CMPM_L2_Construction Project Organization Flashcards
The driving force behind every organization is its ____________.
Management team
It is a group of individuals who are cooperating willingly and effectively for a common
goal. It is nothing more than the mechanism by which administration directs, coordinates and controls its business.
These are structured to promote better management. However, it is the performance of the
people who fill the positions that determines the success of the enterprise and not the organizational design itself.
It is the formal arrangements that are established to coordinate
all activities in order to implement a given strategy.
Thus, the structure reflects the anatomy of a firm through its focus on mechanisms and processes that link both vertically and horizontally the various parts of organization.
Structural organization
What are the structural elements of an organization?
These are the different members of the
organization starting from the very top of the last
workman in the enterprise.
It represents the materials necessary in
the distribution of functions or in the attainment of
its objectives.
It is the tools necessary in producing its
desired output.
It is the procedures and ways used in the
course of its actions.
It is the financial resources of the
What are the Major Elements of Organizational
Distribution of functions
Vertical and horizontal authority relationships
Communication and decision processes
The functions to be performed, the groupings of functions, and the
vertical and horizontal task relationships among functions.
Distribution of functions
It is the manner in which formal decisions are made and by whom.
Communication and decision processes
It determines “who are the authority to do what”
Vertical and horizontal authority relationships
It is the decision, rules or guidelines established.
What are the Principles of Good Organization?
Principle of Objective
Centralization of Authority and Responsibility
Limited Span of Control
In every organization, there should be ___________or _______-. This is necessary in order to have authority and responsibility definitely fixed.
Centralized executive control or command authority
Departmentalization can be through (4) __________.
location, or by
projects of the organization.
It is a normal or a characteristic way of doing a task that stands out distinctively by itself.
To be effective, human activities have to be
coordinated. Efficient coordination requires much
more than organizational framework.
At the top of the foundation is __________.
It is the number of subordinates an executive
subordinates can manage effectively.
Limited span of control
It is an organization of people with varied skills, which uses capital and talents to produce goods, or services, which can be sold to others of more than their costs, or it may be
considered as; the system through which economic activity was organized by those who seek to make profit.
What is Management?
Management is a process
Management is a function
What are the three Management Concept?
Management to be effective must
be systematic
Management to be successful
must be scientific
Management must be humanistic
It is the process of directing and facilitating the work of people who are organized for a common purpose. It is the process of combining the efforts and resources of individuals with a common interest to achieve a desired objective.
Management is a process
It is a function of getting things done through the efforts of others. It is the application of authority and the assumption of responsibility. It is an art, the art of handling people.
Management properly applied, gives individuals in the same organization the feeling of security, of recognition, of opportunity and of belonging.
Management is a function
The primary objective of management structure is to facilitate the coordination and control over the activities of the company. In sizable organization, there should be delegation of responsibility because:
*It is physically impossible for one person to control effectively all the works of a large organization through personal contact with it.
*No person possesses the skills necessary to guide personally the highly specialized activities in a modern construction business.
Control as a verb is defined by Webster’s new college dictionary as _____________________. Yet, managerial control carries with it a much broader interpretation to apply: _____________________
“to check or regulate… To keep within limits.”
“not only to check nor command, but also to whip. Not only to regulate, but also to stimulate.”
To have effective control, the manager must know by heart the reasons why his business or enterprise exist. Thus, a manager must be a _____________________.
Good planner and a good organizer
It is an important element of executive control.
Effective communication system
To the manager, information has four
purposes to serve:
It must answer the questions what are we going
to do?
How well are we doing?
How can we do better?
Does it serve as an aid to coordination?
What are the Qualities of an Effective Manager
- He studies, analyzes and dissects his job.
- He knows how to delegate the administrative details of his job.
- He is willing to delegate to and share with his subordinates the credit of a job well done.
- He trains and develops his men to prepare them to assume delegated work.
- He knows how to control and plan his time.
- He institutes controls for effective performance.
Managers do not do the actual work of an
organization. His specific functions are:
- to Plan
- to Organize
- to Direct
- to Control
It is the job of making things happen that would otherwise not occur. It is an intellectual process.
Plans may be classified as:
Objective of the enterprise
It is guiding and overseeing subordinates.
A good organizational structure does not
guarantee good performance, but a poor one makes good
performance impossible, either the caliber of the individual
managers notwithstanding.
It is the process by which an executive imaginatively directs, guides or influences the work
of others in choosing and attaining particular ends.
What are the two processes of directing?
It is the process by which an executive gets the performance of his subordinates to correspond as closely as possible to chosen plans, orders, objectives, or policies.
It is the process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group effort among the
subordinates, and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose.
In planning, the critical task is the formulation of _______________.
These are general statements, which guide or
channel the thinking and action of members of an
These are the reflection of policy. It involves the
selection of a course of action and applied to future
The bridge between objective and result.
Executive Leadership
As a leader, the manager should be an ___________________ so that he can command respect among his subordinates.
Exemplar of good personal appearance, pleasant mannerisms,
friendliness, cheerfulness, and good health
It is the ability to motivate subordinates and other people toward the achievement of
organizational objects.
It is a manifestation of faith and confidence towards the ability of a subordinate.
Delegation of task to a subordinate
It is the key to effective management.
Delegation of Authority
It is the power of an administrator to delegate functions to the next ranking executive, who in turn transmit it to the employees who are charged with the actual operations.
The company organization is also dependent
upon the special abilities and skills of personnel
to perform the work. Two factors are significant:
- The need for close supervision as judged by
the skill of the workers and the difficulty of the
operations. - The ability of experienced and trustworthy
personnel capable of acting in supervisory
It is one of the biggest difficulties encountered by companies, and this may be due to:
- Lack of incentive in the supervisory positions.
- Inadequate or ineffective recruitment of those possessing potential leadership ability.
- Insufficient training of present and potential supervisory personnel.
Shortage of people who are capable of leadership and supervision of other
He propounded the machine model or scientific or task management theory with the following peculiarities:
1.Division of labor and specialization
2.Unity of command and centralization of decision
3.One way authority
4.Narrow span of control
Frederick W. Taylor
He was an Engineer who was accredited the title of father of scientific management.
Frederick W. Taylor
5 habits of Engineers in mind
1.They know where their time goes. They work systematically at managing the little of their time.
2.They focus on outward contribution. They gear their efforts to results rather than to work.
3. They build on strengths. They do not build on weakness. They do not start up with the things they cannot do.
4. They concentrate on a few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results. They force themselves to set priorities. They have no choice but to do first thing first and second things not at all.
5. Engineers finally make effective decisions. They know that this is above all a matter of system of the right steps in the right sequence. And they know that to make many decisions fast means to make the wrong decisions. What is needed are few, but fundamental decisions.
They are frequently called upon to contribute.
Rank and file employees
It is is often used to designate the cooperative project.
The founder of Panasonic Corporation of
Konosuke Matsushita
According to Konosuke Matsushita, for a corporation to achieve its objective, it must above all else, succeed in cultivating its _______________.
Human resources
A specific message conveyed by a leader to follower for the purpose of influencing the follower to take desired action. It can be either verbal or written.
When to use verbal orders?
When the order is simple and the message can be
clearly heard.
When privacy is important.
When the follower is intelligent and reliable.
When a demonstration is involved.
When to have written orders?
When precise figures or complicated details are
When orders must be passed on to someone else.
When the workers involved are slow to understand and
When you want to hold the receiver strictly accountable.
When particular sequence must be followed exactly.
When a notice board can be suitable used.
When you are quoting general instructions on higher
When a record is desirable, perhaps the order may need
to referred to in the future.
Whether verbal or written, every order will fall into
one of the four distinct categories such as:
a. A request
b. A suggestion
c. Asking for volunteers
d. A direct order
Guiding principles on how to phrase orders effectively
a. clear
b. complete
c. concise
d. acceptable
The most important resource in any organization is the _________________. Whatever
the industry, the success of any business depends on the flexibility, resourcefulness and
innovation knowledge workers bring to the firm.
Human resource