CM Cardiac Exam Flashcards
What are the five elements of the cardiac exam?
Inspection of general appearance Palpation of the arterial pulse Inspection of the jugular venous pulse Palpation of the precordial impulses Auscultation of heart sounds
What signs may be found on general appearance in the cardiac exam?
Cyanosis, clubbing, peripheral edema
Point to cardiac pathologies
What can be determined by palpating the carotid artery?
Peripheral pulse/heart rate
What does a slow rate of rise in the arterial pulse suggest?
Aortic stenosis
What is the jugular venous pulse and why do we use it?
The jugular venous pulse is a measure of the right atrial pressure, since the right atrium itself is not directly accessible on physical exam
What is a normal jugular venous pulse?
5-9 cm of water at the angle of Louis
What is the angle of Louis?
The junction of the sternal body and the manubrium, found 5 cm above the right atrium and acts as a reference point to measure jugular venous pulse
How do the carotid pulse and JVP differ in terms of palpability?
The carotid pulse is easily palpable, the JVP is not
How do the carotid pulse and JVP differ in terms of peaks per cardiac cycle?
The JVP has 2 peaks and 2 troughs for each cardiac cycle
The carotid pulse has 1 pulsation per cycle
How do the carotid pulse and JVP change with position?
The JVP changes with patient position, while the carotid pulse does not change with position
How do the caroid pulse and JVP change with inspiration?
The JVP decreases with inspiration, while the carotid pulse does not vary with the respiratory cycle
What do the 2 peaks of the JVP represent?
The a wave and v wave in each cardiac cycle
What do the 2 troughs of the JVP represent?
The x descent and y descent in each cardiac cycle
What does Point of Maximal Impulse refer to?
PMI typically refers to the apex of the left ventricle
Where is PMI normally found?
Point of Maximal Impulse is normally found in the 5th intercostal space, 1-2cm in diameter and medial to the midclavicular line
What does a PMI lateral to the midclavicular line suggest?
During ausculation, what pathologies are found in the Left Lateral Decubitus positoin?
While the patient is in the LLD position, 3rd and 4th heart sounds as well as Mitral Stenosis murmurs can be found
During ausculation, when the patient is seated upright and leaning forward, what can be heard and where?
Aortic regurgitation murmur can be heard at the left sternal border
What causes S1?
S1 is caused by closure of the Mitral and Tricuspid valves
What causes S2?
S2 is caused by closure of Aortic and Pulmonic valves
When does the Carotid pulse occur?
During Systole, between S1 and S2
Where is S1 loudest?
S1 is loudest at the apex of the heart (APTM)
Where is S2 loudest?
S2 is loudest at the base of the heart (APTM)