Case Selection and Recall Procedures Flashcards
• The single most important
factor affecting RCT
Case Selection:
⦿To avoid great risk or serious error, you must examine
and fully understand what 4 things?
⦿ the patient
⦿the complexities of the root canal system
⦿the specialized techniques required and
⦿have the appropriate training, instrumentation &
Never start RCT on any tooth for which an
excellent result cannot be reasonably
expected . . . in your hands at that time with
that patient.
• If not, you must ethically & morally ______
The ____ has developed a form which will help you
determine the difficulty/risk level of each case in question.
• Once you determine the difficulty level, you have a
reasonable basis to decide if you should ACCEPT the case or
All retreatment endo cases are ____ risk
High risk
Category ______:
Cases only: Undergraduates
– No 2nd or 3rd Molars
– No Molars until 2-3 successful anteriors done
– Nothing through a crown
– Approved by endo faculty for all undergrad
Category 1
Category ______:
Cases: Endo Honors/Advanced Endo
Category 2
Category ______:Cases: Advanced Endo only
Category 3
Procedural Incidents: –Instrument Separation –Most or All Perforations –Can’t find all canals •Surgery Cases •Re-treatment Cases •Insoluble Paste RCT
Why do you refer open apex cases?
GP can’t be seen at apex when they are open
The BEST TIME to refer is:
• _____ a problem occurs and
• _____ your Liability is incurred and
• _____ your Credibility is Compromised
At what time intervals should the patient be recalled?
6, 12, 24 months
______ if patient reports adverse S/S
•Infection, pain or continued sensitivity
•Draining Sinus Tract
Recall immediately
2 Diagnostic P/A films •Normal PDL width •PARL eliminated •Normal lamina dura •Normal to fine-meshed osseous trabeculae •No resorption •CBCT ?
Radiographic Recall Procedures
\_\_\_\_ recall checklist •Persistent subjective symptoms •Recurrent sinus tract or swelling •Discomfort to percussion and / or palpation •Evidence of fractured tooth •Excessive mobility or progressive periodontal breakdown •Inability to function on the tooth * • Histologic ?
Clinical recall checklist