CNA Test 3 Flashcards
Low red blood cells or low iron in the blood
Blood vessels that carry blood with oxygen and nutrients away from the heart to the cells
The two upper chambers of the heart. Right atria - where blood enters the heart from the veins, left atria - where blood enters the heart from the lungs
Body fluid that is 90% water + blood cells + Carbon dioxide+ oxygen+ nutrients t hormones+ enzymes+ waste products
Cardio vascular system
The circulatory system - heartt , arteries, veins, - carries blood
Congestion heart failure (chf)
One or both sides of the heart does not pump effectively
Coronary artery disease (cad)
Blood vessels which feed the heart muscle narrow which reduces blood flow to the heart muscle
Middle layer of the skin where hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil stands are
The resting phase of the heart when the chambers fills with blood: bottom number of a BP
Top layer of the shin composed of dry skin cells
Top layer of the shin composed of dry skin cells
Hypodermic (subcutaneous)
Layer below the dermis
Special muscle located in the chest which pumps blood throughout the body
Elevated pressure against artery walls during systole (>140) or diastole (90)
Myocardial infarction
A heart attack; a condition where the heart muscle is deprived oxygen r/t clots or plaque within the arteries feeding the heart muscle causing damage or death to the muscle
Pressure injury
Damage to shin due to pressure over long periods of time, aka pressure sore, decubitus ulcer
The working phase of the heart (the top number on a bp)
Varicose veins
Enlarged t twisted veins usually in legs
Blood vessels that carry oxygen depleted blood and waste back to the heart
Two lower chambers of the heart:right ventricle carries blood to the lung. Left ventricle pumps blood to the body
Angia pectoris
Chest pain caused by temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle: may occur with exercise and be relieved with rest
Angia pectoris
Chest pain caused by temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle: may occur with exercise and be relieved with rest
Disease of the respiratory system with harrowing of the airway causing wheezing and difficulty breathing ( dysphea)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( copd)
Emphysema + astmat, chronic bronchitis causing permanent lung damage
Changes in skin color to pale, bluish color of lips and extremeties
Difficulty breathing
Enlarged, damage alveoli (airsacs) within the lungs reducing the movement of oxygen, may develop holes in lungs
The breath out and expel carbon dioxide and moisture out of the nose and mouth
To exhale, breathe out carbon dioxide and moisture from the lungs
Contagious, viral respiratory infection
To breathe in; to such air and oxygen into the nose, mouth, lungs
To inhale oxygen en into the nose, mouth, lungs
Segments of the lungs i 3 lobes on the right,2 lobes on the left
Lower respiratory tract
(Trachea, bronchi,) lungs
Spongy, electric, cone-shaped, structures where gases oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchange
Spongy, electric, cone-shaped, structures where gases oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchange
Acute (sudden onset) inflammation of the lungs
Respiratory system
Specialized organs and tissue where air (oxygen) is taken in (inspiration) and carbon dioxide and water are pushed out (expriation)
Closed cavity in the upper body (chest) starting at the base of the neck and extending to diagram.
Upper respiratory tract
Nose, sinuses ‘ mouth, pharynx larynx top of trachea
Respiratory rate
Number of breaths (inspirationexpiration) per minute: 12 to 20 is the normal range
Pulse rate
Number of pulse beats at an artery indicating the number of heart beats per minute (60 to 100 is normal)
T tachycardia
Rapid heart rate (greater rate than n 100 beats per minute
Slow breathing respiratory rate less than 12 breaths per minute
Slow breathing respiratory rate less than 12 breaths per minute
Slow heart rate (pulse) less than 60 beats per minute
Blood clot formed in a blood vessel usually at a site of injury
A thrombus (blood clot) that formed in a vessel but then breaks loose and floats in the blood stream
Acronym for turn-cough-deep breathe, intervention to improve airflow in the lungs
Needing to sit upright and breathe
Endocrine system
Group of glands which recreate hormones that regulates body functions: pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes, ovaries
Diabetes mellitus
Dysfunction of the pancreas gland where insulin in not secreted properly causing high level of glucose (sugar) in the blood
Over production of the thyroid hormones: high pulserate, hot, nerves energy
Under production of the thyroid hormones, cold intolerance, low BP’ low energy
Immune system
Group of lymph modes and specialized white blood cells that protect an organism from infection
Protein produced by white blood cells which fight certain types of infections. Each antibodies fits one specific antigen
Immune compromise
The body’s ability to fight infection is decreased causing an increased risk of infection
Aids ( acquired immure deficiency sundrome)
Serious loss of the body’s ability too fight infections caused by HIV virus
An autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own cells and tissues
Autoimmune disease
The body’s immune system malfunctions and begins attacking its own tissues as though they were infections
Graves’ disease
Most common type of hyperthyroid disease associated with bulging eyes and swelling in the neck