Clinical psych Flashcards
What is gate control theory?
Gate control theory suggests that the spinal cord contains a neurological ‘gate’ that either blocks pain signals or allows them to continue on to the brain. This theory is often used to explain both phantom and chronic pain issues.
What is the main motivation behind the treatment approach represented in the Unified Protocol?
Core emotional regulation processes appear relevant across different diagnoses -and these can be addressed with a limited set of methods.
ACT consists of
Which of the following is most desirable in meta-analyses and calculation of summary effect sizes?
Low heterogeneity between studies
aka high homogeneity between studies - the methods should be lika, easier to compare results
In relation to changes observed in psychotherapy, which of the following best describes the meaning of the term mechanism?
An intervening variable that statistically accounts for an observed difference in a comparison of two treatments.
The series of step by step changes that forms the basis for an observed effect, or the process of change on which the treatment effect rests.
The event that initiates a process of change.
A characteristic that is correlated with the magnitude or direction of effect observed in a comparison between treatments.
The series of step by step changes that forms the basis for an observed effect, or the process of change on which the treatment effect rests.
Which of the following reflects characteristics of clinical psychology?
a) Includes assessment and case formulation
b) Includes treatment delivery and evaluation
c) Is based in psychological or behavioral science
D) All the alternatives
All the alternatives
As applied to cognitive behavior therapy what does the word “contextual” mean?
That learning history and situation influences what people experience, how they experience what they do, and what they do with that experience.
That there must be a primary focus on changing thoughts and feelings in the context of therapy.
That therapists should deliver treatment in clients’ home and work situations.
None of the alternatives.
That learning history and situation influences what people experience, how they experience what they do, and what they do with that experience.
Which statements below best reflect the meaning of the word ergodic?
The situation where results from group analyses are shown to apply to individual people.
Which of the following statements best reflects an issue or issues FALSELY assumed in current conventional approaches to treatment mediation as studied within RCTs?
That change is linear and unidirectional.
Which of the options below best describes the summary results from the study by Caneiro et al. on “how does change unfold?” in low back pain, fear and avoidance?
a. It appears that change in potential mediators and change in disability happens at the same time.
b. Different people show different processes of change.
C. Both alternatives A. and B.
d. None of the alternatives.
Which of the following is NOT one of the categories of types of causes of spurious therapeutic effectiveness (CSTEs).
There is a perception of change in the absence of any change.
There is change but it is due to some events outside of therapy.
THE patient thinks they changed but the therapist does not.
There is change but it is due to nonspecific therapeutic factors.
What is a placebo treatment?
An unexpectedly painful treatment.
An inert treatment that produces no effect.
A treatment with no known mechanism of action.
A simulated treatment that provides nonspecific treatment effects. :)
Which of the following are arguments for the application of evidence supported therapies?
Which of the following are arguments for the application of evidence supported therapies?
This protects the public.
This protects psychology.
This integrated clinical psychology with the remainder of scientific psychology
ALL the alternatives
Which of the following is an accurate description of Process-Based Therapy (PBT)?
There is so far little evidence for PBT (den håller fortf på å utvecklas
It includes careful adherence to a session by session manual.
It requires integration of psychodynamic and existential therapy methods with CBT
It requires that clients or patients receive a careful diagnosis.
Which of the following best describes mental health providers self-assessment of their own competency and results?
These providers consistently exaggerate their skills in relation to others in the field and their success rate in the people they treat :)
Most of these providers recognize that they are average.
These providers are overall quite accurate in their self-assessments
They downplay their skills but are more accurate in assessing the number of their cases who get worse
Which statement best describes “clinical utility of assessment”?
The degree to which clinical measures are easy to use
None of the alternatives
The degree to which measures show good reliability and validity
The degree to which assessment contributes to improved clinical outcomes. :)
Which of the following statements is true relative to the history of clinical psychology?
The field has struggled to keep its base in science
Key theories and concepts have evolved over time
There has been persistent competition between therapy types
All alternatives :)
There are many trials of psychological treatment to help people with Type 2 diabetes to keep better control of their blood glucose levels – which term best reflects the level of benefits demonstrated?
No effect
Small effect :)
Medium effect
Large effect
Which of the following statements best summarizes the results of the trial of the ACT, smart phone, app for smoking cessation?
The ACT smoking cessation app produced a 1.49 times higher chance of quitting compared to the normally recommended app.
Which of the following would seem to be a weakness of the fear-avoidance model of chronic pain.
It does not suggest any type of treatment approaches
It has no evidence to support it.
It is relatively narrow in that it specifies one path toward recovery and one toward disability. :)
It only includes fear and avoidance and nothing else
In comparison to which of the following comparison conditions is CBT most likely to show the largest effect in a two-arm RCT?
An alternative treatment
Pill placebo
Care as usual
A waiting list control :)
Which of the following is NOT typically included as a symptom or condition associated with fibromyalgia.
Widespread pain
Urinary retention
Memory and concentration problems
urinary retention lol
Based on systematic review and meta-analyses of CBT, which of the following conditions is associated with the highest rate of dropout from treatment?
post traumatic stress disorder
Technology-supported versions of ACT have been studied and included in meta-analyses for which of the following conditions?
All the alternatives
Chronic pain
All the alternatives
When a comprehensive review of all of the published literature on mediation in psychotherapy was conducted, which type of processes were most often demonstrated as mediators?
Distress and mood.
Self-efficacy and confidence
Psychological flexibility and mindfulness related variables.
Hopelessness and control.
Psychological flexibility and mindfulness related variables.
Which of the following is NOT a current challenge in psychotherapy?
Producing more RCTs to demonstrate the effectiveness of CBT
Understanding mechanisms of treatment.
Better dissemination of evidence-based psychotherapy.
Creating more individualized treatments
Producing more RCTs to demonstrate the effectiveness of CBT
Which of the following statements best describes the basis for concluding a treatment effect in N = 1 designs?
Agreement between visual analysis and statistical analysis
A large effect that appears immediately.
There is a clear change in dependent variable and this is replicated.
There is a difference demonstrated from baseline compared to the treatment phase and alternative explanations are ruled out or unlikely
There is a difference demonstrated from baseline compared to the treatment phase and alternative explanations are ruled out or unlikely
Which of the following is NOT an aspect of data primarily considered in determining an effect through visual inspection of single case data?
Change in variability.
Change in means
Change in trend
Change in level.
Change in variability.
Which of the following is NOT an important consideration of the assessment method in the context of N = 1 designs?
Appropriate for repeated administration over short intervals
Internal consistency reliability and factor structure
Continuous rather than dichotomous.
Potential to reflect change.
Internal consistency reliability and factor structure
What is the “unified protocol”?
An approach to health improvement that attempts to unite psychological and mental health.
A form of CBT that is transdiagnostic, one approach for many different disorders.
A way to train clinicians designed so that all are trained the same way.
An approach to science that specifies the methods behavioral scientists should use.
A form of CBT that is transdiagnostic, one approach for many different disorders.
Based on the 2020 Burden of Disease study, published in Lancet (2020), based on age-standardized Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYS), global health over the past 30 years is …
Unclear/not determinable
Staying the same
Getting worse
Which of the following is a measure used to screen for or determine the severity of depression?
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II)
The Pain Catastrophizing Scale
A 0 to 10 rating of pain intensity.
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
Based on the 2019 Burden of Disease study, Lancet (2020), which of the following represents the primary contribution of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYS) in adults over 50?
Heart disease and stroke
Heart disease and stroke
Which of the following is the best argument against “one size fits all” treatments as a way to produce the best results for all people.
There is no convincing argument
Psychologists are very good at understanding what people in treatment need and should
be allowed to decide.
Each person is at least somewhat different in their learning history, life circumstances,
current skills, what they want, and what they need to make change.
It is clearly demonstrated that individual treatment is far superior to standardized protocol-based treatments.
Each person is at least somewhat different in their learning history, life circumstances,
current skills, what they want, and what they need to make change.
Which of the options below best describes the summary results from the study by Caneiro et al. on “how does change unfold?” in low back pain, fear and avoidance?
a. It appears that change in potential mediators and change in disability happens at the same time.
b. Different people show different processes of change
None of the alternatives.
Both a. and b.
Both a. and b.
Which of the following does not necessarily represent a good reliable guide to follow for a treatment provider in session?
A Fear and other feelings
B Science and evidence
C Assessment data collected from the person being seen
D Both b and c
Fear and other feelings
Who was Lightner Witmer?
The first psychologist
The psychologist given credit for popularizing psychoanalysis in the US
The developer of behavior therapy
The psychologist given credit for starting the first psychology clinic
The psychologist given credit for starting the first psychology clinic
Which of the following is important in the professional practice of clinical psychology?
Clinical competency
Scientific and ethical attitudes
Research competency
All of the alternatives
All of the alternatives