Clinical Laboratory as a Workplace Flashcards
presents revised rules and regulations governing the licensure and regulation of clinical laboratories in the Philippines
DOH Administrative Order 2007- 0027
a facility where tests are done on specimens from human body to obtain information about the health status of a patient
clinical laboratory
basic commonly required tests in the laboratory not required to be released immediately
routine testing
tests done on urgent cases which should be released one hour after the procedure, abbreviated from word sta’tim meaning immediately
STAT tests
defined by Lundberg as “life threatening” unless something is done promptly
critical values
the mechanism that the clinical laboratory follows
general laboratory process
includes all processes before the actual performance of the test which includes request for test and collection, transport, and receiving of specimen
pre-analytical phase
includes actual performance of the requested laboratory test
analytical phase
includes processes that are carried out after the performance of the test which includes calculation, recording, releasing and interpreting of results
post-analytical phase
two classifications of clinical laboratories according to ownership
governemnent and private
clinical laboratory operated and maintained partially or wholly by any political unit or department
clinical laboratory owned, established and operated by any individual or corporation
two classifications of clinical laboratories by function
clinical pathology and anatomic pathology
two classifications of clinical laboratories by institutional character
institution based and freestanding
clinical laboratory with minimum technical working area of 10 square meters and offers routine hematology, routine urinalysis and routine fecalysis
primary category
clinical laboratory with minimum technical working area of 20 square meters and offers routine chemistry
secondary category
clinical laboratory with minimum technical working area of 60 square meters and offers special hematology, special chemistry, immunology and microbiology
tertiary category
provides laboratory tests required for a particular service in institutions (i.e. dialysis center and hygiene clinics)
limited service capability
highly specialized laboratory services usually not provided by a general clinical laboratory
special clinical laboratory
laboratory designated by the DOH to provide special functions and services for specific disease areas
national reference laboratories (NRL)
program where participating laboratories are givwn unknown samples for analysis to evaluate the quality of performance using closeness of results to the predetermined value
External Quality Assusrance Program EQAP or National External Quality Assurance Scheme NEQAS
NRL for environmental, occupational health, toxicology, and micronutrient assay
East Avenue Medical Center
NRL for Clinical Chemistry
Lung Center of the Philippines
NRL for HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Disease
San Lazaro Hospital STD AIDS Cooperative Center Laboratory
NRL for Hematology, Immunohematology, Immunopathology, Automated Urinalysis, Anatomic Pathology for Renal Diseases and other unassigned organ system diseases
National Kidney and Transplant Institute
NRL for microbiology and parasitology
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine RITM
NRL for Anatomic Pathology for Cardiovascular Diseases
Philippine Heart Center
an individual doctor’s office/clinic wherein laboratory examinations are performed
the physician’s office laboratory
any testing site that performs laboratory examinations under a licensed laboratory but performs outside the confines of that laboratory
satellite testing site
moves from testing site to another testing site or has a temporary testing location
mobile clinical laboratories
diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care rather than in a clinical laboratory like bedside testing, outpatient and home care
point-of-care testing
regulates the qualifications for healthcare personnel authorized to perform POCT
CLIA ‘88 (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments)
tests that are considered simple to perform and interpret, requires no special training and minimum quality control and pose no risk or harm to patient if performed incorrectly
waived tests