Clinical pleura Flashcards
Patient has pain over the lateral neck and the supraclavicular area, as well as pleuritic pain. Which part of the pleura is affected?
Mediastinal and Diaphragmatic pleura-innervated by C3,C4, C5 nerves (phrenic) hence affecting these dermatomes if damaged-> lateral neck and supraclavicular portion

Patient has dull ache radiating across the chest? Which part of the pleura is damaged
Costal pleura which is innervated by intercostal nerves
Patient has stony dullness in left lung base upon percussion. What is your working diagnosis?
Pleural effusion in left lung pleuritic space.
Fluid does not transmit sound as well as air
Patient presents with hyperresonance in right lung base. What is your working diagnosis?
Pneumothorax in right lung.
Air transmits sound better than fluid