Clinical signs Flashcards
What are the clinical signs and atypical presentations of achilles tendinopathy?
Aching pain in heel, aggravated by activity
Stiffness in tendon in morning/ after inactivity
Tenderness, swelling and crepitus along tendon
Gastrocnemius strain depending on location of pain
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of ACL
Swelling 1-2 hours after injury
Popping noise
Very quick bruising
Instability/ giving way
Loss of ROM
MCL/ meniscal injury
Dislocation (unlikely)
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of anterior knee pain
Depends on cause e.g OA would cause morning stiffness
Patellar tendinopathy
Haematoma/ contusion
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of ATFL
Grade 1 - minimal pain/ tenderness, no instability
Grade 2 - moderate pain/ tenderness, mild- moderate joint instability
Grade 3 - Severe pain and tenderness, no weight bearing, instability
Calcaneofibular ligament
Ankle fracture
Peroneal tendinitis
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of MCL
Swelling/tenderness on medial aspect of knee
Unstable, lack of full extension
Potentially stiffer in mornings
Meniscal tear
Fractures patella, femur, tibia
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of meniscal injury
Locked knee, patient has to manually release
Pain on squatting/ kneeling/ twisting
Swelling several hours after injury, recurrent swelling
Giving way of knee
Localised pain over anteromedial/ anterolateral joint line
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of muscle contusion/ haematoma
Tenderness, swelling and pain, pain from site of injury, pain with muscle contraction, increased swelling in first few days
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of muscle sprains
loss of motion
palpable defect
may worsen with activity
pull sensation
Muscular tear if no contraction is possible
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of Patellar tendinopathy
Anterior knee pain
Aggravated by running, walking downstairs and jumping
Tendon rupture
Patellar dislocation
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of tennis elbow
Pain 1-3 days after unaccustomed activity
Stiffness when extending arm
Swollen elbow
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of frozen shoulder
Dull or aching pain in shoulder
Pain, then stiffness, then just stiffness with no pain
Difficult to move shoulder
Pain can be worse at night
Rotator cuff tears**
Shoulder impingement
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of subacromial pain syndrome
Ache or sharp pain in shoulder, worsens during shoulder elevation
Stiffness or weakness when using arm
Painful arc between 60-120 abduction
Torn rotator cuff
What are the symptoms and atypical presentations of OA
Tender joint
Increased pain and stiffness after inactivity
Crackling sound in joint
Weakness/ loss of muscle bull
Limited ROM
Rheumatoid arthritis