⦁ Clinical pharmacology- introduction, subject, aim and tasks. Evidence-based medicine and drug therapy, based on evidence. Flashcards
objective of clinical pharmacology
optimize drug therapy
Aims of clinical pharmacology
⦁ Optimal use of existing medications.
⦁ Scientific study of drugs in humans
Scientific study of drugs in humans includes what?
⦁ Safety and efficacy of currently available drugs, and
⦁ Development of new and improved drug therapy
Tasks of clinical pharmacology
⦁ Making an accurate diagnosis
⦁ Understanding the pathophysiology of the disease
⦁ Review the drug therapy options
⦁ Select patient’s specific drug and dose
⦁ Select endpoints to follow of efficacy and toxicity
⦁ Maintain therapeutic team with the patient
what is Evidence-based medicine
intergration of external data and physician’s clinical expertise with pt values
how is external data organiseed (7)
⦁ High quality meta-analyses (very low risk of bias)
⦁ Well- conducted meta-analysis (low risk bias)
⦁ Meta-analysis of low-risk bias
⦁ High quality systemic review of case control or cohort studies with low risk bias
⦁ Case control or cohort studies with high risk of bias
⦁ Non-analytical studies (case reports)
⦁ Expert opinion
what are foreground and background questions used for
developing accurate clinical questions for evidence based medicine
what is a Background question
ask for general information about a condition or thing. answered by textbooks
what is a ⦁ Foreground question
ask for specific knowledge about a specific patient with a specific condition
answered by data bases
4 components of foreground questions
⦁ P = Patient population
⦁ I = Intervention/Investigation
⦁ C=Comparison Intervention/Investigation
⦁ O = Outcome (Patient-Oriented)
what is a p drug
best drugs for a specific patient with a specific condition.
Criteria for choosing a p-drug
⦁ Efficacy: Which treatment is the most effective
⦁ Safety: Are there harmful effects of a particular treatment
⦁ Suitability:takes into account the convenience of dosage form, dosage schedule, and route of administration. It also considers the safety features like contraindications and drug interactions.
⦁ Cost: Looks at cost effectiveness, cost/benefit analysis.
Sources of external evidence
⦁ Cross-sectional survey- simultaneous assessments of outcomes, descriptive features, and predictors are made.
⦁ Case control studies: patients who already have a specific condition are compared with people who do not
⦁ Randomized controlled trials- include methodologies that reduce the potential for bias
⦁ Systematic review- studies are collected, reviewed, assessed and the results summarized according to predetermined criteria of the review question.
what is a level of evidence
the degree to which data regarding a disease is rigoursly carried out
⦁ Level I: gold standard of evidence.
at least one properly controlled randomized trial,