Clinical neuroanatomy -Cerebral lesions Flashcards
Monocular vision
optic nerve lesion complete loss of vision in one eye
Bitemporal hemianopia
Lesion in the optic chasm
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
lesion in the optic tract
Contralateral superior quadrantanopia
lesion in the meyer loop will affect the fibres from the upper portion of the contralateral visual field
Speech areas of the brain
Brocas area –> sensory area of speech Wernickes –> to form words
Loss of brocas area
Expressive dysphagia
Temporal lobe wernickes area lesion
problems processing information
Lesions in the frontal lobe
1, Personalit change- apathetic (lack of interest in life activities and/or interacting with othersrelationship) or disinhbted 2. Brocas aphasia (expressive) 3. abnormal affective reactions 4. Primitive relfexes ( present in normal infant but not intact in adult) 5. Perseveration - repetition of words
Frontal Lobe- associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
Parietal lobe
associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli
Occiptal lobe
associated with visual processing
Temporal lobe
associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Areas of the cerebral cortex
Motor- precentral gyrus (frontal lobe) Sensory 1. somatosensory - post central gyrus 2. auditory - superior temporal lobe 3. visual - occipital cortex 4. Olfacory - frontal lobe 5. Broca’s area- dominant frontal lobe, speech output 6. Wernickes area- dominant posterior superior temporal gyrus word comprehension
Parietal lobe damage may result in (all the A’s)
- Apraxia - inability to perform purpose actions (dressing) 2. Acalculia - calculation impairments 3. Agraphia - (loss in ability to communicate through writing) 4. drawing apraxia (drawing ability) 5. constructional apraxia - inability to copy accurately drawings 6. asterognosis - inability to identify an object with hands homonoyous inferior quadrantopia
Occiptal lesions may result in
cortical blindness homonymous hemianopia Visual agnosia (inability to comprehend memory of objects)