Clinical skills 2 Flashcards
What is a normal pulse rate
A Normal pulse rate is between 60-100 beats per minute
What is average normal body temperature
37 degress is accepted as the normal body temperature,
-36.1 to 37.2 degress is still a normal temperature range
What temperature is too high and often means you have a fever?
A temperature which is 38 degrees or over is considered abnormal and in most occasions means you have a fever
What is the normal systolic blood pressure?
-A normal systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg
What is the normal diastolic blood pressure?
-A normal diastolic blood pressure is less than 80mm Hg
What is the normal respiratory rate in healthy adults at rest?
-12-16 breaths per minute.
What equipment should you use to measure temperature?
- A Tempadot which you should leave in place for 1 minute,
- A Tympanic thermometer what you place in your ear.
What pulse is the standard site to record pulse rate?.
-The Radial pulse at the wrist,
What pulse is the standard site to record Blood pressure?
-The Brachial Pulse just above the elbow
What Pulse is used to detect cardiac arrest and monitor resuscitation?
-The Carotid pulse
What Pulse is used to monitor a unconscious patient e.g. during anaesthetic ?
-The Superficial temporal pulse.
How do you feel pulses?
-You feel pulses by placing the tips of the middle and index fingers on the most appropriate pulse.
How do you count pulse rate?
-Count the number of beats in a period of 15 seconds and multiple the number by 4
How do you count respiration rate?
-Count the Respirations for first 30 seconds than multiple the number by 2
What pieces of equipment are used to calculate blood pressure?
- An Inflatable cuff,
- A Pressure gauge,
- Stethoscope
How do you calculate Peak Expiratory Flow Rate?
- A Patient is asked to stand up if possible and is then asked to breathe in as deeply as possible and then blow into the peak expiratory monitor as hard and fast as possible,
- This is repeated 3 times, and highest flow rate is recorded.
Key things about ABCDE Approach
- It’s a Systematic approach that is used to assess and treat the acutely and critically ill patient. Its based on,
- Airway,
- Breathing,
- Circulation,
- Disability,
- Exposure and Examination
Key things about the Glasgow Coma Scale
- Originally developed as a prognostic tool for the assessment of patients with head injury. Today it’s more used as a tool to assess and calculate a patients levels of consciousness.
- Three aspects measured are
1) Eye opening
2) Speech (Verbal communication)
3) Limb movements (motor response) - The highest score is 15, lowest score is 3
What is the highest and lowest scores possible in The Glasgow Coma Scale?
- The Highest score possible is 15,
- The Lowest score possible is 3
What are the 3 basic principles of management involved with dealing with an unconscious patient?
- Dignity and ethics,
- Safety issues when moving an unconscious patient,
- Comfort of the patient