CMS 1 Study QUestions Flashcards
A process audit should be used to determine which of the following factors concerning a work system?
- Whether the system has been implemented as it was designed
- Whether the principles of scientific management are being reinforced
- Whether the equipment should be replaced
- I only
- II only
- III only
- I and II only
- II and III only
Which of the following methods of performance appraisal is (are) among the trait methods or approaches of evaluating employees?
- Graphic rating scale method
- Critical incident method
- Forced-choice method
- I only
- II only
- III only
- I and III only
- I, II and III
All the following activities typically are included in career development programs EXCEPT:
- Determination of individual skills, abilities, interests and values by employees
- Development of job progressions that also can serve as career paths
- Conducting job evaluations to determine the quality of specific career goals
- Creation of a supportive management environment for the program
- Providing career counseling for employees to assist them in their career pursuits
Off-the-job learning experiences used by firms in their executive development efforts typically include which of the following?
- Committee assignments
- University-conducted case study sessions
- Understudy plans
- I only
- II only
- I and II only
- I and III only
- II and III only
All of the following factors are deemed important for a high-performance work system pursuing change EXCEPT:
- Establish methods for measuring the results of change.
- Allocate sufficient resources and support for the change effort.
- Make a compelling case for change.
- Ensure that change is owned by senior and line managers.
- Create teams of experts to champion business initiatives.
One problem or risk that frequently is undertaken by an individual who accepts a managerial position outside the United States with a domestic multinational corporation (MNC) is that:
- The career path of the individual in an overwhelming number of MNCs is now limited to the international division of the organization.
- The person probably will not be able to take a spouse and/or children to the foreign country because most firms prohibit this.
- The probability of the person reentering the United States as an employee of the same firm is highly unlikely.
- The citizenship status of the individual becomes ambiguous, and there is a definite possibility that one will find himself or herself without a country or homeland.
- The manager and/or members of the family may suffer cultural shock from feelings of perpetual stress and become physically and emotionally drained.
All the following are correct statements concerning alcoholism in the workplace EXCEPT:
- It is a disease that affects workers in every occupational category.
- It is a disease that affects primarily older male workers.
- It is classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Its detrimental impact on job performance in some cases can lead to the affected worker being disciplined or discharged.
- It is a problem that costs businesses billions each year in reduced productivity, absenteeism, treatment and other costs.
One premise on which employee orientation programs are based is:
- The presence of meaningful employee benefits serves to cause productivity increases.
- Physical fitness is essential if employees are to be efficient and happy.
- Societal spiritual values should be fostered and reinforced in the workplace.
- The economic concept of man is the most significant and lasting model.
- The first step in the training process is to familiarize new employees with their jobs and the work environment.
Human resources management in a large organization typically involves specialized knowledge in which of the following areas?
- Human behavior
- Investment planning and analysis
- Production measurement and control techniques
- I only
- II only
- I and II only
- I and III only
- II and III only
Which of the following statements concerning forecasting is (are) correct?
- Managers must occasionally forecast both the needs and the capabilities of the firm for the future to do an effective job at strategic planning.
- Human resources (HR) forecasting is a quantitative rather than a qualitative exercise.
- Costs are associated with forecasting but are not incurred when a firm refrains from forecasting.
- None
- I only
- II only
- III only
- I and III only
Which of the following is one of the principles supporting high-performance work systems?
- Principle of comparative analysis
- Principle of technological development
- Principle of egalitarianism and engagement
- Principle of management by exception
- Principle of transition
Which of the following recruitment sources are generally most effective?
- Advertisements
- Employee referrals
- Direct applications
- Private employment agencies
- Professional associations
All of the following questions asked exactly as shown would be appropriate for an employer to ask during a job interview EXCEPT:
- Have you ever worked under a different name?
- Are you over the age of 18?
- What is your address and how long have you lived there?
- Where did you go to school?
- Have you ever been arrested?
It has been noted that the administration of performance appraisal programs potentially involves all the following types of problems EXCEPT:
- Personal attitudes of raters toward specific groups of employees
- Tendency of raters to permit one factor to inordinately dominate the process
- Proclivity of raters to be excessively lenient
- Distortion of ratings because of the tendency of raters to place emphasis on more recent events than those in the early stage of a rating period
- Tendency of raters to have compiled an inordinate amount of performance documentation.
Local and state governments seek to enforce equal employment opportunities and practice through the use of:
- Fair employment practices laws
- Executive Order 11246
- The elimination of affirmative action programs
- Direct services of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Policies that ignore the bona fide occupational qualification concept
The degree to which interviews, tests and other selection procedures yield comparable data over a period of time is known as:
A. Forecastability
B. Reliability
C . Dependability
D. Validity
E. Accuracy
Which of the following statements correctly describes an activity of human resources management?
- Reengineering is the process of hiring the employees of a vendor firm.
- Downsizing is the reduction of net pay by increasing employee benefits.
- Furloughing is hiring someone outside a firm to perform tasks that could be done internally.
- A human resources information system (HRIS) is a powerful tool for curbing administrative costs, increasing productivity, speeding up response times and improving decision making.
- Total quality management is a concept that replaces managerial authority with self- managed individuals.
Which of the following statements is (are) descriptive of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?
- It validates the selection procedures of member firms.
- It issues employment guidelines and monitors the employment practices of organizations.
- It enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended.
- II only
- III only
- I and II only
- II and III only
- I, II and III
Which of the following statements concerning stress is (are) correct?
- Stress is basically derived from mental or emotional sources rather than physical activity.
- Stress is any demand on the individual that requires coping behavior.
- Stress is a part of life, and complete freedom from stress comes only with death.
- II only
- III only
- I and II only
- I and III only
- II and III only
Successful employee teams, regardless of their structure or purpose, share which of the following characteristics?
- Commitment to shared goals
- Shared leadership
- Clear role assignments
- None
- I and II only
- I and III only
- II and III only
- I, II and III
Which of the following statements concerning unions or collective bargaining in European countries is (are) correct?
- Collective bargaining is highly decentralized in most European countries and takes place mainly at the local plant level.
- The European Union prohibits discrimination against workers in unions.
- Most European countries strictly prohibit unions from engaging in any political activities.
- I only
- II only
- I and III only
- II and III only
- I, II and III
Human resources management faces all the following types of competitive trends or challenges EXCEPT:
- Embracing new technology
- Managing human capital
- Containing costs
- Curbing outsourced operations
- Responding to markets
All the following characteristics are often associated with a differentiation business strategy EXCEPT:
- Innovative product features
- High product quality
- Outsourced customer service
- Speed to market
- Superior service
The process of gathering information concerning the duties, tasks or activities of the jobs in a firm and the appropriate personal credentials necessary to hold such jobs is known as:
- Job analysis
- Manpower planning
- Job specification
- Skills inventorying
- Job description
All the following statements correctly describe a feature of the employee compensation practices of foreign countries EXCEPT:
- In industrialized countries, employees are generally paid by the hour; in developing countries by the day.
- Seniority is an important element determining employee pay rates in some countries.
- Employee benefits in European countries such as France and the Netherlands generally are lower than those in the United States.
- In some foreign countries it is customary to add semiannual or annual lump-sum payments equal to one or two months of pay as an integral part of the basic pay package.
- Profit sharing is legally required by some industries in specific foreign countries.
All of the following statements describe aspects of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 as amended EXCEPT:
- It offers protection to individuals age 40 or over.
- It covers private and public employers with 20 or more employees.
- It includes employees of public and private educational institutions.
- It prohibits employers from excluding older workers from important work activities.
- It has been less frequently invoked by workers in recent years.
Job specifications and job content information are used in carrying out all the following human resources management activities EXCEPT:
- Training and development of human resources
- Leveraging a diverse workforce
- Compensation management
- Performance appraisals of employees
- Recruitment and selection of talent
One of the purposes of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is to:
- Require employers to provide medical expense benefit coverages for their employees.
- Provide employees with the legal machinery to obtain financial compensation for work- related accidents and illness.
- Preserve human resources by reducing work-related injuries, illness and death.
- Eliminate the state systems of workers’ compensation gradually over an extended period of time and replace them with one system.
- Increase employment opportunities through the creation of a healthier and more secure internal work environment.
Traditionally the performance appraisal of employees has been conducted by:
- Self-evaluation
- Human resources staff managers
- Supervisors and managers
- Committees of line managers and human resources experts
- Peers
Which of the following statements concerning employee selection is (are) correct?
- Job specifications provide valuable information for conducting an employee selection process.
- The number of steps in a particular employee selection process varies with the type and level of the job to be filled.
- Employee selection is used exclusively in cases of external recruitment and not in instances of internal recruitment.
- I only
- III only
- I and II only
- II and III only
- I, II and III