Clinical Procedures and tips Flashcards
HOw many cases do you need to graduate in endo?
4 cases
What are the 4 cases needed?
2 Uncomplicated ant. or PM tooth
Then Uncomplicated 1st molar
Then Competency tooth (any non complicated tooth Ant, pm, or 1st molar)
You MUST do it ON YOUR OWN: (Other than approving case selection, faulty will NOT be allowed
to help you in any way including working on the tooth, offering advice or answering questions. A Fellow
Student may assist but only in assistant capacity. A “Cheat Sheet” may be prepared and brought by the
If you FAIL ANY PORTION of the it, this will be documented and you
must successfully make up the competency before you will be passed in Endo.
Competency guidelines
Can you do a competency after doing 1 tooth?
Nope; must do 2 cases first
How many recalls must you perform on RCT?
2 recalls
How many assisting in grad endo must be done?
2 assistings
Can rCT be done without rubber dam?
How many consults and diagnosis do you need for each tooth in question?
1 diagnosis form and 1 consult form (1 per tooth)
Do these indicate a consult from endo?
Restoratibility concern
Previous O&R
Asympotmatic pulp exposures
Do these need an endo consult? Pt in pain Previous RCT w/wo symptoms and PARL Symptomatic teeth Create post space
How do you get endo consult?
Pager from team clerk
What do you do if pulp exposure occurs?
1. Insure Dental Dam is in place and tooth is well isolated. 2. Remove ALL remaining Caries. 3. Irrigate with 8.3% NaOCl to gain hemostasis & to reduce microbial contamination. 4. Place cotton pellet over exposure and place a good temporary restoration. 5. Take 2-3 radiographs of post-restoration tooth.
Then Email faculty with appropriate info
How long do you want to see past apices in radiographs?
2 mm beyond apex
How many months equals a recent radiograph for endo purposes?
Witthin 5 months