Clinical Material Not Emphasized In Path Flashcards
Nutcracker Esophagus
Description (2), Presentation (2) and Diagnosis
Hypertensive peristalsis with normal coordinated contractions
Atypical chest pain
Solid/Liquid Dysphagia
Increased baseline LES pressure on manometry
Boerhaave’s Syndrome
Description, History (2) and Clinical Findings (3)
Spontaneous transmural esophageal rupture at GEJ
Hx of forceful retching and alcohol abuse
Pneumomediastinum on CXR
Subcutaneous emphysema
Hamman’s Sign
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
Description, Presentation (2) and Diagnosis (2)
Uncoordinated esophageal peristalsis
Atypical chest pain
Solid/Liquid Dysphagia
Corkscrew appearance on barium CXR
Normal LES function on manometry
GI Alarm Symptoms (6)
Unexplained weight loss Constant/Severe pain Persistent vomiting Dysphagia/Odynophagia Hematemesis/Melena Anemia
Esophageal Web
Diagnosis (2), Treatments (2) and Association
Barium swallow (more sensitive) EGD
Bougie Dilator
Long term PPI
Plummer Vinson Syndrome
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Presentation (2), Complications (3), Cancer Association, Diagnostics (2)
Excessively dry mouth
Oropharyngeal dysphagia
Candida infections
Dental caries
Bilateral Salivary gland enlargement
Non-Hodgkin B cell Lymphoma
Lip biopsy showing Ro/La Abs
Hallmarks (3) Diffuse Description (2) Limited Description (2)
Atrophy of esophageal smooth muscle
Esophageal fibrosis causes aperistalsis
Progressive dysphagia
Diffuse associated with Topoisomerase I Abs (Scl-70)
Early internal organ involvement (worse prognosis)
Limited associated with Anti-Centrome Abs
CREST syndrome
Esophageal Stricture
Most Common Type, Presentation (2) and Diagnosis
Peptic stricture
Progressive dysphagia
Heartburn improves as stricture worsens
EGD with biopsy (to rule out esophageal carcinoma)
Gastroparesis Clinical Features (3) Etiologies (5) Diagnosis, Treatment (4)
Intermittent symptomology
Early satiety
N/V 1-3 hours after meals
Diabetes Hypothyroidism Post operative Anorexia Neurological conditions
Gastric Scintigraphy
Eat small meals
Avoid fiber, milk and fat
Pyrosis (Heartburn)
Symptoms (4) and Treatments (3)
Chest pain 30-60 minutes after eating
Water brash (bad taste in mouth)
Lifestyle modifications
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Description (2), Association, Diagnosis
Gastrinoma in proximal duodenum
Excess acid causes duodenal ulcer
MEN1 (Hyperparathyroidism and Pituitary neoplasm)
Check PTH/PLN/LH/FSH/GH to rule out
Fasting gastrin >1000
Positive secretin stimulation test
EGD showing hypertrophic rugae
Menetrier Disease
Etiology, Clincal Features (3)
Excessive TGF-alpha secretion
Hypertrophic rugae
Mallory Weiss Tear Clinical Description (3) and Associations (2)
Superficial, non-transmural tear at GEJ
Bleeding precipitated by vomiting or vigorous coughing
Bleeding abates spontaneously
Mallory Weiss Tear Clinical Features (3)
Superficial, non-transmural tear at GEJ
Bleeding precipitated by vomiting or vigorous coughing
Bleeding abates spontaneously
Diarrhea Alarm Symptoms (6)
Nocturnal Diarrhea Weight Loss Anemia (+) Fecal Occult Blood Test (Hematochezia) Acute diarrhea onset Fever
Budd Chiari
Risk Factor, Clinical Features (5), Diagnosis (2)
Hypercoagulable state
Hepatic Vein obstruction causing:
Jaundice, RUQ pain, Ascites, Hepatosplenomegaly
Diagnose with Contrast Enhanced US*
Nutmeg liver on biopsy