CNS infections Flashcards
Most likely diagnosis- Stiff neck, photophobia, meningismus
Most likely diagnosis- Confusion
Most likely diagnosis- Focal neurological findings
Meningitis infection bacteria
Streptococcus pneumonia (60%), group B strep (14%), Haemophilus influenzae (7%), Neisseria meningitidis (15%), and Listeria (2%). Staph occurs in those with recent neurosurgery
Meningitis presentation
- fever, headache, neck stiffness, photophobia
-presents over several hours
focal neurological abnormalitis occur in up to 30% of patients
-If confusion present must order CT and LP
-Cryptococcal meningitis may be present for several weeks
Most likely diagnosis- AIDS with <100 CD4 cell/ul
Most likely diagnosis- Camper/hiker, rash shaped like a target, joint pain, facial palsy, tick remembered in 20%
Lyme disease
Most likely diagnosis- Camper/hiker, rash moves from arms/legs to trunk, tick remembered in 60%
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia)
Most likely diagnosis- Pulmonary TB in 85%
Most common diagnosis- no symptoms
Most common diagnosis- Adolescent, petechial rash
CSF eval- cell count very high with neutrophils, protein level high, glucose low, stain 50-70%, culture 90%
Bacterial meningitis
CSF eval- cell count 10s-100s with lymphocytes, protein level possibly elevated, glucose level possibly decreased, stain and culture negative
Cryptococcus, lyme, rickettsia
CSF eval- cell count 10s-100s with lymphocytes, protein level markedly elevated, glucose level may be low, stain and culture negative
cell count 10s-100s with lymphocytes, protein level usually normal, glucose level usually normal, stain and culture negative