Cloud Flashcards
Describe the relationship between stability of air and cloud type in relation to poles AND equator
Air from the equator traveling poleward = stable/low cloud
•Because decreasing surface temperature cools it
•Air from the poles traveling to the equator = Unstable
•Because increasing surface temperature warms it
Describe the relationship between stability of air and cloud type (stable air)
Stable clouds = Cirrostratus, Altostratus, Nimbostratus, Stratocumulus, Stratus
Describe the relationship between stability of air and cloud type (unstable)
Unstable clouds = Cirrocumulus, Altocumulus, Cumulonimbus, Towering Cumulus, Cumulus
List the vertical extents of the three main cloud layers in mid latitudes
Low cloud - below 7000
Middle cloud - 7-23,000ft
High cloud - 17,000-45000ft
List the vertical extents of the three main cloud layers in tropical latitudes
Low cloud - below 7000ft
Middle - 7000 - 25,000ft
High - 20,000 - 60,000ft
State the difference between the Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) and the Convective Condensation Level (CCL)
LCL = Height all non-convective cloud will form through forced lifting.
•Forced up by fronts, hills, turbulence, convergence
•CCL = Height convective cloud forms (thermals rising air mass)
•Raises temperature further away from dew point
•Therefore CCL is always higher than LCL
Demonstrate the use of simple formulae to calculate the LCL and CCL
CCL = 400 x (Surface Temp – Dew Point)
•LCL = 400 x (Surface Temp – Dew Point) x 0.85
Describe cirrus
•High level
•Fibrous hair-like cloud
•Narrow bands
•Ice crystals
Describe cirrocumulus
•High level
•Sheet cloud
•Conditional instability
•Ice crystal
Describe cirrostratus
•High level
•Only cloud to create solar halo
•Ice crystals
Describe altocumulus
Middle level
Droplets/ice crystals
Describe altostratus
Middle level
Sun barely visible
Droplets/ice crystals
Low level
Conditional instability
Droplets/snow/Supercooled water droplets
Often forms along warm or occluded fronts
Form through the deepening and thickening of an altostratus cloud
Describe stratocumulus
Low level
Rolled layer cloud