Clinical Topic 8: Personality Disorders Flashcards
What are the Personality Disorders which make up Cluster A, B and C?
A: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
B: Anti-social, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic
C: Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive, Dependent
Personality Disorders in Cluster A are associated with which condition(s)?
Personality Disorders in Cluster B are associated with which condition(s)?
Depression, Bipolar
Personality Disorders in Cluster C are associated with which condition(s)?
Paranoid personality disorder
- Generally distrustful and suspicious
- Assume others will dissapoint, manipulate, talk behind their back
- Hypersensitive, unforgiving
- Preoccupation with conspiracy theories, hidden meanings
- Has superficial relationships, as they do not confide in others
Schizoid personality disorder
- Avoids social activities
- Prefers to be alone
- Indifferent to praise
- Dislikes physical / sexual contact
- Few friends, social relationships
Schizotypical personality disorder
- Odd beliefs, magical thinking
- Ideas of reference
- Odd, eccentric behaviour
- Odd speech - but coherent
- Lack of close friends except family, but want to maintain these relationships
Anti-social personality disorder
- Does not conform to social norms / follow law
- More common in men
- Deceptive, may repeatedly lie, use aliases, con people
- Impulsive, failure to plan ahead
- Consistent irresponsibility
- Lack of remorse
Borderline personality disorder
- Unstable mood, self-image, relationships
- Impulsivity in self-damaging areas i.e. spending, sex, substance abuse
- Recurrent suicidal behaviour
- Terrified of abandonment
Histrionic personality disorder
- Inappropriate sexual seductiveness
- Need to be centre of attention
- Self-dramatisation
- Exaggerated emotions
- Suggestibility
Narcissistic personality disorder
- Grandiose sense of self importance
- Preoccupation with fantasy of unlimited success, power, beauty
- Taking advantage of others
- Lack of empathy
- Need for admiration
- Chronic envy
- Arrogant
Avoidant personality disorder
- Avoids occupational / social activities
- Fear of criticism, being ridiculed, being disliked
- Restraint in intimate relationships
- Reluctant to take risks
- Views self as inferior
Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder
- Occupied with details, rules, lists, orderliness
- Perfectionist
- Very dedicated to work
- Hoarder
- Inflexible with rules
- Unwilling to pass on tasks / work to others
- Stingy-spending style
Dependent personality disorder
- Difficult to make decisions without reassurance
- Needs others to do things for them
- Lack of initiative
- Fear of being left to care for themselves
- Urgent search for another relationship if one fails
- Efforts to obtain support from others
What specific treatments can be offered for patients with Borderline personality disorder?
Dialectical therapy
What is Somatisation disorder?
- Multiple symptoms for >2 years
- Patients refuse to accept reassurance or negative test results
What is Hypochondrial disorder?
- Persistent belief in presence of severe underlying serious disorder
- Patient refuses to accept reassurance or negative test results
What is Conversion disorder?
- Involves loss of motor / sensory function
- Patient doesn’t feign symptoms or seek material gain
- Patient may feel indifferent to disorder
What is Malingering?
- Fraudulent stimulation of symptoms for financial or other gain
What is Fictitious Disorder?
- Intentional production of physical / psychological symptoms for sympathy
What is Fictitious Disorder also known as?
Munchhausen’s syndrome
What is Dissociative Disorder?
- Process of separating memories from normal consciousness