Cloudwatch basics Flashcards
collects and monitors system and operational data from AWS services and the custom metrics that you publish
Amazon Cloudwatch
Cloudwatch monitors and analyzes metrics and notifies you if a
certain threshold has been reached.
Cloudwatch can trigger a certain action based on a specific
threshold or events that you define
Data relating to AWS products, apps or on-premise systems
metrics are only sent every 5 minutes while most other services send every minute
system-level metrics and logs that we should also be monitoring but cannot be directly monitored by Cloudwatch requires
Cloudwatch Agent
Allows you to monitor, store, and access your log files
generated from your AWS Services or your custom applications
Cloudwatch Logs
Track the changes or the state of your services and responds to the system events of your AWS services in near real-time
Cloudwatch Events
performs one or more actions based on a system metric and a specific threshold
Cloudwatch Alarms
Is Cloudwatch a public service?
Logging data outside of AWS products and services requires a
Cloudwatch Agent
Generated metrics from Cloudwatch Logs based on logging information
Metric Filter
Is CloudWatch logs a regional Service
Sequence of log events from the same source
Log Streams