, lung, muscle
If the host CMI response weakens/decreases T-cells, may cause reactivation of latent infection, pseudocysts breakdown releasing trophozoites and damage host. Common T cell suppressive disorders pts have are:
AIDS, transplant pt., Hodgkin’s disease
Reactivation diseases
Diffuse encephalitis, Multifocal mass lesion or generalized seizures, Disease in eye and/or lung
- altered mental status,
2. weakness,
3. cranial nerve abnormalities,
4. neuropsychiatric disorders,
5. focal or generalized seizures
If pt has this their CD4+ count will be
CD4+ count
CT scan will show
ring enhancing lesions
MRI will show
- Contrast enhancing lesions after administration of gadolinium
Toxoplasma encephalitis:
- multiple bilateral cerebral lesions in the juxtacortical and basal ganglia areas.
- ganglia and are hypodense with ring-enhancement
CT (SPECT) scan will be
Negative thallium-201 single-photon emission CT (SPECT) scan
IgM? Present or no?
toxoplasmosis IgG seropositive
- 2→4 months of a combination of sulfonamides (sulfadiazine) or clindamycin plus pyrimethamine.
- only treats trophozoites, (i.e., active disease) not latent infection of pseudocysts, so it not a cure, hence in immunosuppressed patient, prophylaxis after disease is lifelong
Pregnant women, Advanced HIV patients, SOT patients on immunosuppressive therapy, etc. should be instructed to avoid cats, cat feces and Cook pork well, not pink