CNS Flashcards
What makes up the telencephalon?
cerebrum, hippocampus, basal ganglia, amygdala; associated with forebrain
What makes up the diencephalon?
thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus; associated with forebrain
What makes up the tectum?
superior and inferior colliculi; associated with midbrain
What makes up the tegmentum?
cerebral aqueduct, periaqueductal gray, reticular formation, substantia nigra, red nucleus; associated with midbrain
What makes up the metencephalon?
cerebellum, pons; associated with hindbrain
What makes up the myelencephalon?
medulla oblangata; associated with hindbrain
Gray matter
unmyelinated neurons and contains capillaries, glial cells, cell bodies, and dendrites
White matter
myelinated axons and contains nerve fibers without dendrites
White matter is divided into what 3 funiculi?
anterior, lateral, and dorsal columns
What structure helps to relay information from one side of the brain to the other?
corpus callosum
What does the medial longitudinal fissure separate?
the two cerebral hemispheres
What does the sylvian fissure separate?
anterior portion separates the anterior and temporal lobes and posterior separates temporal and parietal
responsible for process of forming and storing new memories of one’s personal history, also important in learning language
Basal ganglia
responsible for voluntary movement, regulation of autonomic movement, posture, muscle tone, and control of motor responses
emotional and social processing, fear and pleasure responses, arousal, processing of memory, and formation of emotional memories