Clouds and Precipitation Flashcards
Unique properties of water
Latent heat of vaporization and fusion unusually high
Heat capacity of liquid water is highest amongst common substances
Large Heat capacity leading to require/release large latent heat in phase change
Water phase changes
Solid to Gas -> Sublimation(to gas 680cal absorbed) / Deposition similar
Liquid to Gas -> Evaporation(to gas 600cal absorbed) / Condensation similar
Water vapor
Water in gaseuos form / humidity
Saturation vapour pressure, es
Rate of molecules leaving surface of water balanced by rate that water molecules are returning
Increase in T will increase rate of evap or sublimation. Saturation vapour pressure must increase with rising T
Relative humidity, RH
Ratio of actual amount of water vapour in the air to amount required for saturation at the temp of the air
e/es | es being saturated vapour pressure
Cloud formation
Sat vap pressure over a curved surface greater than plane surface
Classifications of clouds
Cirrus - light
Stratus - non convective formed under stable cond
Cumulus - convective clouds, formed under unstable conds.