advanced EC2 Flashcards
Allows for EC2 build automation using user data
EC2 Bootstrapping
EC2 bootstrapping
anything in user data is executed by the instance OS ONLY ONCE AT LAUNCH
Set of helper scripts that interface with the CloudFormation stack by making CloudFormation a lot more powerful and enabling you to fine-tune templates to better fit your use case. For example, you can update application configuration without recreating an instance
Can cfn-init be executed after launch?
Resource to prevent its status from reaching create complete until AWS CloudFormation receives a specified number of success signals or the timeout period is exceeded
CreationPolicy attribute
script signals CloudFormation to indicate whether Amazon EC2 instances have been successfully created or updated,
container for an IAM role
How are temp credentials delivered for instance roles?
Instance Metadata
provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data management and secrets management
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store
provides support for three types of parameters: String, StringList, and SecureString
Parameter Store
Are CloudWatch or CloudWatchLogs capable of capturing data inside an ec2 instance?
No, need CloudWatch Agent
Influences how instances are placed in underlying AWS hardware.
placement groups
placement group where your instances are placed close together inside an Availability Zone
cluster group
placement group where your instance are seperated
spread group