clinical PKs of AGs and vancomycin Flashcards
aminoglycosides spectrum of activity
no anaerobes
gram-negative aerobes: enterobacteriaceae, P. aeruginosa (tobramycin), acinetobacter species
gram-positive aerobes* (more often): primarily used in combination with a cell wall-active agent for synergy (gentamicin - never monotherapy), staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci
aminoglycoside PKs
must be administered parenterally**; usually infused over 30-60 minutes
primarily distributed into extracellular fluid
primarily excreted exchanged by glomerular filtration
normal half-life: 2-3 hours*
removed by hemodialysis (10% per hour)
aminoglycoside PDs
exhibit conc-dependent bactericidal activity**
- PD parameter: peak/MIC ratio
- optimal peak/MIC ratio 8-10:1
aminoglycoside dosing recommendations
loading dose:
-gentamicin, tobramycin: 2-2.5** mg/kg
-amikacin: 7.5 mg/kg
maintenance dose (based on renal fxn):
-gentamicin, tobramycin: 1.5-2 mg/kg q8-12h (normal renal function)
-amikacin: 5-7.5 mg/kg q12h (normal renal fxn)
target peak and trough conc for gram-negative infections
maximize peak/MIC ratio
moderate: UTI
-Gentamicin, tobramycin: peak 4-6; trough less than 1
-amikacin: peak 20-25; trough 4-8
moderate-severe: osteomyelitis, pyelonephritis, soft-tissue infections
-gentamicin, tobramycin: peak 6-8; trough less than 1
-amikacin: peak 25-30; trough 4-8
severe: bacteremia, pneumonia, life-threatening infections
-gentamicin, tobramycin: peak 8-10; trough less than 1
-amikacin: peak 25-30; trough 4-8
target peak and trough conc for gram-positive infections
synergy*** (must be used in combination) for gram-positive infections - not as concerned about peak/MIC d/t synergy -combination with cell-wall agent for staphylococcal, streptococcal or enterococcal infections -gentamicin - preferred agent ---target peak: 3-5** ---target trough: less than 1** examples: -nafcillin + gent - MSSA -vancomycin + gent - MRSA or entercocci -ampicillin + gent - enterococci
serum conc monitoring
obtain peak and trough conc at steady state (usually 4-6 half lives - 3rd or 4th dose)
peak conc should be obtained at least 0.5 hour after the end of a 0.5-1 hour infusion (after distribution phase* is complete)
Trough conc should be obtained less than 0.5 hours before the next dose***
Why wait to obtain peak after distribution phase? if not, you will calculate k incorrectly (overestimate elimination rate)
traditional aminoglycoside dosing in clinical practice
population pharmacokinetic dosing to calculate INITIAL* aminoglycoside dosing regimen
utilize PK parameters derived from a “population” of patients to estimate PK parameters in a specific patient - “average”
populaiton parameters were generated from older studies and patient parameters may vary* from your specific patient
IBW equation
males = 50 kg + 2.3*inches over 60 females = 45.5 kg + 2.3*inches over 60
adjusted body weight equation
IBW + 0.4(TBW-IBW)
calculate if TBW is over 1.3(IBW)
lean body weight dosing
calculate if patient is morbidly obese (BMI over 40)
males = (9260TBW)/((216BMI)+6680)
females = (9270TBW)/((224BMI)+8780)
CrCl equation
multiply by 0.85 for females
weights used while dosing aminoglycosides
choosing volume of distribution range
- 25 L/kg = normal
- 15-0.20 L/kg = dehydrated
- 30-0.35 L/kg = used most often - fluid overload, burn, pregnancy, critically ill, infection
cmax and cmin
Cmax = desired max conc
Cmin = desired min conc
NOT peak or trough
cmax or peak larger??
delta t
time between Cpk and Ctr and is calculated as (tau) - (tinf) - (time from end of infusion of Cpk) - (time from Ctr to next infusion)
extended interval dosing of aminoglycosides
higher peak
maximize conc-dependent bactericial** activity by giving larger doses
minimize accumulation in target organs - conc should be zero at 24 hours
dosing interval based on CrCl
hartford nomogram - obtain single random blood sample 6-14 hours after START of infusion on day 5 - puts point near line
vacnomycin PD target
AUC/MIC = 400
weight dosing in vancomycin
based on TBW
not well defined in morbid obesity
V(L) for vancomycin
- 6-0.7 L/kg using TBW in non-morbidly obese
0. 6-0.7 L/kg using ABW in morbidly obese
cpk and ctr for vancomycin dosing
Cpk (or Cmax): 30-40 mg/L
Ctr (or Cmin): 10-15 mg/L or 15-20 mg/L depending on site and severity of infection
vancomycin monitoring parameters
“optimal” - trough serum concentrations
-always maintained about 10 mg/L
-if the MIC is 1 mg/L, Cmin of 15 mg/L should achieve target AUC/MIC of 400
troughs of 15-20 mg/L recommended in complicated infections (endocard, osteomyel, meningitis, MRSA, pneumonia)
calculating AUC
(lin trap + log trap) *2