CN 1,2,3,4,6 Examinations Flashcards
Normal disc to cup ratio
Normal retina color? Physiological cup color?
Arterial to venous ratio in eye
When might you find an elevated disc with blurred margins?
Optic neuritis/papillitis
What would the Disc, retina, vessel findings be in papilledema (due to increased ICP)?
Disc: elevated, blurred disc margins and vessels engorged
Retina: flame retinal hemorrhage close to disc
Vessels: engorged and tortuous
What two conditions have elevated and blurred disc
Papilledema and optic neuritis
How would you differentiate papilledema vs optic neuritis?
In papilledema: NO VISUAL complaint/loss
Optic neuritis: inflammation of nerve causes visual complaint/loss
-early and quick!
Ophthalmoscopic exam findings of disc, retina, vessels seen in optic atrophy?
Disc: sharp clear margins with an overall pale white color
Retina: normal
Vessels: A: attenuated V: normal
Is vision affected with optic atrophy?
Ophthalmoscopic findings in tay-Sachs?
Dark cherry red spot in place of the macula lutea
Ophthalmoscopic findings for disc, retina, vessels in glaucoma?
Recall: intraOCULAR pressure increase
Disc: large cup to disc ratio (norm 1:2), vessels discplaced peripherally, pale white, pigment surrounding disc
Retina: normal
Vessels: normal
Ophthalmoscopic findings in retinal detachment. Disc, retina, vessels
Disc: normal
Retina: gray elevation with folds in detached section
Vessels: tortuous and elevated over detached retina
S/s of retinal detachment
Flashes/floaters or veil/shadow/curtain across vision
Ophthalmoscopic exam findings in non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy: disc, retina, vessels
Disc: Normal
Retina: many scattered exudates/retinal hemorrhages
Vessels: mild dilation of retinal veins
Ophthalmoscopic exam findings in proliferative diabetic retinopathy: disc, retina, vessels
Disc: new vessels growing on disc
Retina: numerous hemorrhages, new vessels at superior disc margins
Vessels: dilation of veins
Ophthalmoscopic exam findings for hypertensive retinopathy; disc, retina, vessels
Disc: clear outline
Retina: exudates and flame hemorrhage
Vessels: narrowed, increased tortuosity, copper wiring, AV nicking