CNAF Flashcards
CNAF Deviations
In the tactical environment, military exigency may require on-site deviations from instructions/procedures
contained here. The existing risk of deviation must continually be weighed against the benefit of deviating
from this manual. Deviation from specified flight and operating instructions is authorized in emergency
situations when, in the judgment of the pilot in command, safety justifies such a deviation.
Pilot in Command responsibility for continuing the mission
In the absence of direct orders from higher authority cognizant of the mission, responsibility for starting or continuing a mission with respect to weather or any other condition affecting the safety of the aircraft rests with the pilot in command.
The authority and responsibility of the pilot in command shall not be transferred during flight. It shall not be transferred to another individual except as required by emergency, operational necessity, or as directed by the commanding officer of the unit to which the aircraft is attached.
Flag or general officer embarked
The pilot in command of an aircraft with a flag or general officer eligible for command at sea or in the field embarked
as a passenger shall be subject to the orders of such flag or general officer in accordance with U.S. Navy Regulations.
When such an embarked passenger exercises authority to command the aircraft, that passenger thereby assumes full
responsibility for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight. The embarked passenger shall give due consideration to
the judgment of the pilot in command regarding items of flight safety such as hazardous weather and aircraft/crew
limitations. Flying rule violations, accident reports, and any other actions arising out of the flight will be referred to
the embarked passenger as the responsible commander of the aircraft.
OTC embarked
Wing, group, or squadron commander, if embarked on a mission involving aircraft of their command, retains full
authority and responsibility regarding command, including the mission in which participating.
Scope of CNAF
This manual prescribes general flight and operating instructions and procedures applicable to the operation
of all naval aircraft and related activities. This manual is not intended to cover every contingency that may
arise and every rule of safety and good practice. To achieve maximum value, the contents of all directives
cited must be studied and understood.
Seatbelts and shoulder harnesses
Each persons safety belt and shoulder harness shall be worn and tightened prior to takeoff and shall be worn until
completion of the flight except when necessary activities require temporary removal. Inertia reels, where provided,
shall be manually locked for all takeoffs and landings and at all other times when high g forces may be encountered
except where the procedure is detrimental to safe operation. The number of persons over 2 years of age embarked in
a naval aircraft for flight shall be restricted to the number for which there are adequate seats and safety belts. During
takeoffs, landings, and at other times as specified by the pilot in command, each person over 2 years of age on board
transport aircraft shall occupy a seat or berth and be secured with the safety belt provided for that purpose. Cabin
seating requirement for C-2/COD aircraft, helicopters and tiltrotors may be eliminated when operational environment
or aircraft configuration/load requirements dictate for the accomplishment of essential training and operations with
the following guidelines:
1. Applies to SPECOPS training and missions.
2. Applies to dedicated lifesaving efforts, including humanitarian and SAR operations.
3. Not to be used for routine operational training or personnel transfers. Applies only when tactical or
procedural requirements exist for a specific mission or exercise.
4. When seats are removed, passengers will be restrained by an appropriate alternate means.
5. If mission profile requires removal of seats/seatbelts/restraints for one part of the mission, then passengers
will, if possible, use seats/seatbelts/restraints for all other phases of the mission.
Gunners belts in CNAF
Walkaround belts do not provide impact protection; therefore, use of
those belts shall be restricted to only those occurrences when mission accomplishment requires persons to be out of their seat. Such belts shall not be worn when strapped into a seat.
Position lights
Standard position lights shall be displayed during the period 30 minutes before official sunset until 30 minutes after
official sunrise or at any time when the prevailing visibility as seen from the cockpit is less than 3 statute miles.
During the aforementioned conditions, position lights shall be displayed:
1. Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine(s) is running.
2. When the aircraft is being towed unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated.
3. When an aircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated or marked with obstruction lights.
Annoyance to civilians and endangering private property
Flights of naval aircraft shall be conducted so that a minimum of annoyance is experienced by persons on the ground.
It is not enough for the pilot to be satisfied that no person is actually endangered. Definite and particular effort shall
be taken to fly in such a manner that individuals do not believe they or their property are endangered. The following
specific restrictions apply in view of the particularly unfavorable effect of the fear, extreme annoyance, and damage
that can be inflicted.
Embarkation of passengers
No person shall be enplaned as a passenger nor shall any cargo be embarked on a naval aircraft unless authorization has been granted by competent authority in accordance with applicable directives.
Reporting Custodians for helicopter units may authorize personnel to be embarked as passengers onboard their aircraft. This authority may be delegated to a designated detachment officer in charge when deployed or embarked. No person shall be carried in a taxiing aircraft as a passenger unless such person is authorized to fly in it or has been authorized by competent authority to be embarked therein.