CM Notes Flashcards
What are the Seven aspects of a Vertical Cost Breakdown?
- Indirect Costs
- Bonds
- Interest
- Direct Costs
- Contingency
- Markup
- Escalation
List 2 methods of pricing out direct cost estimates
- Crew Method
- Individual Method
Define Swing Shift
the work shift between the day and the night shifts, commonly from 4:00 PM to midnight
3 Types of Estimate for an Owner
- Conceptual Estimate
- Alternative Design Estimate
- Owner’s Engineer Estimate
3 Types of estimate for a contractor
- Contractor’s bid estimate
- alternative methods
- claims / change orders
Two different breakdowns of cost:
Horizontal and Vertical
Horizontal: 7 Categories
- Permanent Materials
- Expendable Materials
- Equipment Operations
- Rentals
- Sub Contractors
- Labour
- Labour Service
Vertical: 7 Categories
- Indirect Costs
- Bonds
- Interest
- Direct Costs
- Contingency
- Markup
- Escalation
List 3 types of mark-up
Home office, Profit, and Risk
List The 4 Types of EOE
Equipment Operating Expense
- FOG: Fuel Oil Grease
- Small Repair Parts
- Tires
- 3rd Party Overhaul
List the 5 Types of Indirect Costs
- Salaries / Payroll
- Time-related O/H expense
- Non-time related expense
- Insurance + taxes
- Construction Plant in + out
Safety net accounting for risks
2 Types of Contingency
Identified & Unidentified
3 Categories of Unidentified Contingency
- Soft Subs
- Construction Hedge
- Special Events (i.e. strike)
What is an unidentified contingency?
A little bit of padding thrown into your estimate for small, unanticipated events.
List the 2 categories of risk.
Quantifiable & Unquantifiable risk
2 Types of Network Diagrams
AoA - Activity on Arrow
AoN - Activity on Node
What is a schedule?
A schedule is a logical representation of logical relationships / sequences of tasks or activities.
Immediately Preceding Activity
Dummy Relationship
Logical relationship with no time associated
(CP) Critical Path
The longest path through the network.
Activities with zero float are considered critical path tasks.
Critical Activity
Any activity on the critical path
- CA’s have zero float
- if a CA is delayed, the entire duration is delayed by the same time
The difference between the available time to complete an activity and the required time.
a. non-critical activities have float
b. critical activities have no float
4 Types of Logical Relationships
The default is Finish-Start relationship
Critical Path Method
Why would an Owner shorten a schedule?
Why would a Contractor shorten a schedule?
Owner: To complete project sooner and start generating revenue
Contractor: To finish the job and start the next one
Direct Cost
Any cost associated with the PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION of a DISCRETE part of the construction (ie concrete workers)
Indirect Cost
Any cost that is NOT associated with physical construction of a discrete part of the construction (i.e. supervisor)
If you shorten a project, Direct Cost will _____ and Indirect Cost will _______.
Direct Cost will INCREASE & Indirect Cost will DECREASE
To shorten a schedule:
- Must be shorter than critical path
- Must be aware that as CP is shortened, may create new CP’s
- Comes down to shortening duration of Critical Activity
A single Critical Activity has 2 limits that need to be considered
Physical Limit & Logical Limit
Physical Limit of a Critical Activity
Maximum time that an activity can be reduced in duration.
Logical Limit of a Critical Activity
of days (time units) an activity can be reduced before creating an additional Critical Path
When crashing a schedule, crash to the _____ of physical limit and logical limit.
Before scheduling, you must ____
Work Breakdown Structure
The progressive hierarchical breakdown of a project into smaller components to the lowest practical level to which costs can be applied.
equation for PLANNING
Planning = Work Breakdown + Work Sequencing
Contract documents will lay out the ______ of work
equation for PROJECT
Project = Sum of Sub elements OR work packages
the Sum of work packages can be shown in a hierarchical format called a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
Float / Slack
If there is more time to complete an activity than required, that activity is said to have float or slack.
Free Float
The maximum delay in the ES (Early Start) of an activity without affecting the ES of any IFA (immediately following activity)
Interfering float (IF)
The reduction in the float of an activity if the IPA is delayed by its TF
Formula for TF (Total Float)
TF = FF + IF
Total Float = Free Float + Interfering Float
ES or EF from the SUCCEEDING activity.
ex: TF-b = LS,b - ES,c
Beginning-To-End Planning
Begin with mobilization and proceed step by step through the project to completion.
Although intuitive, this method has some drawbacks.
Some projects are so complex that it is difficult to visualize the best way to sequence it.
Top-Down Planning & WBS
- Preferred by Industry
Start with an overall view of the project and then break it into its major components, then break down the major components into more detail.
3 Common Methods of Bid Markup Determination
- % of Total Cost
- % of Labour
- % Broad-based method
Horizontal Format of Cost Expression
L + PM + EM + S + EOE + RL + R = Total
Labour (L)
Permanent Materials (PM)
Expendable Materials (EM)
Subtracts (S)
Equipment Operating Expense (EOE)
Repair and Service Labor (RL)
Rental (R)
Estimation Risk
Labour (L & RL): Highest Risk
- Expendable Materials (EM)
- Equipment (EOE, R) Subcontracts (S),
Permanent Materials (PM): Low Risk
AOA - Activity on Arrow
A graphical representation of a schedule showing tasks or activities as arrows connected by nodes that allows for overlapping construction activities
AON - Activity On Node
A graphical representation of a schedule showing tasks or activities as nodes connected by arrows that allows for overlapping construction activities
Network Diagram
1) A representation of logical relationships
2) A sequence of activities or tasks
IPA - Immediately Preceding Activity
The activity or task that must occur prior to the commencement of a task or activity
SS - Sequence Steps
The steps of tasks or activities in a network diagram
CP - Critical Path
Continuous sequence of connected activities that form the longest duration/path through the network
CA - Critical Activity
An activity within the critical path that if delayed, would extend the entire project. Critical activities have zero float.
ES - Early Start
The earliest start of a task
EF - Early Finish
The earliest completion date of a task
LF - Late Finish
The latest completion of a task without impacting the schedule
LS - Late Start
The latest a task can start without impacting the schedule
Float / Slack
1) The difference between available time and required time to complete an activity
2) The number of time units an activity can be extended without a late finish
3) More available time than required to complete an activity (Called Slack by MS Project)
Total Float
The maximum time units an activity can be delayed without impacting the schedule
Free Float
The maximum delay of the early start (ES) without impacting a following activities early start (ES)
Interfering Float
Reduction of float for an activity if the IPA is delayed by it’s total float
Time lags between activities that are incorporated into the network diagram
Schedule Crashing
Schedule Acceleration aimed at completing a project sooner than planned
DC - Direct Cost
Any cost that can be associated with a discreet physical part of the project
IC - Indirect Cost
Any cost that can NOT be associated with a discreet physical part of the project
Physical Limit
The maximum time an activity or task can be reduced
Logical Limit
The number of days an activity can be reduced before creating a new critical path
NLP - Next Longest Path
Used for schedule crashing to find new critical paths
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure
The progressive hierarchical breakdown of the project into smaller pieces to the lowest practical level to which cost applies
WBP - Work Breakdown Package
The sum of work packages, also called a WBS
WBS Project Equation
Sum of subelements or work packages
IFA - Immediately Following Activity
The activity or task that occurs after the commencement of a task or activity
Beginning-to-end Planning
The step by step process from mobilization to project completion
L - Direct Labour
A cost type: High Risk
RL - Repair and Service Labour
A cost type: High Risk
PM - Permanent Material
A cost type: Low Risk - The material that falls within the neat lines of construction drawings on the project
EM - Expendable Material
A cost type: Medium-High Risk - The material that is required but falls outside the neat lines of construction drawings on the project / ALSO temporary Materials
EOE - Equipment Operating Expense
A cost type: Medium Risk
R - Rental, Depreciation, Write-Off
A cost type: Medium Risk - Includes In-House Rental, 3rd Party Rental, O&M (Operated and maintained). The first 2 types are not volatile, while O&M is
S - Subcontractors
A cost type: Low Risk (If bonded)
A vertical breakdown term: Long term expected changes to specific costs over time
A vertical breakdown term: The cost of borrowing
A vertical breakdown term: General Risk, Administrative, and Profit
A vertical breakdown term: A combination of identified and unidentified potential costs
A vertical breakdown term: Cost of bonding along with other expenses such as fees
Productivity Hedge
An unidentified contingency - Expected volatility of labour performance
Soft Subcontractors
An unidentified contingency - A risk taken to use unbonded, but cheaper contractors
Special Event
An unidentified contingency - Such as a strike
Risk Coverage
An identified contingency - General risk allowance for the project
An identified contingency - Money generated for the company and/or shareholders
FOG - Fuel Oil Grease
A direct cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Small Repair and Parts
A direct cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
A direct cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
3rd Party Overhaul
A direct cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Payroll / Salary
An indirect cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Time Related Expense
An indirect cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Non-Time Related Expense
An indirect cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Insurance and Taxes
An indirect cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense)
Construction Plant In & Out
An indirect cost for EOE (Equipment Operating Expense) - Trailering equipment, Loading, etc.
Lump Sum Bid
Contractor submits a single price using a format chosen by the contractor
Schedule of Bid Item
Contractor prepares a bid that conforms to the constraints of a bid form with prices per item
What must you do before scheduling?
Planning; Specifically creating a work breakdown and sequencing
What are the three types of consultant (municipality) estimates?
1) Conceptual
2) Alternate Design
3) Owner’s Engineer
What are the three types of contractor estimates?
1) Bid Estimate
2) Alternate Methods
3) Claims / Change Orders
What is the purpose of a conceptual Estimate?
Ball Park for Owner
What is the purpose of an alternate design estimate?
Ball Park Options for Owner
What is the purpose of the Owner’s Engineer Estimate?
Gives an idea to the owner of what type of bids to expect. Also to be used as a tool to evaluate bids.
What is contained in a Contractors Bid?
Costs and Profit
Fill below a concrete pad is an example of what type of cost category?
Expendable Material
Depreciation and Write-Off’s are part of what expense category?
Rental (Surprise!)
To level resources manually, what aspect of an activity will govern it’s priority starting order?
The one with the earliest late start will take precedence
Describe how to shorten a schedule
Schedule shortening (Also known as crashing) requires the current critical path to be shortened and potentially creating multiple critical paths.
What two limits are placed on shortening schedules?
The physical limit, and logical limit
What is the physical limit?
The maximum time an activity can be reduced
What is the logical limit?
The number of days an activity can be reduced before the creation of a new critical path
Why would a contractor crash a schedule?
To start another job sooner / the project is behind schedule and needs to get back on track
Why would an owner crash a schedule?
To complete the job sooner and/or generate revenue sooner.
What is the term for the maximum delay of the Early Start without impacting the the following activities Early Start?
Free Float
What is the term describing the maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed?
Total Float
What is the name for a continuous sequence of activities that form the longest duration/path through a network?
Critical Path
Name two types of graphical representations of a network diagram
AoA and AoN
What does “managing a project” mean?
To control cost on a time schedule
Describe what “Top Down Planning” means
Starting with an overall view of the project and then breaking it down into it’s major components. Then breaking those components down into sub elements until a sufficient level of detail is attained.
Name three types of rental and also the risk levels for each one
1) In-House Rental (LOW RISK)
2) 3rd Part Rental (LOW RISK)
3) Owned and Maintained (HIGH RISK)
Name 3 types of unidentified Markup
1) Productivity Hedge
2) Special Event
3) Soft Subcontractors
Name three types of identified contingency (Markup)
1) Profit
2) Risk Coverage
3) Home Office / Administrative Expenses
What is a Productivity Hedge?
Accounting for potentially lower than expected performance from laborers
List 2 Labour Considerations:
- Overtime
- Shift Differential
Cash outlay
a cash outlay is money a company pays for its operating expenses.