Closes Flashcards
The Delivery Close
So when do you want to take delivery(or have your new)? I can have it installed Right away? You want to do this this Afternoon? Right away? or later this week around Friday?
Assumes ownership, offers options to say yes to. Don’t ask what do you think or open ended questions. Assign ownership by saying “your”.
The Check Close
Would there be any other changes or additions you’d want me to make to your new technology solution before we come to an agreement on the figures?
Assumes ownership creates opportunity to close based on changes and additions rather than the purchase. They might have their eye on something that needs to be changed.
Scale from One-10 Close
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your new workflow solution? (prospect answers) What would make it a ten? (prospect answers) Great, let me get that handled. (add changes and the cost of it) Sign here and here.
Hey how would you rate the workflow you have now on a scale from 1-10? (prospect answers) Great. What changes would you need to make to make it a 10?
Payment Close
If the payments weren’t agreeable we wouldn’t expect you to purchase the solution. I am confident that our local lenders, of which we have many, can provide you with alternatives that will make your monthly investments aggregable and affordable. Sign here and here.
Most things are on payments. As such it should be sold to payments. Dont sell to price, sell to payments.
Payments to Figures Close
(When prospect says what are the payments going to be?) Sir until you and i come to an agreement on the price, the product, and the terms you would not need to concern yourself with payments as there will not be any. I need your initials here and here. (for approval of price product terms anything else other than payment.
The Rate Close
(This is for the buyer requesting current rates and you don’t know.) We use every lender in the state including every credit union. Who do you currently use? (Wait for answer) We have access to them as well. There are a couple of people in town that are cheaper than your lender at this current time. Sign here and here and i will provide you with all the options. Worst case is we use your present lender.
Rates change every hour. Be positive about your ability to get lending in every deal. Rates payments and terms from lender. Positive attitude.
Title and Registration Close
Who’s name will we be registering your new product with? Your name, your wife’s name, the company’s name? Both?
Assumes ownership. Look buyer in the eyes.
Paperwork Close
So who’s name will we be doing the paperwork in? Your name the company’s name or both?
How do you want this titled? Can use as a trial close to make sure you have the right dm.
Spouse Stall Close Number One
(Buyer says, I have to talk to my spouse) What if your spouse says no? (Only two answers, she wont, or we wont buy) (He wont say no) Ok good, then I need your initials here and here.
Equipment Close
Assuming we can get all the items you told me you wanted and have to have and we have the product delivered as you requested I would need your okay here here and here where I noted the changes.
Ask for agreement