CN - Chapter 5 - Synaptic Transmission Flashcards
synaptic transmission
The process of transferring information from one cell to another at a synapse.
electrical synapse
A synapse in which electrical current flows directly from one cell to another via a gap junction.
chemical synapse
A synapse in which presynaptic activity stimulates the release of neurotransmitter(s), which activates receptors in the postsynaptic membrane.
gap junction
A specialized junction where a narrow gap between two cells is spanned by protein channels (connexons) that allow ions to pass directly from one cell to another.
postsynaptic potential (PSP)
A change in the postsynaptic membrane potential by the presynaptic action of an electrical synapse, or a synaptically released neurotransmitter.
secretory granule
A spherical membrane-enclosed vesicle about 100 nm in diameter containing peptides intended for secretion by exocytosis; also called dense-core vesicle.
dense-core vesicle
A spherical membrane-enclosed vesicle about 100 nm in diameter containing peptides intended for secretion by exocytosis; also called secretory granule.
membrane differentiation
A dense accumulation of protein adjacent to and within the membrane on either side of a synaptic cleft.
active zone
A presynaptic membrane differentiation that is the site of the neurotransmitter release.
postsynaptic density
A postsynaptic membrane differentiation that is the site of neurotransmitter receptors.
neuromuscular junction
A chemical synapse between a spinal motor neuron axon and a skeletal muscle fiber.
motor end-plate
The postsynaptic membrane at the neuromuscular junction.
glutamate (Glu)
An amino acid; the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS.
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
An amino acid synthesized from glutamate; the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS.
glycine (Gly)
An amino acid; an inhibitory neurotransmitter at some locations in the CNS.
acetylcholine (ACh)
An amine that serves as a neurotransmitter at many synapses in the peripheral and central nervous systems, including the neuromuscular junction.
A membrane protein that transports neurotransmitters, or their precursors, across membranes to concentrate them in either presynaptic cytosol or synaptic vesicles.
voltage-gated calcium channel
A membrane protein forming a pore that is permeable to Ca2+ ions and gated by depolarization of the membrane.
The process whereby material is released from an intracellular vesicle into the extracellular space by fusion of the vesicle membrane with the cell membrane. See also <i>endocytosis</i>.
The process by which a bit of the cell membrane is pinched off, internalized, and converted to an intracellular vesicle. See also <i>exocytosis</i>.
transmitter-gated ion channel
A membrane protein forming a pore that is permeable to ions and gated by neurotransmitters.
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
Depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane potential by the action of a synaptically released neurotransmitter.
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
A change in the postsynaptic membrane potential by the action of a synaptically released neurotransmitter, making the postsynaptic neuron less likely to fire action potentials.
G-protein-coupled receptor
A membrane protein that activates G-proteins when it binds neurotransmitters.
A membrane-enclosed protein that binds guanosine triphosphate (GTP) when activated by a membrane receptor. Active G-proteins can stimulate or inhibit other membrane-enclosed proteins.
second messenger
A short-lived chemical signal in the cytosol that can trigger a biochemical response. Second messenger formation is usually stimulated by a first messenger (a neurotransmitter or hormone) acting at a G-protein-coupled cell surface receptor.
Examples of second messengers are cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3).
metabotropic receptor
A G-protein-coupled receptor whose primary action is to stimulate an intracellular biochemical response.
A receptor in the membrane of a presynaptic axon terminal that is sensitive to the neurotransmitter released by that terminal.
Typically, autoreceptors are G-protein-coupled receptors that stimulate second messenger formation. The consequences vary, but a common effect is inhibition of neurotransmitter release, and, in some cases, neurotransmitter synthesis.
The study of the effects of drugs on nervous system tissue.
A drug that blocks the normal action of a protein or a biochemical process.
receptor antagonist
A drug that binds to a receptor and <em>inhibits</em> its function. (Think <i>antagonist</i> = against/blocking the actor).
receptor agonist
A drug that binds to a receptor and activates it. (Think <i>agonist</i> = actor).
nicotinic ACh receptor
A class of acetylcholine-gated ion channels found in various locations, notably at the neuromuscular junction.
synaptic integration
The process by which multiple EPSPs and/or IPSPs combine within one postsynaptic neuron, in some cases triggering one or more action potentials.
miniature postsynaptic potential (a “mini”)
A change in postsynaptic membrane potential caused by the action of neurotransmitter released from a single synaptic vesicle.
quantal analysis
A method of determining how many vesicles release neurotransmitter during normal synaptic transmission.
EPSP summation
A simple form of synaptic integration whereby excitatory postsynaptic potentials combine to produce a larger postsynaptic depolarization.
spatial summation
The combining of excitatory postsynaptic potentials generated at more than one synapse on the same cell. See also, <i>temporal summation</i>.
temporal summation
The combining of excitatory postsynaptic potentials generated in rapid succession at the same synapse. See also, <i>spatial summation</i>.
length constant
A parameter used to describe how far changes in membrane potential can passively spread down a cable such as an axon or dendrite, represented by the symbol λ. The length constant λ is the distance at which the depolarization falls to 37% of its original value; it depends on the ratio of membrane resistance (rm) to internal resistance (ri).
internal resistance
The resistance to electrical current flows [flowing?] longitudinally down a cable or neurite, represented by the symbol ri.
membrane resistance
The resistance to electrical current flow across a membrane; represented by the symbol rm.
shunting inhibition
A form of synaptic inhibition in which the main effect is to reduce membrane resistance, thereby shunting depolarizing current generated at excitatory synapses.
A term used to describe the actions of neurotransmitters that do not directly evoke postsynaptic potentials but modify the cellular response to excitatory postsynaptic potentials and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials generated by other synapses.
norepinephrine (NE)
A catecholamine neurotransmitter synthesized from dopamine; also called noradrenaline.
adenylyl cyclase
An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a second messenger.
cyclic adonosine monophosphate (cAMP)
A secondary messenger formed from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by the action of the enzyme adenylyl cyclase.
protein kinase
A class of enzyme that phosphorylates proteins, a reaction that changes the conformation of the protein and its biological activity (i.e., changing its shape changes its function).
A biochemical reaction in which a phosphate group (PO42-) is transferred from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to another molecule. Phosphorylation of proteins by protein kinases changes their biological activity.
Question 1: What is meant by quantal release of neurotransmitter?
The elementary unit of a neurotransmitter release is the content of one synaptic vesicle.
Each vesicle contains several thousand transmitter molecules. The total amount of transmitter released at a synapse is a multiple of this number, depending on how many vesicles release their contents into the synaptic cleft.
The amplitude of an EPSP is a multiple of the response to the contents of one vesicle. It reflects the number of transmitter molecules in one synaptic vesicle and the number of postsynaptic receptors available at the synapse.
Question 2: You apply ACh and activate nicotinic receptors on a muscle cell. Which way will current flow through the receptor channels when Vm = -60 mV?
When Vm = 0 mV?
When Vm = 60 mV?
Nicotonic ACh receptors are permeable to both sodium and potassium.
When Vm = –60 mV, net current flow through ACh-gated ion channels is inward, toward the equilibrium potential of sodium, causing depolarization.
At Vm = 60 mV, the direction of net current flow through the ACh-gated ion channels is outward, toward the equilibrium potential of
potassium, causing the membrane potential to become less positive.
The critical value of membrane potential at which the direction of current flow reverses is called the reversal potential. In this case, the reversal potential is 0 mV because this is the value between the equilibrium potentials of sodium and potassium. At 0 mV, no current flows.
Question 3: In this chapter, we discussed a GABA-gated ion channel that is permeable to Cl–.
GABA also activates a G-protein-coupled receptor called the GABAB receptor, which causes potassium-selective channels to open. What effect would GABAB receptor activation have on the membrane potential?
Activated GABA-gated Cl– ion channels bring the membrane toward the equilibrium potential for Cl–, which is –65 mV.
If the membrane potential was less negative than –65 mV when the transmitter was released, activation would cause hyperpolarization.
The activation of GABAsub>B receptors causes potassium-selective channels to open. As a result, GABAB activation brings membrane potential toward the equilibrium potential of potassium, which is –80 mV. If the membrane potential was less negative than –80 mV when the transmitter was released, activation would also cause hyperpolarization.
This channel might also impact the neuron by shunting inhibition, allowing a depolarizing current from an excitatory synapse to leak out. This, in turn, decreases the likelihood of action potential.
The action of a G-protein-coupled receptor is, however, slower than that of the GABA-gated Cl– ion channel or a typical excitatory synapse. Therefore, its effects would be slower to occur and would last longer.
You think you have discovered a new neurotransmitter, and you are studying its effect on a neuron. The reversal potential for the response caused by the new chemical is –60 mV. Is this substance excitatory or inhibitory?
If the new chemical has a reversal potential of –60 mV, the substance is likely to be inhibitory.
The reversal potential reflects the types of ions the membrane is permeable to after the application of the neurotransmitter. A reversal potential of –60 mV suggests that the neurotransmitter activates ion channels that make the membrane more negative. If a neurotransmitter causes the membrane to move toward a value that is more negative than the action potential threshold, the neuron becomes less likely to fire an action potential, which means it is inhibited.
Question 5: A drug called strychnine, isolated from the seeds of a tree native in India and commonly used as rat poison, blocks the effects of glycine. Is strychnine an agonist or an antagonist of the glycine receptor?
Strychnine is an antagonist of glycine at its receptor. Mild strychnine poisoning enhances the startle and other reflexes and resembles hyperekplexia. High doses can eliminate glycine-mediated inhibition in circuits of the spinal cord and the brain stem. This leads to uncontrollable seizures and unchecked muscular contractions, spasms, and paralysis of respiratory muscles. It might ultimately result in painful, agonizing death from
Question 6: How does nerve gas cause respiratory paralysis?
Nerve gases interfere with synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction by inhibiting AChE. Uninterrupted exposure to high concentrations of ACh for several seconds leads to a process called desensitization. In this process, transmitter-gated channels close despite the continued presence of ACh. Normally, the rapid destruction of ACh by AChE prevents <i>desensitization</i>. However, if AChE is inhibited by nerve gas, ACh receptors will be desensitized and neuromuscular transmission will fail, causing respiratory paralysis.
Question 7: Why is an excitatory synapse on the soma more effective in evoking action potentials in the postsynaptic neuron than an excitatory synapse on the tip of a dendrite?
A current entering the sites of synaptic contact must spread to the spike-initiation zone and this zone must be depolarized beyond its threshold to generate an action potential. In addition, depolarization decreases as a function of distance along a dendrite. As a result, the
effectiveness of an excitatory synapse for triggering an action potential depends on how far the synapse is from the spike-initiation zone. Because the soma is closer to the spike-initiation zone, an excitatory synapse on the soma is more effective for evoking action potentials than an excitatory synapse on the tip of a dendrite.
Question 8: What are the steps that lead to increased excitability in a neuron when NE is released presynaptically?
he steps that increase the excitability of a neuron when NE is released presynaptically are:
- The NE receptor bound to a Β receptor activates G-protein in the membrane.
- G-protein activates the adenylyl cyclase enzyme.
- Adenylyl cyclase converts ATP into the second messenger cAMP.
- cAMP activates a protein, kinase.
- Kinase causes a potassium channel to close by attaching a phosphate group to it.
This produces little change in membrane potential but increases the membrane resistance and increases the length constant of dendrites. This enhances the response that a weak or a distant excitatory synapse produces. This effect can last longer than that of the presence of the