CNA EXAM Flashcards
If a patient starts choking
call for help and do the heimlich manuver
Rescue/Remove, Alarm, Confine and contain, Extinguish
If you see a spill
Clean it up yourself if able to
Once bed linen is seen in a room, but not used you should
put into the dirty linen container, once it is in the room it is no longer clean, same goes for unused sterile tools
The nursing care plan states, “Transfer with mechanical lift.” However, the client is very agitated. To transfer the client, the nurse aide SHOULD
get assistance, follow the care plan
to take the oral temp
place the thermometer under the tonged,
Which of the following is the most comfortable position for a client with a respiratory problem?
When taking a client’s radial pulse, the nurse aide’s fingertips should be placed on the client’s
Someone on bedrest should be turned every
2 hours to prevent pressure ulcers
The most common place that you can check pulse is
radial artery
Flotation mattress
helps prevent pressure on bony surfaces
A Foley catheter in a male should be taped
on the upper thigh
Fecal impaction symptoms may have
small watery leakage of stool
When should sputum collecting take place
Sputum collecting is the most concentrated in the mornings, so first thing in the morning
who hasnt had a bowel movement in 4 days
enema helps expell fecal matter before it becommes impacted
Who can order a hot or cold application
Doctors order treatments, period.
Before entering a clients room and helping them you should
wash hands, gather all the stuff, and identify and inttroduce yourself. Ideally you won’t need to leave the room for anything
Symptoms of shock include
Low blood pressure, tachycardia, confusion
Inserting liquid or gas into the rectum to empty bowels, apply medication, or for examination . Patient lies on the left Sims position, lateral recumbent
Red areas mean
lack of circulation and there is a pressure in the area, can cause skin to break down
psoriasis (sor I a sus)
autoimmune skin disease, skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission
Iv going into arm has a puffy hand
the infusion has infilatrated and is going into tissue let the nurse know
When caring for a resident with an indwelling Foley catheter, you should
check the bag and tubing to make sure that urine is allowed to flow
To take a rectal temperature, the nurse aide should insert the thermometer and
hold for about 2 minutes, wipe and read it
There is blood in the IV
Let the nurse know asap and do not touch it
A patient who was given insulin in the morning is pale and sweaty and appears confused two hours later. It would be helpful to find out whether the patient
Diabetic clients have a strict schedule regarding insulin injections and eating. Eating causes blood sugar to rise, and the insulin helps move it into the cells. Without food, the blood sugar drops quickly, causing a serious situation. Immediate treatment is necessary.
Before giving food to a patient
check their arm tag and ID, even if you know them
A resident with an ileostomy evacuates feces through the
the ileum, lowest part of the small intestine,
You are caring for Mr. Brown, who has a diagnosis of COPD. His SpO2 is 82%. He is currently receiving O2 via Nasal Cannula @ 2 liters/min. What do you do?
The normal SpO2 range for a client with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is 88–92%, This is because oxygen reaches the lungs but lung damage prevents oxygen from getting into the blood
In the Nursing Care Plan, you note that it is written, “O2 per N/C @3L, Orthopnea pos. as needed”. As a CNA, you know that this means which of the following?
patient is on oxygen with a nasal cannula on 3 liters, assist to fowlers position if needed
Mrs. Shumway’s nursing care plan lists CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) as her primary dx. (diagnosis). You would expect her ADL routine to include which of the following?
Congestive heart failure is a chronic disease that occurs when the heart becomes weak and is no longer able to pump efficiently. It is important to monitor the client’s weight. A sudden weight gain means that the client is retaining fluid. This puts a strain on the heart and lungs. The nurse aide should weigh the client every morning at the same time and record the weight. Notify the nurse of any sudden change
Artificial opening
To reduce swelling on a limb
place it above heart level.
When restraining a patient
do not restraint to the side rails, but to the bed frame
For a hot sitz bath the temp should be
95-110 F
To collect urine from a diabetic patient to test for sugar and proteins
you collect it 4 times a day 30 mins before meals
When changing a dressing you should
note the odor, amount, color and drainage , only done if they do not need sterilization or apply medication
What is true about ostommy care
Once taught via nurse, a patient can change their bag themselves
When putting elastic stocking on someone with deep vein thrombosis
put the stockings before they get out of bed and or move, it will be hard to apply if they get swollen . they help prevent blood clots by putting pressure on the veins that promotes venous blood flow to the heart
When applying the elastic bandage
leave fingers and toes and check in every hour for a color check