Clinical haematology Flashcards
Define disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a complex condition that describes the inappropriate activation of the clotting cascades, resulting in thrombus formation and subsequently leading to the depletion of clotting factors and platelets.
What is the epidemiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation?
DIC often occurs in the context of severe systemic disease (see aetiology below). DIC is often encountered in a hospital setting, particularly in intensive care units, surgical wards, and obstetric units due to the high prevalence of associated risk factors. It is associated with a high mortality rate, with the outcome is largely dependent on the prompt diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause.
Causes of disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Major trauma or burns
Multi-organ failure
Severe sepsis or infection
Severe obstetric complications
Solid tumours or haematological malignancies
Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) is an uncommon subtype of AML that is associated with DIC
Note: This comes up frequently in written exams
Signs and symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Excessive bleeding e.g. epistaxis, gingival bleeding, haematuria, bleeding/oozing from cannula sites
Potential coma
Physical signs include:
Oozing from a cannula size is a classic sign of DIC
What are the blood tests for disseminated intravascular coagulation?
FBC (thrombocytopenia)
Blood film may show schistocytes due to microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA) - (fragmented red blood cells) on a blood film due to mechanical damage in small vessels from the clotting process
Raised d-dimer (a fibrin degradation product)
Clotting profile - increased prothrombin time (due to consumption of clotting factors), increased APTT, decreased fibrinogen (consumed due to microvascular thrombi)
What is the management for disseminated intravascular coagulation?
Management of DIC is primarily focused on treating the underlying cause. Supportive care is also essential to manage symptoms and prevent complications. This may include transfusions of platelets or clotting factors, and in some cases, anticoagulation therapy may be necessary.
What are the coagulation cascade findings in disseminated intravascular coagulation?
The low platelet count and fibrinogen are due to consumption, and prolonged PT due to the consumption of coagulation factors. APTT can be normal or prolonged
In DIC, PT is often prolonged because factor VII in the extrinsic pathway is rapidly depleted. aPTT may remain normal initially because the intrinsic pathway factors are not as quickly depleted or are compensated for by other mechanisms. This disparity reflects the differential sensitivity of these tests to factor consumption in the early phases of DIC.
define haemochromatosis:
Haemochromatosis is an iron storage disorder in which iron depositions in multiple organs (such as the liver, skin, pituitary, heart and pancreas) leading to oxidative damage. It is the most common genetic condition in the UK but may initially present with non-specific symptoms, leading to under-diagnosis.
How can haemochromatosis be classified?
Haemochromatosis can be primary (hereditary) or secondary (acquired) and classically presents in white, middle-aged males
What is the major cause of haemochromatosis?
The major cause of hereditary haemochromatosis is due to autosomal recessive mutations to the haemochromatosis (HFE) gene on chromosome 6.
The two main mutant alleles are C282Y and H63D.
Approximately 85-90% of HFE patients are homozygous for the C282Y allele
HFE mutations exhibit low penetrance :
Estimated 14% penetrance for homozygous males
Penetrance is even lower for females, attributed to menstruation and genetic variation in HLA subtypes (HFE is a HLA protein)
What is the pathophysiology of haemochromatosis?
Primary haemochromatosis is due to mutations in the HFE gene, each of which alter the regulatory pathways involved in hepcidin , an acute phase reactant protein that regulates iron stores.
HFE mutation→decreased hepcidin activity→ increased duodenal/jejunal iron absorption and release of iron from bone marrow macrophages → iron deposition in cells → Fenton reaction* and hydroxyl free radicals → DNA, lipid and protein damage → organ dysfunction
*Fenton reaction
Iron freely undergoes oxidation in cells from Fe2+ to Fe3+ as part of the Fenton reaction
In this process, hydroxyl free radicals are generated which then cause oxidative damage
A major mechanism of cell injury is free radical-induced lipid peroxidation which triggers apoptosis
What is the classification of primary haemochromatosis?
Classification is based on the mechanism of inheritance. All mechanisms interfere with the process of macrophage-liver communication, leading to decreased activity of hepcidin.
Type 1: Hereditary (HFE genotype) haemochromatosis
The cause over 90% of cases
Autosomal-recessive mutation to HFE gene (chromosome 6)
Only present in white populations
Type 2: Juvenile haemochromatosis: Presents in early adulthood (second and third decades) versus classic middle-aged patients of hereditary haemochromatosis.
Type 2A mutation of the haemojuvelin gene.
Type 2B mutation of the hepcidin gene A
Patients often have hypogonadism and cardiomyopathy.
Type 3: Transferrin receptor 2 haemochromatosis
Autosomal-recessive mutation in transferrin receptor 2 (chromosome 7)
Condition mimics HFE haemochromatosis clinically
Type 4: Ferroportin disease
Type 4A: low transferrin saturation and macrophage iron deposits
Type 4B: clinically similar to type 1 (HFE) haemochromatosis- high transferrin saturation and iron deposition in liver.
Name some causes of secondary haemochromatosis?
Frequent blood transfusions: each new transfusion introduces new iron which is recycled and stored
Iron supplementation: over-supplementing, particularly with concurrent vitamin C.
Diseases of erythropoiesis: ineffective erythropoiesis leads to iron accumulation
What are the early clinical manifestations of haemochromatosis?
Fatigue: This is one of the most common presenting symptoms, and often the most debilitating. It is usually chronic, non-refreshing and unrelieved by rest.
Arthralgia: Joint pain is another common symptom. This typically involves the metacarpophalangeal joints, wrists, knees, and ankles.
Impaired sexual function: Men may experience loss of libido or impotence due to gonadal failure, while women may experience menstrual irregularities or early menopause.
Abdominal pain: Patients may present with a non-specific, often chronic, abdominal pain. This can be due to hepatomegaly or pancreatic involvement.
Mood disturbances: Depression and irritability may be early manifestations of the con
What are the later clinical manifestations of haemochromotasis?
Skin hyperpigmentation: The skin may become bronzed or greyish due to increased melanin production. This sign is often mistaken for a tan, but is actually due to the combination of iron deposits and increased melanin in the skin.
Hepatomegaly and Cirrhosis: As iron accumulates in the liver, it can lead to liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and eventually, cirrhosis. This can present as jaundice, ascites, and signs of portal hypertension.
Diabetes mellitus: Damage to pancreatic beta cells can result in insulin deficiency, leading to a form of diabetes known as ‘bronze diabetes’.
Cardiac disease: Cardiomyopathy due to iron deposition in the myocardium can present as congestive heart failure with signs such as dyspnea, orthopnea, and lower extremity oedema.
Arthropathy: A distinctive form of arthritis can develop, commonly affecting the second and third metacarpophalangeal joints. This can lead to the characteristic ‘iron fist’ sign, an important clue to the diagnosis.
Hypogonadism: Persistent gonadal dysfunction can lead to signs of hypogonadism in men and women.
chondrocalcinosis - deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals in joint cartilage, and it is commonly associated with hemochromatosis.
What are the investigations for haemochromatosis?
Patients with clinical features, raised transferrin saturation and/or raised serum ferritin should then undergo molecular testing for HFE gene mutation . A C282Y mutation on the HFE gene (chromosome 6) is the most common cause of hereditary haemochromatosis.
Transferrin saturation is the superior screening test. It should also be remembered that ferritin is an acute phase protein and will be raised by inflammation, as well as alcoholism, metabolic syndrome and anaemia
Clinical evidence of liver involvement and/or serum ferritin >2247pmol/L must be referred to hepatology for liver biopsy to estimate hepatocyte iron content and assess extent of fibrosis or cirrhosis.
Depending on the presenting complaints, alternative tests include:
Fasting blood sugar (may be raised in liver/pancreatic involvement)
ECG (may show arrhythmia or decreased QRS amplitude)
Echocardiogram (assess iron deposition in conduction pathway and cardiomyopathy)
Testosterone, FSH, LH (may be low in gonadal/pituitary involvement)
What is the general management for haemochromatosis?
ll patients should receive advice on the following:
Avoid iron and iron-containing supplements
Avoid vitamin C supplements (and orange juice) (which increases the bioavailability of iron for enteric absorption), except in iron chelation therapy where it may increase therapeutic value
Limit or avoid alcohol
Consider hepatitis A and B vaccinations if no previous encounter.
What are the specific stages of haemochromotasis guiding management
Stage 0 and 1 can be managed in primary care and patients should receive counselling and support for their condition.
Describe phlebotomy treatment for haemochromotasis?
Phlebotomy , or venesection, is the process by which blood is removed from the patient to stimulate haematopoiesis, thereby utilising some of the excess iron for haem synthesis. It is performed in two stages:
Induction: weekly phlebotomy sessions in the secondary care setting to reduce iron levels to <50% transferrin saturation. This should be under the guidance of haematology or hepatology depending on the extent of liver disease). Induction can take several months or even longer depending on the iron burden.
Maintenance: infrequent (less than monthly) phlebotomy sessions to maintain normal iron levels (<50% transferrin saturation).
It is encouraged for maintenance phlebotomy to occur at blood donation banks under the NHS Blood & Transplant service if patients are ‘fit’ and do not have liver disease.
What is the treatment for haemochromotasis when phlebotomy is contraindicated in stages 2,3,4 (such as anaemia, cardiac disease or venous access issues)
Iron chelation therapy - Both oral agents (Deferasirox) and parenteral agents (Desferrioxamine) are available dependent on the patient’s likelihood of compliance and response.
Patients with end stage cirrhotic liver disease due to haemochromatosis are candidates for:
Liver transplantation. It is important to note that transplant outcomes are worse compared to other causes of cirrhosis.
What are the complications of haemochromatosis?
The main complications are a result of oxidative damage to organs. In addition, deranged iron scavenging increases susceptibility to certain organisms such as Listeria monocytogenes and haemochromatosis patients exhibit increased bone loss and osteoporosis which is multifactorial in nature.
Direct organ damage complications include:
Fibrosis or cirrhosis
Hepatocellular carcinoma: cirrhosis patients have a 100 fold increased risk of developing liver cancer
Diabetes mellitus:
The risk is not significantly raised in these patients compared to population but this is due to the overwhelming obesity prevalence rather than iron overload itself not being a risk for progression of diabetes mellitus
Arrhythmia due to iron deposition in conduction pathway
Cardiomyopathy: either dilated or dilated-restrictive
Chronic congestive heart failure
Hypogonadotrophism can result from iron depositing in the pituitary direct damage to gonads
What is the prognosis of haemochromatosis?
Prognosis is dependent on severity of disease at diagnosis.
Patients without clinical symptoms of organ damage (such as cirrhosis or diabetes mellitus) at the time of diagnosis often have unchanged life expectancy from healthy individuals
However, large studies put the relative risk at over 2 and the mean survival at 21 years for patients who have cirrhosis at the time of diagnosis
Life-limiting complications
Cirrhosis at the time of diagnosis increases the risk of life-limiting complications such as hepatocellular carcinoma, diabetes mellitus and cardiac disease
Liver disease is exacerbated by additional liver injury (for example from alcohol and hepatitis infection).
Liver transplant is indicated for cirrhosis and cancer development but post-transplant prognosis (1- and 5-year survival) is significantly worse for haemochromatosis compared to other diseases that necessitate liver transplant
Which of complication of haemochromatosis would be most likely to show improvement with venesection?
Cardiomyopathy caused by haemochromatosis can significantly improve with regular venesection therapy.
Define anaemia:
Anaemia is a medical condition characterized by a deficiency in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) or a decrease in the concentration of haemoglobin (Hb) in the blood. This deficiency results in reduced oxygen-carrying capacity and impaired oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues and organs.
How is anaemia classified?
Anaemia can be classified according to the MCV, which is part of the FBC panel
What is macrocytic anaemia?
(MCV >100 fl)
Morphologically, macrocytic anaemia is usually typified by large RBCs due to abnormal RBC development, giant metamyelocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils (in the peripheral circulation).
Macrocytic anaemia may be megaloblastic or non-megaloblastic.
Name some causes of megaloblastic anaemia?
B12 deficiency
reduced intake (eg. dietary)
reduced absorption (eg. pernicious anaemia, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrectomy)
Folate deficiency
hydroxycarbamide (previously called hydroxyurea)
cytosine arabinoside
Name some causes of non-megaloblastic/normoblastic macrocytic anaemia?
Liver disease
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Pregnancy (usually a mild macrocytosis)
Name some causes of normocytic anaemia?
MCV 78–98 fl
Causes include:
Recent bleeding
Anaemia of chronic disease
Combined iron & B12/folate deficiency
Most non-haematinic-deficiency causes
Name some causes of microcytic anaemia?
Microcytic anaemia is defined as the presence of small, often hypochromic, RBCs in a peripheral blood smear
Causes include :
Iron deficiency
α-thalassaemia, β-thalassaemia, HbE, HbC
Anaemia of chronic disease (this more often causes normochromic normocytic anaemia)
Lead poisoning
Sideroblastic anaemias (rare)
What are the signs and symptoms of anaemia?
Shortness of breath
Pallor of the conjunctiva
Cold extremities
Increased cardiac output, palpitations, heart murmurs and cardiac failure
Severe anaemia can lead to chest pain and cognitive impairment
Name the investigations for anaemia:
Full Blood Count (FBC): This is the initial step in assessing anaemia. It provides information on haemoglobin levels, haematocrit, red blood cell count, and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Abnormal MCV values help classify anaemia type.
Peripheral Blood Smear: A blood smear examination allows a closer look at the size, shape, and color of red blood cells. It can provide valuable clues, such as the presence of abnormal cell shapes (spherocytes, schistocytes) or specific inclusions (Heinz bodies).
Reticulocyte Count: Evaluating reticulocytes (immature red blood cells) can determine whether the bone marrow is appropriately responding to anaemia. Low reticulocyte counts may suggest decreased RBC production, while high counts could indicate haemolysis.
Iron Studies: Measuring serum iron, ferritin, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), and transferrin saturation helps diagnose iron-deficiency anaemia and differentiate it from other forms.
Vitamin and Folate Levels: Assessing serum vitamin B12 and folate levels is essential for diagnosing megaloblastic anaemias, such as pernicious anaemia or folate deficiency anaemia.
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis: This test is crucial for identifying haemoglobinopathies like sickle cell disease and thalassaemia.
Specific Tests: In cases of suspected haemolytic anemia or underlying chronic diseases, additional tests may be required, including autoimmune markers, haptoglobin, and direct and indirect bilirubin measurements.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: These invasive procedures may be necessary when the underlying cause remains unclear or when bone marrow disorders, myelodysplastic syndromes, or aplastic anemia are suspected.
Name the management for anaemia:
Nutritional Support: For iron-deficiency anaemia, dietary adjustments or iron supplementation are essential. Correcting vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies through diet or supplements is critical for megaloblastic anaemias.
Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents: In chronic kidney disease-associated anaemia or anaemia related to chemotherapy, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) may stimulate red blood cell production.
Treating Underlying Conditions: Managing chronic diseases, such as inflammatory disorders or cancer, can alleviate anaemia. Specific treatments, such as corticosteroids for autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, may be required.
Blood Transfusions: In cases of severe anaemia, significant bleeding, or acute complications, blood transfusions can rapidly improve oxygen delivery. Transfusions are vital in haemolytic crises.
Haemolysis Management: When haemolysis is the cause, identifying and treating the underlying haemolytic disorder, along with managing complications like jaundice and anaemia, is crucial.
Bone Marrow Stimulants: In some anaemias, such as aplastic anaemia, bone marrow stimulants like granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) or erythropoietin-stimulating agents may be considered.
Supportive Care: Providing supportive care, including managing symptoms, optimizing nutrition, and addressing fatigue and quality of life, is a key aspect of anaemia management.
Regular Monitoring: Ongoing follow-up and monitoring are vital to track the response to treatment and ensure that haemoglobin levels are stable. Adjustments to the treatment plan may be needed based on patient progress.
Define iron deficiency anaemia:
Iron deficiency anaemia is a haematological disorder stemming from an insufficient supply of iron, which is vital for the synthesis of haemoglobin—a crucial component of red blood cells. Without adequate iron, the body struggles to produce a sufficient quantity of healthy red blood cells, leading to a reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity and subsequent symptoms of anaemia.
Name some causes of iron deficiency anaemia:
Dietary Insufficiency: Inadequate iron intake, especially in individuals with restrictive diets or limited access to iron-rich foods.
Chronic Blood Loss: Gastrointestinal bleeding, heavy menstrual periods, and other sources of chronic blood loss (e.g. angiodysplasia) can deplete iron stores.
Malabsorption Disorders: Conditions like coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and atrophic gastritis can hinder iron absorption in the gut. Hookworms are a more prominent cause in tropical setting.
Increased Demand: During pregnancy and rapid growth phases, the body’s iron requirements can surpass the available supply. This can also occur if there is chronic haemolysis
What are the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia:
Palpitations: An increased heart rate may be noticeable, especially when at rest.
Cognitive Impairment: Some patients may exhibit difficulty concentrating or memory issues.
Cold Intolerance
Headaches and dizziness
Brittle Nails: Changes in the nails, such as brittleness and spoon-shaped deformities (koilonychia), can be observed.
Angular stomatitis
Atrophic glossitis
Pica: Iron-deficiency anaemia may manifest as pica, with cravings for non-food substances like ice (pagophagia) or clay (geophagia). This is more common in children.
What will the blood film show in iron deficiency anaemia:
Hypochromic, microcytic red cells
Additional pencil cells
Occasional target cells
What investigations do we do specifically for iron deficiency anaemia:
Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) – Will typically be high as the body mobilises available iron stores owing to the iron deficiency
Ferritin – will be low as available iron stores in the body are mobilised to counteract the iron deficiency
Note: Ferritin should be measured alongside B12 and folate to assess possible coexisting haematinic deficiency
A low ferritin is diagnostic of iron deficiency; however, a normal or high ferritin does not exclude iron deficiency
Ferritin is an acute phase protein so levels can be masked/influenced by other conditions, particularly inflammation – It is good to check a C-reactive protein (CRP) at the same time
Iron deficiency anaemia in patients >60y should prompt suspicion colonic malignancy until proven otherwise and prompt FIT testing and subsequent 2 week wait referral if indicated according to NICE guidelines.
What is the management for iron deficiency anaemia:
Iron Supplementation: Oral or intravenous iron supplements are administered to correct iron deficiency. Intravenous iron is preferred in cases of severe deficiency or malabsorption. Important considerations of oral iron supplementation (usually a 3 month course) include:
Side effects - diarrhoea, constipation, black stools, abdominal pain, nausea
If it is not tolerated due to SEs, reduce the dose to one tablet on alternate days, or consider alternative oral preparations.
Iron supplements should be taken on an empty stomach (preferably one hour before a meal) with a drink containing vitamin C, such as a glass of orange juice or another juice drink with added vitamin C. This aids absorption.
Oral iron decreases the absorption of oral Levothyroxine. Therefore if both are prescribed, advise patients to take at least 4 hours apart.
Monitoring - recheck FBC within 4 weeks of starting treatment (haemoglobin concentration should rise by about 20 g/L over 3–4 weeks). Then check the FBC again at 2–4 months to ensure that the haemoglobin level has returned to normal. Once Hb is normal can continue supplementation for 3 further months, and then monitor at 3/6/12-monthly intervals.
What is pernicious anaemia?
Pernicious anaemia is a deficiency in RBCs caused by lack of vitamin B12 in the blood
In the strictest sense, it is caused by autoimmune impairment of intrinsic factor production
The term is also widely used to describe B12 deficiency-related anaemia secondary to other causes as well.
What is the pathophysiology of pernicious anaemia?
The pathophysiology of pernicious anaemia primarily revolves around the autoimmune destruction of gastric parietal cells, which play a central role in the absorption of vitamin B12. This complex process involves several key factors:
Autoimmune Attack: In pernicious anaemia, the body’s immune system mistakenly targets and destroys gastric parietal cells. These cells are responsible for producing intrinsic factor, a protein necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.
Intrinsic Factor Deficiency: As a result of autoimmune destruction, intrinsic factor levels decrease, leading to impaired vitamin B12 absorption in the ileum, the final part of the small intestine.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Reduced absorption of vitamin B12 results in a deficiency of this essential nutrient. Vitamin B12 is crucial for erythropoiesis (the formation of red blood cells) and the maintenance of the nervous system.
Megaloblastic Changes: Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to impaired DNA synthesis in developing blood cells. This results in megaloblastic changes, causing larger, structurally abnormal red blood cells (megaloblasts) in the bone marrow. These larger cells are less effective at carrying oxygen, leading to anaemia.
Haemolysis: Pernicious anaemia can lead to haemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells) due to their structural abnormalities. .
What are the signs and symptoms of pernicious anaemia?
Glossitis - inflammation of the tongue, leading to a smooth, beefy-red appearance.
Neurological Symptoms and subacute combined degeneration of the cord: Pernicious anaemia may cause neuropathy, affecting balance, sensation, and coordination.
Jaundice - due to haemolysis
Cognitive Impairment - memory problems, confusion, and mood changes may occur
What would a full blood count and blood smear show in pernicious anaemia?
Full Blood Count (FBC): Reveals macrocytic anaemia and may show hypersegmented neutrophils.
Low haemoglobin level
High MCV
High mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)
Normal mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
Low reticulocyte count
abnormally large and oval-shaped RBCs
What are the specific investigations we do in pernicious anaemia?
Vitamin B12 Assays: Measure serum vitamin B12 levels, which are typically low in pernicious anaemia.
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies: These antibodies help confirm the autoimmune nature of the condition. This test is highly specific.
Parietal cell Antibodies: This test is highly sensitive.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: May show megaloblastic changes in erythropoiesis.
Pernicious anaemia is associated with atrophic body gastritis – diagnostic criteria are based on histologic evidence of gastric body atrophy associated with hypochlorhydria.
Note: ‘active’ vitamin B12 or holotranscobalamin is a more sensitive measure of vitamin B12 deficiency – total vitamin B12 is mostly bound to carrier proteins.
What is the management of pernicious anaemia?
Management of patients with pernicious anaemia is lifelong replacement by quarterly treatment with hydroxycobalamin and close monitoring to ensure early diagnosis of any subsequently unmasked iron deficiency. Folate replacement is also often necessary.
What are the complications of pernicious anaemia?
Patients should be advised about possible long-term gastrointestinal consequences, such as gastric cancer and carcinoid.
Vitamin B12 is required for the nervous system so, in vitamin B12 deficiency, always consider:
Peripheral neuropathy
Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
Optic atrophy
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be associated with other autoimmune disorders such as hypothyroidism and vitiligo.
Name the causes of microcytic anaemia:
Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA): IDA is the most common cause of microcytic anaemia. It results from insufficient iron intake, malabsorption, chronic blood loss (e.g. gastrointestinal bleeding), or increased iron requirements (e.g. pregnancy).
Thalassaemias: Thalassaemias are a group of inherited haemoglobin disorders characterized by reduced production of normal globin chains, leading to microcytosis.
Anaemia of Chronic Disease (ACD): Chronic inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and chronic infections, can cause ACD, which often presents as microcytic anemia.
Lead Poisoning: Exposure to lead, often through contaminated sources, can lead to microcytic anaemia, particularly in children.
Sideroblastic Anaemia: Sideroblastic anaemias are a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by defective haem synthesis and the accumulation of iron within the mitochondria of erythroid precursors.
Define thalassaemia:
Thalassaemia is a group of inherited disorders characterised by abnormal haemoglobin production.
Defects in the four genes for α-globin result in α-thalassaemia in the two genes for β-globin result in β-thalassaemia
The absence/abnormality of the α- or β-globin genes leads to quantitative abnormality in globin chain production and an imbalance of the globin-chain synthesis
The clinical severity of the syndrome is proportional to the number of absent or abnormal genes
What is the inheritance pattern of alpha-thalassaemia?
Autosomal recessive inheritance
What is the pathophysiology of alpha thalassaemia?
α-thalassemia describes the spectrum of diseases caused by nonfunctioning copies of the four α-globin genes on chromosome 16.
Symptomatic disease results when two or more copies of the gene are lost
Patients with two defective copies have a mild asymptomatic anaemia – so-called α-thalassaemia trait
Those with three defective copies have symptomatic haemoglobin H disease
Microcytic anaemia (Hb approximately 70 g/l)
Normal survival is to be expected
inheritance of four defective copies (hydrops fetalis) is incompatible with life
The lack of α-globin chains results in excess γ-chains (creating Hb Barts), which are poor carriers of oxygen owing to their high affinity for oxygen
It may affect the fetus in utero - Bart’s hydrops fetalis will generally present on antenatal ultrasound scans with increased amniotic fluid, increased nuchal translucency and other features of foetal fluid overload.
What is the management for alpha-thalassaemia?
Current treatment options for symptomatic thalassaemia include:
Blood transfusions
Stem cell transplantation
A splenectomy is an option, particularly in patients with HbH disease.
Regular folic acid can also be given, especially in those who are pregnant.
What is the inheritance pattern for beta-thalassaemia?
Autosomal recessive inheritance
What is the pathophysiology of beta-thalassaemia?
β-thalassemia describes the spectrum of diseases caused by nonfunctioning copies of the two β-globin genes
The mildest variant of β-thalassaemia is β-thalassaemia minor (also known as thalassaemia trait)
Patients typically have one functioning and one dysfunctional copy of the β-globin gene
The most severe form of β-thalassaemia (known as β-thalassaemia major) is caused by a complete absence of β-globin synthesis (null mutations in both copies of the β-globin gene)
What are the signs and symptoms of beta-thalassaemia?
β-thalassaemia minor - patients are typically asymptomatic
β-thalassaemia major:
Severe symptomatic anaemia at 3–9 months of age
Becomes evident when levels of HbF, which does not contain β-globin, fall and should be replaced by HbA (made up of two α- and two β-globin chains), which is lacking in β-thalassaemia major
Ineffective haematopoiesis results in extramedullary haematopoesis, which results in
Frontal bossing (hair-on-end appearance on Skull XR)
Maxillary overgrowth and prominent frontal/parietal bones (hypertrophy of ineffective marrow) - “Chipmunk facies”
Failure to thrive in infancy
What are the investigations and findings for beta-thalassaemia minor?
Isolated microcytosis (MCV approximately 63–77 fl) and mild anaemia (Hb typically not <100 g/l)
The degree of anaemia is often less severe than would be expected for the degree of microcytosis
Blood film - target cells and basophilic stippling
Increased red cell count
Hb electrophoresis (diagnostic) shows raised HbA2 (>3.5%) – can be lowered by the presence of iron deficiency
Can be confused with iron deficiency – ferritin in β-thalassaemia minor is usually normal or high
What are the investigations and findings for beta-thalassaemia major?
Profound microcytic anaemia; reduced MCV and reduced MCHC
Increased reticulocytes
Blood film – marked anisopoikilocytosis, target cells and nucleated RBCs. Teardrop cells from extramedullary haematopoeisis may also be present
Methyl blue stains – RBC inclusions with precipitated α-globin
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or electrophoresis (diagnostic) – mainly shows HbF
HbA2 may be normal or mildly elevated
What is the management for beta-thalassaemia major?
Treatment is with regular blood transfusions
The most important long-term consideration in these patients is to reduce the risk of iron overload toxicity
A condition which primarily affects the heart, joints, liver and endocrine glands
Half of patients with β-thalassaemia major die before the age of 35 years, usually from cardiac failure secondary to iron overload
Iron overload can be prevented with iron chelating agents (eg. desferrioxamine/deferiprone/deferasirox)
Hydroxycarbamide (previously known as hydroxyurea) can also be used to boost HbF levels
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from a sibling or matched unrelated donor
A potentially curative option
Should be done before significant organ damage has occurred due to iron overload
Risks of transplant include graft rejection, graft vs. host disease, infection and transplant-related mortality
These risks must balanced against the long-term benefits of transfusion independence and ‘cure’
What are the complications of beta-thalassaemia major?
Cardiomyopathy/cardiac arrhythmia/cardiac failure
Older patients are prone to atrial fibrillation
Urgent cardiac investigations (eg. ECG, echocardiogram, cardiac monitoring and chest X-ray) may be needed
Acute sepsis – bacterial sepsis (risk is further increased after splenectomy)
Consider central venous catheter infection (particularly with Klebsiella, Yersinia enterocolitica and encapsulated organisms
Give broad-spectrum antibiotics, and consider high-dependency unit input
Liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and acute decompensation
Early liver unit input and careful fluid balance are required
Endocrine dysfunction
Hypocalcaemia with tetany due to hypoparathyroidism
Needs cardiac monitoring and IV calcium
Iron overload due to repeated blood transfusions. Presents similarly to Hereditary Haemochromatosis
Death is usually due to heart failure if it goes undiagnosed.
What is the definition of anaemia of chronic disease?
Anaemia of chronic disease is a type of anaemia characterised by low haemoglobin levels, decreased red blood cell production, and altered iron metabolism. It occurs in response to chronic inflammatory or infectious conditions, autoimmune disorders, and malignancies. In ACD, the body’s iron is sequestered in storage sites, leading to impaired availability for erythropoiesis, resulting in mild to moderate anaemia.
What is the epidemiology of anaemia of chronic disease?
ACD is a common form of anaemia and frequently occurs in individuals with chronic illnesses. Its prevalence varies based on the underlying diseases. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney disease, cancer, and chronic infections are frequently associated with ACD. It can affect individuals of all age groups and backgrounds, with a higher prevalence in those with multiple comorbidities.
Inflammatory Conditions: Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Chronic Infections: Tuberculosis, HIV, and osteomyelitis.
Malignancies: Leukaemia, lymphoma, and solid tumours.
Chronic Kidney Disease: Impaired erythropoietin production and iron metabolism.
Autoimmune Disorders: Systemic inflammation can lead to ACD.
Chronic Liver Disease: Hepcidin release is altered, impacting iron regulation.
What is the pathophysiology of anaemia of chronic disease?
Chronic disease can trigger the formation of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-6. Raised levels of IL-6 stimulate the release of hepcidin from the liver, which inhibits iron absorption by reducing the activity of ferroportin, an iron export channel located on the basolateral surface of gut enterocytes and the plasma membrane of reticuloendothelial cells (macrophages). This leads to a decrease in haemoglobin production and the onset of anaemia. In ACD you have good iron stores, however the chronic inflammation means you can’t access it. This results in a low TIBC, normal/low serum iron and normal/raised ferritin (falsely raised as it is acute phase reactant). See more in the investigations section.
What is the management of anaemia of chronic disease?
Management of ACD primarily involves treating the underlying condition causing the anaemia. In some cases, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents may be used to stimulate the production of red blood cells. This is because the production of EPO is blunted in ACD.
Iron supplementation is generally not effective due to the body’s impaired ability to absorb iron in this condition.
What is the definition of sideroblastic anaemia?
Sideroblastic anaemia is a group of blood disorders characterized by an impaired ability of the bone marrow to produce normal red blood cells. Instead, it produces ringed sideroblasts - red blood cells with iron-loaded mitochondria.
What causes sideroblastic anaemia?
Sideroblastic anaemia occurs due to ineffective erythropoiesis, leading to increased iron absorption and deposition within the bone marrow and other organs. The condition can be congenital, with X-linked, recessive, or dominant inheritance patterns depending on the gene involved. Acquired causes may be related to drug toxicity or myelodysplastic syndromes. Toxins and drugs associated with sideroblastic anaemia include chronic alcohol abuse, lead poisoning, and Isoniazid use.
What are the investigations for sideroblastic anaemia?
Full blood count: To assess the degree of anaemia and the size of the red blood cells.
Serum ferritin and iron levels: Typically elevated in sideroblastic anaemia.
Blood film examination: To identify sideroblastic inclusions within the red blood cell cytoplasm (see below).
Bone marrow biopsy: Can reveal increased iron deposition and ringed sideroblasts.
What is the management for sideroblastic anaemia?
Management strategies for sideroblastic anaemia include:
Avoidance of triggers: Such as alcohol or other toxins.
Chelation therapy: To reduce iron overload.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation: May be beneficial in some patients, particularly those with X-linked sideroblastic anaemia.
Blood transfusions: May be necessary in severe cases to manage acute symptoms of anaemia.
Stem cell transplant: This may be an option for some patients with severe, refractory disease.
Define normocytic anaemia?
Decreased blood volume or decreased erythropoiesis
MCV 80-100
What are the two types of normocytic anaemia?
haemolytic and non-haemolytic
Name some causes of haemolytic anaemia:
Haemoglobinopathies e.g sickle cell disease
Enzyme deficiency e.g G6PD
membrane defects e.g hereditary spherocytosis
Extrinsic defects: Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What is the pathophysiology of G6PD deficiency:
G6PD deficiency results in a reduced ability of red blood cells to neutralise oxidative stress. This deficiency leads to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, causing damage to the cell membrane and eventual haemolysis. The extent of haemolysis depends on the severity of the deficiency and the presence of triggering factors, such as certain medications, infections, or foods.
What are the triggers for G6PD deficiency:
Antibiotics: Antibiotics including sulfamethoxazoles e.g. trimethoprim and quinolones such as ciprofloxacin, Nitrofurantoin
Antimalarials: Primaquine, quinidine, and chloroquine.
Aspirin: In high doses, aspirin can be problematic.
NSAIDs: e.g. ibuprofen and naproxen.
Dapsone: Used in the treatment of leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis.
Viral Infections: Viral illnesses, including hepatitis and some respiratory infections, can trigger haemolysis.
Bacterial Infections: Certain bacterial infections, like sepsis, can lead to haemolysis.
Fava Beans (Broad Beans):
Consumption of fava beans can cause severe haemolysis, and this trigger is often associated with G6PD deficiency.
Chemical Exposures:
Certain chemicals, such as naphthalene (found in mothballs) and aniline dyes, can trigger haemolysis.
Mental and Physical Stress:
Stressful situations, including physical and emotional stress, can exacerbate G6PD deficiency.
Certain Foods and Beverages:
Tonic Water: Contains quinine and can trigger haemolysis.
Soy Products: Some individuals with G6PD deficiency may experience haemolysis after consuming large quantities of soy-based foods.
Other Medications:
Vitamin K Analogues: Medications like menadione, used for various medical conditions, can trigger haemolysis.
What are the signs and symptoms of G6PD deficiency:
Most individuals with G6PD deficiency remain asymptomatic until exposed to triggers
Jaundice: Caused by increased bilirubin levels due to haemolysis. Babies may present with neonatal jaundice.
Pallor: Resulting from anaemia.
Dark Urine: Due to haemoglobinuria, a consequence of haemolysis.
Fatigue and weakness: May result from chronic, low-level haemolysis.
Gallstones (pigmented)
What are the investigations for G6PD deficiency:
Bedside: Assess vital signs and perform a physical examination to check for pallor, jaundice, and hepatosplenomegaly.
Blood Tests: A full blood count (FBC) may reveal anaemia, reticulocytosis, and elevated bilirubin levels. Blood film shows Heinz bodies +/- bite and blister cells.
A G6PD enzyme activity assay confirms the diagnosis, and importantly should be done around 3 months after an acute exacerbation, as if this is done around the time of an acute haemolytic episode, it will be falsely negative.
What is the management for G6PD deficiency:
Avoiding Triggers: Education on avoiding triggers such as specific medications (e.g. sulfonamides, primaquine), infections, and fava beans is essential.
Supportive Care: During acute haemolytic episodes, management includes hydration, pain relief, and blood transfusions in severe cases.
Monitoring: Regular follow-up to assess haemoglobin levels and ensure avoidance of triggers.
What are the complications of G6PD deficiency:
Acute Haemolysis: Severe haemolysis can lead to anaemia, haemoglobinuria, and increased risk of acute kidney injury.
Chronic Anaemia: Repeated haemolytic episodes can result in chronic anaemia.
Infection Susceptibility: Patients may be more susceptible to infections during haemolytic episodes.
Causes of non-haemolytic normocytic anaemia:
- Blood loss
- Aplastic anaemia (parvovirus B19 infection)
- Chronic disease e.g. RA
Define haemolytic anaemia:
Haemolytic anaemia is a condition characterised by the premature destruction of red blood cells (RBCs), leading to a decrease in their lifespan. This condition can be classified into hereditary and acquired forms, with further subdivisions based on the site of haemolysis, either intravascular or extravascular, and the underlying cause, autoimmune or non-autoimmune.
Name specific subtypes and underlying causes of anaemia:
Sickle cell disease predominantly affects individuals of African descent, and is most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa.
Thalassemias: The distribution of thalassemias is linked to regions with a high prevalence of consanguineous marriages, notably in Mediterranean countries.
The prevalence of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia varies, but it is often associated with autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus. It can affect individuals of any age and ethnicity.
The incidence of intravascular haemolysis may be higher in conditions involving mechanical trauma, such as prosthetic heart valves or microangiopathic disorders.
Extravascular haemolysis is often observed in hereditary conditions like hereditary spherocytosis and can affect individuals worldwide - Hereditary spherocytosis is an autosomal dominant disease, treated (in severe cases) with childhood splenectomy. It is also more common in patients from northern Europe - eosin 5-maleimide (EMA) binding test confirm the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis.
Name some causes of hereditary haemolytic anaemia:
Includes conditions like sickle cell disease, thalassemias, and hereditary spherocytosis, often caused by genetic mutations affecting RBC structure or function.
Name some causes of acquired haemolytic anaemia:
Can result from autoimmune disorders, infections (e.g., malaria), medication reactions, or mechanical trauma.
Name some causes of Intravascular Haemolysis and the consequences:
Occurs within the bloodstream, leading to the release of free haemoglobin into the circulation and the excess of haemoglobin is dealt with in many ways:
Combination with haptoglobin
Combination with albumin (methaemalbuminaemia)
Loss in the urine (haemoglobinuria)
Storage in tubular epithelial cells as haemosiderin
Shedding into the urine (haemosiderinuria)
Causes of intravascular haemolytic anaemia include:
Intrinsic cellular injury (eg. G6PD deficiency)
Intravascular complement-mediated lysis (some autoimmune haemolytic anaemias)
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria and acute transfusion reactions
Mechanical injury – microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia and cardiac valves
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA)
Describe extravascular haemolysis and the causes:
Takes place outside the bloodstream, primarily in the spleen and liver, where RBCs are phagocytosed. It is not associated with dramatic release of free haemoglobin into the circulation.
Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly are typical.
Causes include:
Abnormal red cells (e.g. sickle cell anaemia and hereditary spherocytosis)
Normal cells having been marked by antibodies for splenic phagocytosis
What are the two major causes of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia:
Warm AIHA:
An IgG-mediated extravascular haemolytic disease, in which the spleen tags cells for splenic phagocytosis.
Causes: SLE, idiopathic, lymphoproliferative neoplasms (eg. chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and lymphoma - diagnosed with flow cytometry), drugs (methyldopa)
Managed with prednisolone or immunosupression (e.g. AZT) and transfusions if severe
Cold AIHA:
IgM-mediated haemolytic disease, in which IgM fixes complement causing direct intravascular haemolysis. It includes cold agglutinin disease
The IgM agglutinates also cause the hands and feet to become blue in cold conditions (acrocyanosis)
Causes: post-infectious (usually after Mycoplasma or EBV), idiopathic, lymphoproliferative disorders
Treatment is mostly supportive, warmed blood is transfused if required and resistant cases may trial rituximab
What are the causes of non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia:
Caused by factors other than autoantibodies, such as infections or mechanical stress:
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH)
Physical lysis of red cells (e.g. malaria, patients with mechanical heart valves)
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) – often caused by E. coli 0157:H7
Infectious causes of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) such as fulminant meningococcaemia
What are the signs and symptoms of haemolytic anaemia:
Jaundice - Haemolysis releases bilirubin into the bloodstream, causing yellowing of the skin and sclera
Splenomegaly - The spleen becomes enlarged as it works to remove and destroy the damaged red blood cells.
Dark Urine
Gallstones - Excess bilirubin can accumulate in the gallbladder, increasing the risk of gallstone formation.
Leg Ulcers - In severe cases, reduced blood flow and oxygen supply can lead to painful leg ulcers.
Shortness of Breath
Heart Palpitations
What is the management of haemolytic anaemia:
Supportive Care: Blood transfusions to manage severe anaemia however this won’t be curative as there will be ongoing haemolysis if the underlying cause is not managed.
Immunosuppressive Therapy: In autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, medications like corticosteroids can reduce antibody production.
Splenectomy: May be considered in certain cases, particularly hereditary spherocytosis.
Specific management strategies depend on the type of haemolytic anaemia.
What is the inheritance pattern of g6pd deficiency?
x linked recessive
A positive Coombs test?
A positive Coombs test (or antiglobulin test) indicates the presence of antibodies or complement proteins bound to red blood cells (RBCs), suggesting an immune-mediated process.
What is the link between iron tablets and levothyroxine?
Oral iron supplements, commonly used to treat iron deficiency anaemia, can reduce the absorption of levothyroxine when taken together. To avoid this interaction, it is recommended to take iron at least four hours before or after levothyroxine. This ensures both medications are absorbed properly and can exert their therapeutic effects.
A microcytic anaemia with motor neuropathy and raised iron levels without increased total iron binding capacity
suggests the possibility of lead poisoning.
Management of hereditary spherocytosis?
management of this condition consists of folate supplementation and splenectomy
What are the four types in alpha thalassaemia?
- Silent carrier (one defective allele)
- Alpha thalassaemia trait (two defective alleles)
- Haemoglobin H disease (three defective alleles)
- Haemoglobin bart disease (four defective alleles)
Define haemophilia:
Haemophilia A and B are both X-linked recessive inherited bleeding disorders, caused by deficiencies in clotting factors VIII and IX respectively, both of which are integral components of the instrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade.
Haemophilia A is a deficiency in which clotting factor?
Factor VIII
Hamophilia B is a deficiency in which clotting factor?
Factor IX
Signs and symptoms of haemophilia?
They typically presents early in life with spontaneous deep and severe bleeding into soft tissues, joints and muscles – historically, joint damage resulted in a deforming arthropathy
Boys often present with excessive bleeding following trauma or surgical intervention (e.g. tonsillectomy)
Cerebral haemorrhage was a major cause of mortality in severe haemophilia before the widespread use of blood products
What are the investigations for haemophilia?
Diagnosis is with a factor VIII/IX assay
For boys with severe haemophilia A or B (factor VIII or factor IX <1%, respectively):
Two-thirds are diagnosed at birth when the boy is born to a known or suspected carrier
The rest are picked up later on in childhood when the baby begins to crawl or fall, or there is an eruption of dentition
Some patients have a milder clinical severity – this is directly related to higher factor levels
Mild haemophilia >5%
Moderate haemophilia 1–5%
Blood tests show:
Clotting profile - APTT is elevated
vWF antigen is normal in haemophilia A
Defective platelet function
What is the management for haemophilia?
Minor bleeds in patients with Haemophilia A can be managed with desmopressin (DDAVP) – increases factor VIII sufficiently to deal with the minor bleeding
Major bleeds require recombinant factor VIII or IX
In patients with severe haemophilia, the use of regular prophylactic recombinant clotting factor treatment, physiotherapy and education in learning how to avoid bleeds have all contributed to the prevention of joint arthropathy
Gene therapy has also been shown to be successful
Mild and moderate haemophilia require ‘on demand’ treatment in response to bleeding or in preparation for surgery
Supportive management includes:
Antifibrinolytics (eg. tranexamic acid) – useful for bleeding wounds but should be avoided in muscle haematomas, haemarthrosis and urinary bleeding as they can lead to fibrosis
Vaccination against hepatitis B, hydrotherapy, orthopaedic and dental advice are also beneficial
One-third of boys with severe haemophilia A will develop an inhibitor to factor VIII following factor VIII treatment
This can worsen bleeding and complicate therapy
Treatment of haemophilia with inhibitors should be directed from a specialist centre
Life expectancy for patients with haemophilia A and B is well into middle age in this era of blood product-free concentrates
Phenytoin, an anticonvulsant, can cause acquired factor VIII deficiency as a side effect, leading to bleeding tendencies. This occurs due to the formation of autoantibodies against factor VIII, impairing its function.
This patient has developed antibodies to Factor VIII as a result of phenytoin use. Prolonged APTT with normal PT suggests involvement of one or more of Factors VIII, IX, XI & XII. APTT does not correct with the mixing studies suggesting that the bleeding disorder is due to antibody action rather than failure to produce clotting factors.
How does haemophilia present in toddlers?
Haemophilia often presents as failure to walk in toddlers due to bleeding into joints (haemarthrosis). This leads to the displacement of normal joint structures, in this case - the patella and quadriceps tendon, as a result of bleeding into the joints.
How does desmopressin work in haemophilia A
Desmopressin enhances haemostasis in Haemophilia A by releasing von Willebrand factor from storage sites in endothelial cells to improve Factor VIII activity.
Define splenectomy?
Splenectomy is the surgical removal of the spleen.
Name the indications for splenectomy?
Indications for splenectomy can be classified into emergency and elective indications.
Indications for emergency splenectomy include trauma and rupture (e.g. in EBV infection).
An elective splenectomy may need to be done in cases of hypersplenism, where the spleen has a preference for platelets resulting in increased uptake, which leads to sequestration of cells in the spleen
Indications for elective splenectomy include haemolytic anaemia (hereditary or immune) and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Note: patients post-splenectomy will have Howell-Jolly bodies and Pappenheimer bodies on blood film.
What is the issue with splenectomy/hyposplensim?
Following splenectomy or in patients with hyposplenism (dysfunctional spleen, e.g. in coeliac disease) there is a reduced immune response against encapsulated organisms (haemophilus, pneumococcus, and meningococcus).
What are the most common organisms associated with severe infection? (3)
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
- Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
What is the treatment for hyposplenism/ splenectomy?
Patients therefore require the following vaccinations:
Pneumococcal vaccination (with regular boosters every 5 years).
Seasonal influenza vaccination (yearly, typically every autumn).
Haemophilus influenza type B vaccination (one-off).
Meningitis C vaccination (one-off).
Patients also require daily low-dose prophylactic antibiotics, often for life. The typical regimen is with phenoxymethylpenicillin which is also known as penicillin V (clarithromycin or erythromycin if patients are allergic to penicillin).
Note: the risk of infection is particularly high in the 2 years following splenectomy, the highest risk being from pneumococcal infection.
Define pancytopenia?
Pancytopenia is a haematological condition characterised by reduced counts of all three major cellular components of blood: erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes.
How can pancytopenia be categorised?
These can be broadly grouped into three categories: decreased production, increased destruction or sequestration, and peripheral dilution.
Name sone causes of decreased production in pancytopenia?
Marrow infiltration: Conditions such as leukaemia, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), multiple myeloma, metastatic carcinoma or granulomas can infiltrate the bone marrow leading to pancytopenia.
Aplastic anaemia: This is a rare condition where the bone marrow fails to produce enough new cells. It can be idiopathic or secondary to exposure to toxins (e.g., benzene), drugs (e.g., chloramphenicol), viral infections (e.g., Hepatitis C) or autoimmune diseases.
Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies of vitamin B12, folate or iron can impair haematopoiesis resulting in pancytopenia.
name some causes of increased Destruction or Sequestration in pancytopenia?
Hypersplenism: Conditions causing splenomegaly such as cirrhosis, lymphomas or infectious diseases like malaria can lead to increased sequestration and destruction of blood cells resulting in pancytopenia.
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH): This is a rare acquired disorder that leads to the destruction of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
name some causes of Peripheral Dilution in pancytopenia?
Dilutional pancytopenia: This can occur in conditions causing overhydration or following transfusion of large volumes of intravenous fluids.
name some risk factors for pancytopenia?
Risk factors for pancytopenia include exposure to certain drugs (e.g., antineoplastics, sulphonamides, anticonvulsants), toxins (e.g., benzene, heavy metals), radiation therapy and certain infections (e.g., HIV, Hepatitis C). Furthermore, individuals with a history of autoimmune diseases, genetic disorders affecting the bone marrow (e.g., Fanconi anaemia) or those who have undergone bone marrow transplantation are at an increased risk. Age is another significant factor as the incidence increases with advancing age due to an increased prevalence of malignancies and myelodysplastic syndromes.Improve
How can pancytopenia be classified?
The classification of pancytopenia can be broadly divided into three categories: inherited, acquired, and idiopathic. This categorisation is based on the underlying cause of the condition.
Name some causes of inherited pancytopenia?
Fanconi Anaemia: This is a rare genetic disorder causing bone marrow failure. It leads to progressive pancytopenia, with aplastic anaemia being a common manifestation.
Dyskeratosis Congenita: Another inherited bone marrow failure syndrome, it is characterised by skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy, and oral leukoplakia in addition to pancytopenia.
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome: A rare congenital disorder associated with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and varying degrees of bone marrow failure leading to pancytopenia.
Name some causes of acquired pancytopenia?
Aplastic Anaemia: An acquired condition often due to immune-mediated destruction of haematopoietic stem cells, resulting in pancytopenia.
Megaloblastic Anaemia: Caused by deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate leading to ineffective erythropoiesis and subsequent pancytopenia.
Hypersplenism: Overactivity of the spleen can lead to sequestration and destruction of all blood cell lines causing pancytopenia.
Infections: Certain infections such as HIV, hepatitis viruses, Epstein-Barr virus can directly or indirectly cause damage to the bone marrow leading to pancytopenia.
Chemotherapy and Radiation: These treatments can cause bone marrow suppression leading to pancytopenia.
What are the clinical features of red cell deficiency?
Pallor: This is often one of the first signs noted in patients with pancytopenia. It results from reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood due to decreased red blood cell count.
Fatigue and weakness: Patients may report feeling tired or weak due to inadequate oxygen supply to tissues.
Dyspnoea: Shortness of breath on exertion can occur as the body attempts to compensate for low oxygen levels by increasing respiratory rate.
Tachycardia: An increased heart rate may be present as a compensatory mechanism for anaemia.
What are the clinical features of white cell deficiency?
Infections: Patients are more susceptible to infections due to decreased immune response. These infections can be recurrent and may be caused by organisms which are usually non-pathogenic in individuals with normal immunity.
Fever: A persistent or intermittent fever can be a sign of underlying infection in these patients. In severe cases, sepsis may develop.
What are the clinical features of Platelet deficiency?
Bleeding tendencies: This could manifest as petechiae (small red or purple spots on the skin), purpura (larger patches of bleeding into the skin), or ecchymosis (bruises). There could also be spontaneous bleeding from the gums, nosebleeds, or heavy menstrual bleeding in women.
Haemorrhagic complications: In severe cases, patients may present with major haemorrhages, such as gastrointestinal bleeding or intracranial haemorrhage.
What are the investigations for pancytopenia?
Full Blood Count (FBC) and Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS)
Confirm pancytopenia with repeat FBC.
Examine PBS for abnormal cells, including blasts, dysplastic changes, or evidence of haemolysis.
Bone Marrow Examination
Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy can provide definitive diagnosis in many cases. It is particularly useful when there’s suspicion of a primary bone marrow disorder.
Serological Studies
Perform serological tests for viral infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Autoimmune Screening
An autoimmune screen can be helpful if an autoimmune process is suspected. This includes antinuclear antibody (ANA), anti-double stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA), rheumatoid factor (RF), and extractable nuclear antigens (ENA).
Biochemical Tests
Liver function tests, renal function tests, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), haptoglobin, direct antiglobulin test (DAT), vitamin B12 levels, folate levels, iron studies including ferritin level should be performed.
Cytogenetic and Molecular Studies
If myelodysplasia or acute leukaemia is suspected based on the PBS or bone marrow findings, cytogenetic analysis or fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) studies should be carried out.
Chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound may be useful in certain cases, especially when organomegaly or lymphadenopathy is present.
What is the management of pancytopenia?
- RBC and platelet transfusion
- Bone marrow and stem cell transplant
Growth factor support with erythropoietin or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in certain circumstances.
What are the complications of pancytopenia?
Infections: Due to neutropenia, patients are at increased risk of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. These can range from mild skin infections to severe sepsis.
Bleeding: Thrombocytopenia predisposes to spontaneous bleeding. This can manifest as petechiae, purpura, epistaxis or even life-threatening haemorrhage such as intracranial bleeding.
Anaemia-related complications: Chronic anaemia can lead to fatigue, pallor and dyspnoea on exertion. Severe anaemia may result in high-output cardiac failure.
Organ dysfunction: Persistent cytopenias may contribute to organ dysfunction such as hepatic or renal insufficiency.
Malignant transformation: In conditions like myelodysplastic syndromes or aplastic anaemia which often present with pancytopenia, there is a risk of progression to acute myeloid leukaemia.
How is polycythaemia classified?
Polycythaemia is classified as relative or absolute.
Define relative polycythaemia?
Relative polycythaemia (or pseudopolycythaemia) occurs when the haemoglobin is elevated secondary to a low plasma volume rather than an increased number of red cells – remember the haemoglobin level is measured as a concentration.
Name some causes of relative polycythaemia?
Chronic alcohol intake
Excess diuretic use
Diarrhoea and vomiting
‘Stress polycythaemia’ refers to relative polycythaemia that is found predominantly in middle-aged men with stressful occupations and chronically reduced plasma volumes of uncertain cause
Gaisböck syndrome is more common in young men, particularly smokers, and is associated with hypertension, which reduces plasma volume, resulting in raised haemoglobin (pseudopolycythaemia)
Define absolute polycythaemia?
If the plasma volume is normal, the polycythaemia is an absolute polycythaemia (red cell mass will be raised).
Absolute polycythaemia is classified into primary and secondary causes.
Define primary polycythaemia?
In primary polycythaemia, there is excess and uncontrolled erythrocytosis that is independent of erythropoietin (EPO) levels. Most cases of PV are associated with mutations in the JAK2 gene, leading to uncontrolled production of blood cells, especially RBCs.
In the majority of cases, it is due to the myeloproliferative condition polycythaemia rubra vera (PRV), which is also known as ‘primary proliferative polycythaemia’, although there are also some rare familial causes.
Define secondary polycythaemia?
In secondary polycythaemia, the excess RBC production is driven by excess EPO.
This can be secondary to:
An appropriate rise in EPO, as seen in conditions of chronic hypoxia (e.g. COPD or spending time at high altitude) Anabolic steroid use Inappropriate secretion of EPO, which may be seen: In renal neoplasms as a paraneoplastic effect In CKD - impaired renal function can lead to reduced erythropoietin clearance, causing an increase in RBC production In cyanotic heart disease (e.g. tetralogy of Fallot) In high-affinity haemoglobinopathies (e.g. haemoglobin M)
Signs and symptoms of polycythaemia?
Visual disturbances (secondary to hyperviscosity)
Pruritus (typically after a hot bath)
Erythromelalgia (a painful burning sensation in the fingers and toes)
Arterial thrombosis (eg. myocardial infarction or stroke)
Venous thrombosis (eg. pulmonary embolus or deep vein thrombosis)
Haemorrhage (intracranial or gastrointestinal)- paradoxical increased bleeding risk (due to impaired platelet function)
Increased risk of gout (caused by hyperuricaemia secondary to increased cell turnover).
Facial redness on examination (plethora)
Peptic ulceration
Can you name some specific clinical features of primary polycythaemia?
Hyperviscosity symptoms: Chest pain, myalgia, weakness, headache, blurred vision, loss of concentration
‘Ruddy complexion’
Name some investigations for polycythaemia?
Bedside - Pulse oximetry to look for possible secondary polycythaemia
Full blood count (FBC)
Raised haematocrit
Raised haemoglobin
Raised red cell mass with low/low–normal plasma volume (ie. true polycythaemia)
Raised leukocytes and platelet counts – seen in half of patients
In contrast, the neutrophil count and platelet count are usually normal in secondary polycythaemia
Renal function and urate (may be raised)
Vitamin B12 (often elevated in myeloproliferative disease)
EPO levels - often low
JAK-2 V617F mutation (>95% of cases)
Bone marrow biopsy - Hypercellular bone marrow
Abnormal ultrasound – looking for possible abnormalities in kidneys, liver and spleen
It is important to exclude chronic myeloid leukaemia, which is done by cytogenetic testing.
What is the management aim for polycythaemia?
Where possible underlying causes of secondary and relative polycythaemia should be corrected
The aim should be to maintain:
Haematocrit <45% in primary polycythaemia Haematocrit <55% in secondary polycythaemia
Venesection is an effective method of lowering the red cell count rapidly and can also be used in the maintenance therapy period
Patients need to have reasonable venous peripheral access for this option Repeated venesection may result in iron-deficient RBCs with low haemoglobin content
What is the management for polycythaemia rubra vera?
Regular venesection as above
Aspirin 75mg daily
Cytoreductive therapy to suppress erythropoeisis in those where venesection isn’t sufficient, or those at high risk of thrombosis (most older patients):
1st line: hydroxycarbamide – suppresses erythrocytosis and causes a macrocytosis
2nd line: - Interferon, JAK-2 inhibitors (eg. ruxolitinib)
3rd line: Busulfan can be used but is leukaemogenic.
In younger patients, interferon is first line with hydroxycarbamide second line
Other interventions:
Allopurinol (for gout/hyperuricaemia) Antihistamines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or interferon (for pruritus)
What are the four types of leukamia?
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Define acute leukamia?
a result of impaired cell differentiation, resulting in large numbers of malignant precursor cells in the bone marrow
Define chronic leukaemia?
the result of excess proliferation of mature malignant cells, but cell differentiation is unaffected
Define myeloid leukaemia
commonly arises from a myeloid precursor cell, such as the cells that produce neutrophils
Define Lymphocytic leukaemia
arises from a lymphoid precursor, such as a B or T cell
What is the most common acute leukaemia?
Acute myeloid leukaemia
It predominantly affects adults, especially older adults, with no geographical variation
It can be associated with myelodysplastic syndrome
Ionising radiation (like that from a nuclear disaster) has been shown to be associated with the development of leukaemia
What are the features of AML?
- Anaemia- features? (3)
- Fatigue
- Pallor
- Weakness
- neutropenia (despite high WCC)- leading to frequent infections
- Thrombocytopenia- features? (5)
- Epistaxis
- Bleeding gums
- Petechiae
- Purpura
- Easy bruising
- splenomegaly → can present as ‘early satiety’
- bone pain
What investigations do we do in AML?
- FBC- what will it show? (3)
- Neutropenia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Anaemia
- Peripheral blood smear- what will it show?
Presence of blast cells (immature WBCs)
Myeloblasts and Auer rods
Bone marrow biopsy is key to diagnosis, along with other molecular analyses
Characteristic findings include:
hypercellular marrow
the presence of blasts (usually >50%)
Sometimes Auer rods
What are the cytogenetics in AML?
Many different cytogenetic abnormalities can be seen, which are associated with varying effects on prognosis
-The translocation t(15;17) – a reciprocal translocation involving the RARA gene – confirms acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML; M3 subtype)
Confers a good prognosis Hypergranular promyelocytes are seen, except in the M3 variant, which is hypogranular T(8;21) seen in M2 subtype Confers better prognosis – chemotherapy may be sufficient, with bone marrow transplantation usually reserved for relapse
Cytogenetic abnormalities are the most significant prognostic factors in acute myeloid leukaemia, influencing treatment decisions and patient outcomes.
What is the treatment for AML?
Chemotherapy regimens (unless the patient is older or unfit) – usually three or four courses of intensive chemotherapy lasting 5–10 days
Initial induction chemotherapy is designed to remove the bulk of the leukaemic cells (<5% blasts in the marrow) and subsequent consolidation chemotherapy to remove residual disease
A long-term indwelling catheter (i.e. Hickman tunnelled line or PICC) is usually placed to facilitate the administration of chemotherapy and blood products
Bone marrow transplantation A powerful and effective therapy that combines: The destruction of leukaemic cells with conditioning chemotherapy and radiotherapy with the aim of clearing the bone marrow before donor stem cells are given The immunogenic response from receiving donor cells that helps to destroy any remaining leukaemic cells (termed the 'graft-versus-leukaemia' effect) Can be risky, with risk increasing in age Complications include relapse and graft-versus-host disease, where the immunogenic response is against the host Prophylactic antimicrobials – given to reduce the risk of infection Blood products and growth hormone therapy – can be given for anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leucopenia as a result of chemotherapy treatments
What is the specific additional treatment for acute promyelocytic anaemia?
APML has a high incidence of DIC, so needs aggressive management with platelets and clotting factor support
It carries a good prognosis as the translocation t(15;17) translocation makes the disease sensitive to treatment with all-trans retinoic acid (a vitamin A analogue), which is commenced before starting chemotherapy
Prognosis of AML?
Death typically occurs within 2 months without treatment
Prognosis is still poor in those who undergo treatment
3-year survival rate 20% 30% cure rate with chemotherapy
Allogenic transplant can extend this with its curative approach but is usually reserved for younger patients (<50 years)
Key survival factors in AML are related to:
Age Poor cytogenetics Response to the first dose of induction chemotherapy
Complications of AML?
Complications include therapy-related long-term side effects such as:
Secondary malignancy Cardiorespiratory complications Endocrine dysfunction Infertility Avascular necrosis of the hip – due to prolonged steroid exposure Neuropsychological effects
Define Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia?
ALL is a disease of the young (in contrast to AML)
It is the most common cancer in childhood – peak incidence at age 4–5 years
It can present in adulthood, albeit less commonly
It is caused by the abnormal proliferation of lymphoid progenitor cells, which infiltrate the bone marrow and other organs of the body
Down syndrome is a well-established risk factor for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Children with Down syndrome have a 10- to 20-fold increased risk of developing ALL compared to the general population.
Presentation of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia?
Of marrow failure, such as fatigue (due to anaemia), abnormal bleeding/bruising (low platelets) and infections (low white cells)
From organ infiltration, such as bone pain
Painless lymphadenopathy
Central nervous system (CNS) involvement (e.g. cranial nerve palsies, meningism) – very common in ALL in contrast to AML
Testicular infiltration (resulting in painless unilateral testicular enlargement)
causes bone marrow failure leading to a pancytopenia (↓Hb, ↓WCC, ↓platelets). This means that all cell lineages are affected. It can also cause hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy (superficial or mediastinal). The conjunctival pallor and flow murmur are secondary to the anaemia
What is a distinguishing feature of ALL (not seen in AML)?
Lymphadenopathy and fevers
What are the investigations for ALL?
Leucocytosis on FBC
Blast cells on blood film and bone marrow
Lymphoblasts are typically large with nucleoli, with very little cytoplasm and no granularity
Immunophenotyping can help to differentiate whether the origin is a T or B cell, along with other immunological subtypes
Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stains for carbohydrate material in ALL
What is the management for ALL?
ALL is commonly treated with chemotherapy regimens
The treatment strategy is combination chemotherapy that induces remission and then consolidates with stronger chemotherapy
CNS prophylactic agents are given to all patients with ALL
The CNS is a sanctuary site and many drugs are unable to penetrate the 'blood-brain barrier' – Before this practice, there was a high incidence of CNS relapse
Maintenance therapy is delivered to give continuous treatment for 2 years, which has been shown to improve 2-year survival
How is response to treatment for ALL measured?
Blast count in the bone marrow – morphological remission is defined by blast count < 5%
Assessment of minimal residual disease (MRD) – greater sensitivity than morphological assessment
Uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the characteristic clonal rearrangements of:
Immunoglobulin genes in B-cell ALL
T-cell receptor genes in T-cell ALL
With the detection of 1 leukaemic cell in 10,000 cells in the bone marrow
What is the prognosis for ALL?
Children have a cure rate of 70–90% with chemotherapy alone, particularly in good disease-risk groups
20–30% have poor-risk disease with poor-risk prognostic factors including:
Age <1 year and >10 years
Male sex
WCC >50 × 109/l (higher pretreatment WCC predicts poor prognosis)
CNS disease
poor cytogenetic features, such as t(9;22)
T-ALL – prognosis is worse than for B-ALL
Incomplete response to therapy
In the context of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) treatment, hyperdiploidy in blast cells is linked to a more favourable outcome.
Describe the epidemiology of CML?
CML is most common in middle-aged patients (median age 40–50 years), although any age can be affected
Men are slightly more likely to be affected than women
It is regarded as sporadic as no significant risk factor has been identified, except for previous high-dose ionising radiation
Incidence is 1 per 100,000 of the population
It is classically associated with the Philadelphia chromosome
What are the signs and symptoms of CML?
CML usually presents with:
Weight loss
Common signs include:
Massive splenomegaly (>75% of patients)
Bleeding (due to thrombocytopenia)
The white blood cell count can be very high (>500 × 109/l), which can cause hyperleukocytosis with symptoms, such as:
Visual disturbance
Hypermetabolism also occurs, with weight loss, sweats and anorexia.
What are the investigations for CML?
- FBC- what will it show? (5)
- Leukocytosis
- Thrombocytosis
- Basophilia
- Eosinophilia
- High band cells
- Blood film- would show what?
Left shift (immature granulocytes) → granulocytosis + myeloblasts - Look at leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP)- what will it be?
Decreased - Cytogenic testing- for what?
For confirmation of Philadelphia chromosome - The protein product of the hybrid BCR-ABL gene has tyrosine kinase activity that leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation and differentiation
Bone marrow analysis shows similar findings, plus
Marrow hyperplasia Increased reticulin (fibrosis) Granulocytic predominance
High vitamin B12 levels can also be present owing to vitamin B12-binding protein being produced by the white cells
What is the treatment for CML?
CML treatment has been revolutionised by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg. imatinib), which have dramatically improved the prognosis of the disease and reduced the incidence of transformation to the acute blast crisis phase, which is often difficult to treat.
The treatment strategy is to:
Induce clinical remission and thereby reduce hypercatabolic symptoms and splenomegaly Induce haematological remission, with normalisation of the blood count Induce cytogenetic remission, with the elimination of the Philadelphia chromosome from marrow cells and Induce molecular remission, with undetectability of the BCR–ABL fusion gene by PCR
The agents used are:
Hydroxycarbamide, which may be used to help normalise the blood count while awaiting genetic test results and to reduce splenomegaly It does not modify the underlying molecular/cytogenetic abnormalities or prevent acute transformation Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg. imatinib)
What monitoring do we do in CML?
Monitoring of BCR–ABL levels is usually performed quarterly
Excellent cytogenetic response is defined as a three-log reduction in the BCR–ABL percentage (ie. <0.1% if 100% at presentation)
It is expected that tyrosine kinase inhibitors can be continued lifelong – some studies have however shown that patients with well-controlled CML can have their TKI discontinued.
Screening for mutations in the BCR–ABL gene that are associated with treatment resistance should be performed in patients who fail to respond to imatinib
If found, they can be treated with one of the newer tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg. nilotinib or dasatinib)
What are the side effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors?
Reversible side effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors include:
Nausea Thrombocytopenia Neutropenia Fluid retention
A switch to one of the newer tyrosine kinase inhibitors can be tried if patients have significant side effects.
Define CLL?
CLL is most common in men over the age of 60 years – incidence is 50 per 100,000 individuals after the age of 70 years
There is some evidence of a familial tendency
CLL is caused by the proliferation of functionally incompetent malignant B cells
The CLL cells accumulate because they survive for a very long time, rather than because they divide at an accelerated rate
It is therefore an indolent disease of deregulated programmed cell death
What are the symptoms and signs of CLL?
CLL typically presents asymptomatically, but patients may present with:
Non-tender symmetrical lymphadenopathy Hepatosplenomegaly B symptoms – weight loss, night sweats and fever
Features of marrow failure (infection, anaemia and bleeding) are less common than in acute leukaemias.
What is the diagnosis of CLL?
- FBC- what would it show? (2)
- Persistent lymphocytosis
- With high percentage of small sized, mature lymphocytes
- Blood smear- what would it show?
Smudge cells
The most common initial blood result is an incidental lymphocytosis (80% of cases)
Blood film shows smudge cells – cells damaged as the film is made because they lack a cytoskeletal protein Immunophenotype of the cells is CD5 and CD23 positive, FMC negative, CD22 and surface immunoglobulin weak Chromosomal abnormalities are found in approximately 50% of patients Direct antiglobulin test can be positive – AIHA can complicate CLL Hypogammaglobulinaemia is common in advanced disease Other tests include bone marrow biopsy, which will show lymphocytic infiltration of mature lymphocytes, with some smear cells
What is the management for CLL?
Traditionally, intensive chemotherapy with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and the addition of rituximab (FCR) is used to form first-line therapy. This has now changed in the world of targeted pathway inhibitors superseding chemotherapy.
In a patient with no co-morbidities and TP53 intact, +/- mutated IGHV mutated status, can now start with Venetoclax (selective inhibitor of B-cell lymphoma-2, BCL-2) -Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) (Ven-O) upfront, before considering FCR upfront alternatively in this patient group.
In fit patients with TP53 mutational disruption or any IGHV mutated status or traditionally unsuitable for FCR, frontline therapy is with Acalabrutinib (bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor) +/- Obinutuzumab or upfront Ibrutinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor, TKI) monotherapy. Alternatively, this patient group can also be started on upfront Ven-O or Venetoclax monotherapy.
BTKi (ibrutinib and acalabrutinib), BCL2i (venetoclax monotherapy or in combination with rituximab) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors (PI3Ki) (idelalisib and rituximab) are presently licensed for relapsed/refractory CLL.
Allogeneic stem cell transplant should be considered in those fit patients who have failed at least 2 of : chemoimmunotherapy, BTKi, BCL2i or have Richter’s transformation (sudden transformation into a significantly more aggressive form of large cell lymphoma). If they are high-risk patients (TP53 disrupted), then an allogenic transplant can be considered after the failure of these therapies.
Steroids and monoclonal antibody treatments (eg. rituximab) may be useful in autoimmune haemolytic disease.
Prevention or treatment of infection with antibiotics or immunoglobulins is also part of the management.
What is the prognosis of CLL?
CLL is a very variable disease: 1/3 of cases don’t progress, 1/3 of cases progress slowly, and 1/3 of cases progress actively.
Factors that affect prognosis are
Disease stage Atypical lymphocyte morphology Lymphocyte doubling time <12 months Bone marrow trephine showing diffuse involvement Chromosomal/genetic abnormalities, in particular TP53 Unmutated immunoglobulin VH (IGVH) gene status Male sex High expression CD38
What is Ritcher’s transformation?
Richter’s transformation refers to the development of aggressive lymphoma, usually diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), in patients with CLL. It is characterised by rapid lymph node enlargement, constitutional symptoms (fevers, night sweats, weight loss), and elevated LDH levels. The systemic and localised symptoms, particularly in the context of CLL, point towards this diagnosis.
What are B symptoms?
B symptoms in leukemia refer to a set of constitutional symptoms that indicate systemic disease activity. They are often associated with lymphoproliferative disorders, including acute leukemia (such as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)) and chronic leukemia (such as Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)), and may suggest advanced disease or a poor prognosis.
The three classic B symptoms are:
Fever: Typically unexplained and often low-grade (above 38°C or 100.4°F). This can occur due to cytokine release from leukemic cells or associated infections. Night Sweats: Profuse sweating during sleep, often drenching, which can result from immune activation or increased tumor burden. Unintentional Weight Loss: A loss of more than 10% of body weight over a period of 6 months without trying, often linked to the body's metabolic response to leukemia.
Define mutliple myeloma?
Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell dyscrasia characterised by abnormal clonal proliferation of post-germinal B cells (plasma cells). These plasma cells secrete monoclonal antibodies (most commonly of the Ig subtype) and antibody fragments into the serum and the urine. There is also a relative deficiency of functional antibodies, resulting in a relative hypogammaglobulinaemia. This condition leads to bone destruction, kidney dysfunction, anaemia, and a range of systemic symptoms
What is the epidemiology of multiple myeloma?
Multiple myeloma is the second most common haematologic malignancy, accounting for approximately 1% of all cancers. It predominantly affects older adults, with the median age at diagnosis around 69 years, and those of Afro-Caribbean descent are affected twice as frequently as Caucasians, and men more than women.
What are the signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma? (CRAB HAI)
The clinical features of multiple myeloma can be remembered by the mnemonic CRAB HAI:
HyperCalcaemia – arises primarily owing to increased osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Results in: moans (painful bones), stones (renal stones), groans (GI symptoms) and psychiatric moans (neurological effects such aslethargy, fatigue, memory loss, psychosis, depression) Renal impairment – occurs because of multiple factors (eg. light chain deposition in the kidneys and hypercalcaemia) Anaemia – other cytopenias (eg. thrombocytopenia and leukopenia) can also occur due to marrow infiltration by the tumour Bone pathology – Back pain is very common. Osteolytic lesions are common, which can lead to pathological fractures and vertebral compression fractures Hyperviscosity – can present with headache, visual disturbance and thrombosis Amyloidosis (AL subtype) – can have multiple sequelae including cardiac failure and neuropathy Infection – recurrent infection occurs secondary to leukopenia and immunoparesis (ie. low levels of functional IgG)
What are the investigations for multiple myeloma?
Work-up investigations
FBC – may show anaemia
U&E – may show renal impairment (particularly raised serum creatinine) and/or hypercalcaemia (with normal ALP), which is a common feature
Raised ESR (the positive charge of the protein neutralises the negative charge of the sialic acid on the red cell membrane, reducing the red cells natural tendency to repulse each other, so they fall down the column faster)
Skeletal survey – typically done with X-rays, but CT/MRI are more sensitive
Findings include osteolytic bone lesions and pathological fractures
Diagnostic investigations: Serum protein electrophoresis is the key investigation for confirming multiple myeloma by detecting elevated M protein levels A definitive diagnosis of multiple myeloma requires a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy, revealing over 10% plasma cells to distinguish it from monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Serum and/or urine electrophoresis – This will show a paraprotein spike (typically IgG) Serum free light chain assay (Bence Jones protein) - Can be kappa or lambda - Serum-free light chain levels are high in myeloma can be a useful test in the 1–2% of patients with nonsecretory multiple myeloma (ie. those who do not have a serum/urine monoclonal protein on electrophoresis) Tissue diagnosis typically by bone marrow aspirate and biopsy Myeloma is confirmed if there are >10% plasma cells in the bone marrow
Whole body MRI is the first-line imaging in suspected multiple myeloma to assess for bony involvement, as per NICE guidelines.
Rouleaux formation on a blood film
What happens in acute myeloma emergency? and what are the treatments?
Acute renal failure – swift treatment of volume depletion is critical, as well as early involvement of renal physicians
Hypercalcaemia – fluid and bisphosphonates needed
Hyperviscosity – requires plasmapheresis
Spinal cord compression – should be treated as a radiotherapy emergency
What is the treatment for patients with minimal symptoms and no end-organ damage in multiple myeloma?
Patients will require regular follow-up, with consideration of initiation of therapy when/if signs of active disease appear
What is the treatment option for younger patients who have minimal comorbidities – most haematologists will consider this option up to the age of 70 years in multiple myeloma?
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
The patient will require induction therapy with a nonchemotherapeutic (eg. bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone) (VTD) given together with Daratumumab (monoclonal antibody binding CD38) (DVTD). The standard upfront trajectory for myeloma is DVTD then Autograft then DVTD consolidation then Lenalidomide maintenance.
Non-chemotherapeutic options are replacing chemotherapeutic options as they have a lower toxicity rate.
A conditioning regimen (high-dose melphalan) followed by autologous stem cell transplant is the preferred option
Autologous transplants have a low transplant mortality rate (<1%), but also a lower remission rate (40%) than allogeneic transplants
Allogeneic transplants have a higher transplant mortality rate but also a higher remission rate
What is the treatment for patients unsuitable for stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma
The standard of care for such patients is melphalan, prednisolone and thalidomide (MPT)
This induces good event-free survival
Lenalidomide (antiangiogenic) is an alternative to thalidomide
Most patients will relapse after initial treatment
Further combination therapies of thalidomide, melphalan, lenalidomide, bortezomib (proteasome inhibitor) or dexamethasone can be used such as VMP.
What are the complications of multiple myeloma?
Bone Disease: Multiple myeloma often leads to bone destruction, pathological fractures, and skeletal-related events. Treatment includes bisphosphonates and denosumab to strengthen bones.
Renal Dysfunction: Kidney impairment is a common complication, requiring close monitoring and potential interventions.
Infections: Patients with myeloma are at increased risk of infections due to weakened immune function. Preventative measures and prompt treatment are essential. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination should be given for infection prevention.
Anaemia: Should be managed with erythropoietin (± transfusion) for anaemia
How is multiple myeloma prognosis worked out?
One significant prognostic tool is the International Staging System (ISS), which stratifies patients into three stages based on the levels of two serum markers: beta-2 microglobulin and albumin.
Investigations to inform prognosis include: β2 microglobulin (a very high or very low level confers poor prognosis) - Used in the staging of myeloma by the International Staging System (ISS), which relates to β2 microglobulin and albumin levels LDH (the higher the level, the worse the prognosis) CRP (the higher the level, the worse the prognosis) FISH and cytogenetic analysis – This may also inform the type of treatment used
Note: High serum creatinine and low albumin are also poor prognostic markers.
Median survival for myeloma is 50% at 5 years. High ISS is associated with poor prognosis.
Define an essential thrombocytosis?
Essential thrombocytosis is a myeloproliferative disorder caused by dysregulated megakaryocyte (platelet precursor) proliferation. This is often due to a JAK2 V617F mutation, present in over half of patients with the condition.
What are the signs and symptoms of an essential thrombocytosis?
50% of patients are asymptomatic, with only an incidental FBC finding
Thrombosis (arterial or venous)
Bleeding (gastrointestinal or intracranial)
Hyperviscosity-related - dizziness/syncope, headache
Hyposplenism (caused by multiple splenic infarcts)
Erythromelalgia (a red/blue discolouration of the extremities, often accompanied by a burning pain)
Livedo reticularis (a net-like purple rash)
What is a key differential of essential thrombocytosis?
The key differential is secondary (reactive) thrombocytosis
A transient thrombocytosis triggered by a precipitant (eg. infection, bleeding, thrombosis, iron deficiency, hyposplenism or trauma) – it is important to enquire about possible precipitants in the history Thrombotic complications and bleeding are uncommon in secondary thrombocytosis
Most cases with a platelet count >1000 × 109/l are likely due to essential thrombocytosis unless there is a clinically obvious secondary cause
A normal platelet count before a possible event/trigger suggests secondary thrombocytosis
What are the investigations for essential thrombocytosis?
FBC – hallmark is persistent platelet count significantly >450 × 109/l. White cell count may be raised with no basophilia
If no clear precipitant, which is suggestive of essential (primary) thrombocytosis genetic testing can be done. JAK2 V617F mutation is present in 50–60% of patients.
Trephine biopsy - hypercellular marrow and pathological megakaryocytic clumping
What is the treatment for low risk essential thrombocytosis?
Low risk
Age <40 years AND: Platelet count <1500 × 109/l No history of thrombosis or haemorrhage No cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, obesity and smoking) Treatment with aspirin alone
Essential thrombocythaemia refers to a high platelet count that is not caused by another health condition. If treatment is required, hydroxyurea or anagrelide may be used.
What is the treatment for high risk essential thrombocytosis?
Age >60 years OR has:
Platelet count >1500 × 109/l Previous history of thrombosis or haemorrhage Diabetes or hypertension Patients should be treated with hydroxycarbamide and aspirin Patients of childbearing age in this risk group should be counselled about the use of contraception
What is myelofibrosis?
Myelofibrosis (MF) is a chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm characterized by the gradual replacement of normal bone marrow tissue with fibrous tissue. This condition results in bone marrow scarring, peripheral blood abnormalities, and enlarged spleen (splenomegaly).
What is the atieology of myelofibrosis?
The development of myelofibrosis is closely associated with genetic mutations, including the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), calreticulin (CALR), and myeloproliferative leukaemia virus oncogene (MPL) mutations. These mutations contribute to the dysregulated production of blood cells and the fibrotic changes in the bone marrow.
what are the signs and symptoms of myelofibrosis?
Constitutional symptoms – weight loss, fever, night sweats
Marrow failure – anaemia, recurrent infection, and abnormal bleeding/bruising
Bone pain
Haemorrhage and thrombosis (less common in myelofibrosis than in other myeloproliferative disorders)
Signs include:
Splenomegaly (can be massive and painful) – abdominal discomfort, early satiety Hepatomegaly (seen in 50% of patients)
What are the investigations for myelofibrosis?
Blood film typically shows poikilocytes (tear-shaped RBCs) and a leucoerythroblastic blood film
Platelet count and WCC are often high initially, with pancytopenia occurring later Owing to the marrow fibrosis, it is difficult to aspirate the bone marrow, often resulting in a 'dry tap' Trephine biopsy shows evidence of fibrosis, with hypercellular tissue, reduced fat space and increased reticulin staining Urate and LDH are usually high JAK-2 V617F is positive in 50% of cases
What is the management for myelofibrosis?
Myelofibrosis is generally an incurable condition
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation is the one exception – reserved for patients aged <70 years with good performance status and high-risk disease
JAK-2 inhibitors (ruxolitinib) can have a good effect particularly in reducing splenomegaly and treating B symptoms
Cytotoxic agents, immunomodulatory drugs (eg. thalidomide), splenic irradiation and splenectomy can be used as treatments to lessen the need for transfusion and improve symptom control
What are the complications of myelofibrosis?
Transformation to Acute Leukaemia: A small percentage of MF patients may experience a transformation to acute leukaemia, which has a poor prognosis.
Splenomegaly-related Complications: Enlarged spleen can lead to abdominal discomfort, early satiety, and increased risk of infection.
Cardiovascular and Thrombotic Events: Myelofibrosis is associated with an increased risk of thrombotic events, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
What is the definition of sickle cell anaemia?
Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is a genetic condition where normal haemoglobin (where variable HbS is present) tends to form abnormal haemoglobin molecules (HbS) upon deoxygenation leading to distortion of RBCs.
What is the pathophysiology of sickle cell anaemia?
HbS is produced when the glutamic acid at the 6th position of the β chain is replaced by valine
In its deoxygenated state, HbS undergoes polymerisation, forming crystals that cause polymers to form, which in turn leads to the development of RBCs with a sickle shape
The abnormal shape of the RBCs causes clotting in the microvasculature, which precipitates vaso-occlusive crises, leading to ischaemia of vital organs and pain
Deformation of the RBCs leads to chronic haemolysis, which decreases the body’s nitric oxide – typically needed for vasoregulation – and this leads to chronic complications such as pulmonary hypertension and leg ulcers
What is the inheritance of sickle cell anaemia?
Sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) is an autosomal recessive condition. The most predominant and most severe form, homozygous HbS, represents just one of the sickle cell disease syndromes.
Other forms of sickle cell disease involve the coinheritance of HbS with other haemoglobin variants.
Most commonly HbC or β-thalassaemia, leading to the HbSC or HbS-βthal forms of sickle cell disease.
What is the mechanism of sickle cell anaemia in hyposplenism?
In addition, sickled red cells commonly sequester in the spleen, where they undergo phagocytosis by the reticular endothelial system, leading to extravascular haemolysis
Initially, this leads to splenic congestion and splenomegaly This is followed by splenic infarction, leading to hyposplenism Because of splenic compromise, there is reduced immune function Individuals with sickle cell disease are prone to bacteraemia – the spleen is necessary for phagocytosis of encapsulated bacteria. This means there is vulnerability to encapsulated organisms such as Haemophilus influenzae type B. Affected individuals should have up to date vaccinations for S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae B and N. meningitidis.
What are the signs and symptoms of sickle cell anaemia?
Vaso-occlusive crises
Painful vaso-occlusive crises are the most common acute presentation of sickle cell anaemia
Primarily caused by microvascular obstruction due to RBC sickling and inflammation May be triggered by local hypoxia (eg. in cold weather)
Acute chest crisis
Acute chest crises are the most dangerous acute presentation
3% mortality rate, causing 25% of sickle cell-related deaths The cause is often unknown (maybe infectious) Patients present with tachypnoea, wheeze, and cough, with hypoxia and pulmonary infiltrates on chest X-ray
Other complications
Splenic infarction and subsequent immunocompromise Sequestration crisis Osteomyelitis Stroke Dactylitis Poor growth Chronic renal disease Gallstones Retinal disorders Priapism Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension Iron overload from repeated blood transfusions Red cell aplasia (due to parvovirus B19 infection in the presence of chronic haemolytic anaemia)
What are the investigations for sickle cell anaemia?
Bedside - peak flow, which is essential for monitoring patients with chest crisis
FBC may show microcytic anaemia with variable degrees of haemolysis Reticulocytosis and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia may be noted Typical blood film findings include: characteristic sickle cells target cells reticulocytosis with polychromasia features of functional hyposplenism (Howell–Jolly bodies, nucleated red cells)
Definitive diagnosis is with haemoglobin electrophoresis +/– genetic testing. However, many labs use high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and/or isoelectric focusing (IEF) instead of HB electrophoresis.
Reticulocyte count is a marker of erythropoiesis and the appropriateness of the bone marrow in responding to anaemia.
The baseline reticulocyte count is generally elevated in SCD due to chronic anaemia. In an acute infection, there may be acute-on-chronic anaemia. Reticulocyte count will inform you if there is an appropriate response to the haemoglobin drop.
What is the treatment for an acute sickle cell crisis?
Treatments include:
High-flow oxygen IV fluids and analgesia Top-up transfusions – required in some severe cases
Note: ABO-compatible red cells matched for Rhesus and Kell antigens should be given as this will inhibit the development of antibodies that can otherwise complicate future transfusions.
What is the treatment for chronic sickle cell disease?
Hydroxycarbamide if frequent crises occur - As one of the indications for hydroxycarbamide therapy is three or more moderate-to-severe sickle cell crises
Increases foetal haemoglobin concentrations – needs to be balanced with risks of marrow suppression, reduced fertility and risk of teratogenicity
Alternatively regular exchange transfusions may be required for frequent sickle cell crises, acute chest syndrome, priapism and stroke prevention Vaccinations and antibiotic prophylaxis – in view of hyposplenism and subsequent immunocompromise Newer therapies include: crizaniluzumab (p-selectin inhibitor) for treatment of pain crises voxelotor (haemoglobin oxygen-affinity modulator) for haemolytic complications Bone marrow transplant and gene-editing techniques are now becoming possible curative options for some patients
Define Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Hodgkin lymphoma is malignant lymphoma characterised by the presence of Reed–Sternberg cells.
Peak incidence is in the third decade of life.
Name some risk factors for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Epstein–Barr virus
Cigarette smoking
What are the clinical features of Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Hodgkin lymphoma typically presents in young adults with cervical or supraclavicular non-tender lymphadenopathy – although the location of diseased nodes can vary
Alcohol-induced painful lymphadenopathy is a suggestive symptom
There may be symptoms caused by compression of surrounding structures (eg. shortness of breath or abdominal pain)
B symptoms (fever, night sweats, and weight loss) occur in 30% of patients
Pruritus can also occur
It is important to examine the patient for lymphadenopathy and to check for hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.
What are the four types of Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Lymphocyte predominant (infiltration of T cells) - better prognosis
Nodular sclerosing (bands of fibrous tissue separate nodules of Hodgkin’s disease)
Mixed picture
Lymphocyte depleted (no infiltrating lymphocytes)
What are the two staging systems for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Ann Arbor staging system and Lugano Classification
Can you name the four stages of the Lugano classification for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Stage I Involvement of a single lymphatic site
Stage II: Involvment of two or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm.
Stage III:
Involvement of lymphatic sites on both sides of the diaphragm OR
Involvement of lymph nodes above the diaphragm and splenic involvement
Stage IV:
Disseminated disease involving one or more extra-lymphatic organs with or without associated lymph node involvement. OR
Non-contiguous extralymphatic organ involvement in association with nodal stage II disease or any extralymphatic organ involvement in nodal stage III disease.
As in the Ann Arbour classification, patients can be further sub-classified as:
A: Asymptomatic
B: Exhibiting B symptoms (fever, drenching night sweats and/or unexplained weight loss)
S: Splenic involvement
E: Extranodal contiguous extension
What are the investigations for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Blood tests
Low haemoglobin and raised LDH can predict a poor prognosis – and indicates high red cell turnover
Neutrophilia, anaemia of chronic disease, eosinophilia and thrombocytosis are often found
ESR and other inflammatory markers are elevated
LDH can be raised and is a useful marker of disease activity
Further tests:
Excisional Lymph node biopsy with evidence of Reed–Sternberg cells is diagnostic
Staging scans are required to elucidate the extent of the disease – CT and PET scans are good radiological tools for Hodgkin’s disease
What is the treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Treatment is usually with chemoradiotherapy
Classic stage 1 disease can be managed with radiotherapy, with combination chemotherapy given for the more advanced stages
The most commonly used chemotherapy is ABVD = Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine
Relapsed patients can be salvaged with second-line chemotherapy or an autologous transplant, especially if the relapse occurs >1 year after completion of treatment
A common second-line treatment is ESHAP (etoposide, cytosine arabinoside, methylprednisolone (high dose steroids) and cisplatin)
What is the prognosis for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
5-year survival rates range from <40% to >95%, depending on:
Histopathological disease type – lymphocyte-predominant has the best prognosis; lymphocyte-depleted has the worst prognosis
Disease bulk
Clinical stage
In early-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma, an unfavourable prognosis is associated with higher ESR levels, especially when accompanied by B symptoms.
Define non-hodgkins lymphoma?
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a collective term for a variety of malignancies that impact the lymphoid system. The defining characteristic of these lymphomas is the absence of Reed-Sternberg cells.
What causes non-hodgkins lymphoma?
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is commonly associated with infection (especially viral) and immunodeficiency:
Infectious associations include:
Helicobacter pylori – gastric MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoma tissue) lymphoma
Epstein–Barr virus/HIV – Burkitt lymphoma (high-grade NHL) (starry sky appearance on biopsy and Translocation between chromosomes 8 and 14) and AIDS-related CNS lymphoma
hepatitis C virus – diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and splenic marginal zone lymphoma
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV1) – T-cell lymphoma
Other aetiological associations include:
immunodeficiency states (eg. HIV/AIDS and post-organ transplant)
autoimmune disorders (eg. Sjögren’s disease and coeliac disease)
inherited disorders affecting DNA repair (eg. ataxia telangiectasia and Fanconi anaemia)
What is the classification of non-hodgkins lymphoma?
There are over 30 different types
They may be classified according to:
cell of origin – B cell or T cell; or
pathological grade – high grade (aggressive) or low grade (indolent)
The common types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) are diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and follicular lymphoma (FL).
Explain diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
a high-grade lymphoma that has an overall 60-70% cure rate and approaching 90% in young, fit patients. Most relapses occur within 3 years. Treatment for DLBCL depends on the bulkiness of the disease but R-CHOP, radiotherapy and high-dose methotrexate for CNS prophylaxis are the mainstay of treatment. Autografts can be used in those with refractory disease in those who are transplant eligible. For those not fit for transplant, R-mini-CHOP or R-GEM-CVP can be considered.
Explain follicular lymphoma (FL).
FL is a low-grade lymphoma of the B-cell germinal centre with the median age for presentation being 60-65 years. 85% are advanced disease at presentation. Treatment can begin with watchful monitoring until advancing disease bulk, constitutional symptoms, cytopaenias, and organ/bone compromise.
What are the signs and symptoms of non-hodgkins lymphoma?
Painless lymphadenopathy – In contrast to Hodgkin lymphoma, the lymphadenopathy is more likely to be symmetrical, at multiple sites, and spread discontinuously across nodal sites
B symptoms (fever, night sweats, and weight loss) – more common in non-Hodgkin lymphoma than in Hodgkin lymphoma, and are a poor prognostic marker
Signs on physical examination:
There is typically non-tender, firm lymphadenopathy affecting the cervical, axillary and/or inguinal lymph nodes – lymph nodes classically painless
There may be splenomegaly and hepatomegaly (more common in NHL)
There may be extranodal disease (more common in NHL), the two most common sites being the gut and skin (eg. in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
Oropharyngeal involvement can also be a feature in NHL
What are the investigations for non-hodgkins lymphoma?
Blood tests:
LDH is the most important – an elevated LDH is a poor prognostic marker (reflects greater red cell turnover)
Normocytic anaemia or haemolytic anaemia may be found
A paraprotein may be present
Blood film:
Can show nucleated red cells and left shift (the presence of early white blood cell precursors) – particularly in high-grade cancers –occurs due to marrow involvement and increased marrow turnover
May also reveal circulating lymphoma cells (ie. abnormal lymphocytes).
Biopsy – histopathological assessment will help to define the subtype of the disease
Other investigations include:
Bone marrow biopsy
Staging scans (eg. CT chest, abdomen and pelvis; PET)
Cytogenetics (eg. t(11;14) can aid in diagnosing mantle cell lymphoma)
What is the management for low grade indolent non-hodgkins lymphoma?
For asymptomatic patients, it may be most appropriate to ‘watch and wait’ until there is evidence of symptoms/organ failure
For stage I disease, local radiotherapy to nodal sites can be used
For more advanced systemic disease, immunochemotherapy is usually given – ‘rituximab in combination with chemotherapy or obinutuzumab with chemotherapy is now the preferred therapy for most indolent NHLs.
What is the management for high grade non-hodgkins lymphoma?
The gold standard therapy is R-CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone) plus the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab
Autologous and allogeneic transplantation can be used for relapsed disease in patients up to the age of 70 years
There is a risk of tumour lysis syndrome, particularly in patients with high disease bulk, and preventive measures should be taken (i.e. hydration and allopurinol/rasburicase)
Cell signalling inhibitors (eg. Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors such as ibrutinib) are also available, used particularly for mantle cell lymphoma.
Lymphoblastic NHL has a propensity to penetrate the CNS – treatment is similar to that given for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and includes CNS prophylaxis akin to CNS prophylaxis used for Burkitt’s Lymphoma and some patients with DLBCL.
What are the complications for non-hodgkins lymphoma?
Infections: NHL and its treatments can weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections. Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections are of concern. Monitoring for signs of infection and administering prophylactic antibiotics or antivirals may be necessary, particularly during chemotherapy cycles.
Neurological Complications: Some NHL subtypes can infiltrate the nervous system, leading to neurological symptoms. Peripheral neuropathy, central nervous system involvement, and paraneoplastic syndromes are potential neurological complications.
Bleeding and Coagulopathy: NHL can disrupt the normal coagulation process, leading to bleeding and coagulation disorders. This is more common in aggressive subtypes. Patients may experience petechiae, ecchymosis, and, in severe cases, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Management includes addressing the underlying disease and providing blood products when necessary
Secondary Malignancies: Some treatments, particularly radiation and certain chemotherapies, can increase the risk of secondary malignancies, including myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Long-term surveillance is necessary to detect these conditions.
Explain warfarin:
- What is vitamin K responsible for?
Production of factors 2, 7, 9, 10
How does it affect PT and APTT?
Prolonged PT as it has the biggest affect on factor 7 Normal APTT
- What is an advantage of warfarin?Can be directly reversed by replacement of vitamin K
- What are disadvantages of warfarin? (4)
- Long half-life
- Regular monitoring of PT and INR
- Lots of drug-drug interactions
- Not used in PE and DVT
- What is the target INRs of patients on warfarin and what is the exception?2.5 except mitral valve replacement
- What is the target in metallic mitral valve replacement?2.5-3.5
- What is the target following VTE, for AF and for metallic aortic valve replacement?2.0-3.0
- What is the target for recurrent PEs?3.5
- What do we do if INR is raised significantly?Indicates high bleeding risk → warfarin reduced/withheld completely and vitamin K may be given and FFP
- What do we do 6-8 hours before emergency surgery (if it can wait) in terms of warfarin?
Give IV 5mg vitamin K- What if surgery can’t wait?
Give 25-50 units/kg four-factor prothrombin complex
- What if surgery can’t wait?
Explain DOACs:
- List examples of DOACs (2)
- Apixaban
- Rivaroxaban
- How do they work?
Factor 10a inhibitors- What about dabigatran?Direct thrombin inhibitor
- Why are they preferred to warfarin?Require less monitoring
Explain heparin:
- What is the short acting heparin called?Unfractionated heparin (standard)
- How is it administered?IV
- How is it monitored?APTT
- What is the long acting heparin called?LMWH
- Give an example of LMWHEnoxaparin or dalteparin
- How is LMWH administered?Subcutaneous
- How is LMWH monitored?Via anti-factor 10a
- Which is usually preferable and why? (2)LMWH → Preferred as there is a lower risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
- How does heparin-induced thrombocytopenia occur?Heparin activates antithrombin III, which forms a complex that inhibits factor 10a
- What is the reversal agent for heparin?Protamine sulfate
- How is bleeding risk calculated?ORBIT score
What is the management for warfarin?
- How long before planned surgery must warfarin be stopped?5 days
- When can surgery go ahead?When persons INR is <1.5
- What if INR is >1.5?Give oral vitamin K a day before surgery
- When can surgery go ahead?When persons INR is <1.5
- When is warfarin contraindicated?Avoid in pregnancy
- How long before planned surgery must heparin be stopped?May be stopped on day of surgery, since heparin has a much shorter half-life than warfarin
- What things reduce warfarin activity?P450 Inducers (Induce = reduce INR)
- Give examples (5)SCARS
- Smoking
- Ciroc (alcohol)
- Anti-epileptics e.g. Carbamazepine or Phenytoin
- Rifampicin
- St Johns wart
- Give examples (5)SCARS
- What things increase warfarin activity?P450 inhibitors increase warfarin activity (increase INR)
- Give examplesASS ZOLES
- Antibiotics- such as? (4)
- Ciprofloxacin
- Isoniazid
- Clarithromycin
- Erythromycin
- SSRIs e.g. fluoxetine, sertraline
- Sodium valproate
- -zoles → such as? (3)
- Omeprazole
- Ketoconazole
- Fluconazole
- Antibiotics- such as? (4)
- Give examplesASS ZOLES
What is the management of over warfarin?
- How do you manage major bleeding and high INR? (3)
- Stop warfarin
- Oral/IV vitamin K
- Prothrombin complex concentrate
- How do you manage minor bleeding and INR is >5 (or no bleeding but INR >8)? (3)
- Stop warfarin
- Oral/IV vitamin K
- Restart warfarin when INR is <5
- How do you manage no bleeding and INR is 5-8?Withhold 1 or 2 doses of warfarin
- What do you do if INR <2?Up warfarin dose and start LMWH
Explain aspirin?
Inhibits COX 1 and 2, hence blocking thromboxane A2 synthesis and reducing platelet aggregation
- What is it used for?Long-term use of low-dose aspirin is recommended in patients with established cardiovascular disease (secondary prevention)- it is not recommended for primary prevention of CVD
- Examples (6)
- Following coronary bypass surgery
- Intermittent claudication
- Stable angina
- Acute coronary syndromes
- Following placement of coronary stents
- Stroke
- Examples (6)
- When is aspirin monotherapy indicated?
- Following transcatheter aortic valve implantation- what if its not tolerated?Use clopidogrel instead
Explain clopidogrel?
Inhibits activation of platelets
- What is clopidogrel used for?Prevention of atherothrombotic events in patients with a history of symptomatic ischaemic disease (e.g. ischaemic stroke)
- When is clopidogrel used in combination with low-dose aspirin?For the prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation- use of clopidogrel and aspirin increased bleeding risk
- When is monotherapy indicated?When aspirin is CI e.g aspirin hypersensitivity, or aspirin not tolerated despite addition of PPI (pt at high risk of GI bleeding)
Dipyridamole- what is it licensed for?
Secondary prevention of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attacks
Prasugrel- what is it licensed for?
Prevention of atherothrombotic events in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention; the combination is usually given for up to 12 months
Ticagrelor (P2Y12 receptor antagonist)- what is it licensed for?
Prevention of atherothrombotic events in patients with acute coronary syndrome; the combination is usually given for up to 12 months
What do patients selected for PCI with the placement of a coronary stent require?
Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and either cangrelor, clopidogrel, prasugrel or ticagrelor- aspirin therapy should continue indefinitely
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
- What are they?Prevent platelet aggregation by blocking the binding of fibrinogen to receptors on platelets
- Example? (3)Eptifibatide- (and tirofiban) prevent early myocardial infarction in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarctionTirofiban- for the reduction of major cardiovascular events in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction intended for primary percutaneous coronary interventionAbciximab- prevention of ischaemic complications in pt undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary intervention
What are the complications of blood transfusions?
Blood transfusion reactions may be categorised into acute, subacute, and chronic (long-term) types. Acute complications include allergies, acute haemolytic transfusion reactions, febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions, transfusion-related acute lung injury, and transfusion-associated circulatory overload. Late complications include delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction, transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease and iron overload. Management strategies depend on the specific reaction but generally involve stopping or slowing the transfusion and addressing the resulting symptoms.
Name some acute complications to blood transfusions?
Allergy, Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction, Febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reaction, Transfusion-related acute lung injury, Transfusion-associated circulatory overload
In an allergy reaction to a blood transfusion what do we do?
Presentation ranges from urticaria to angioedema and anaphylaxis
Management – stop the transfusion, give saline, adrenaline (in case of anaphylaxis), chlorphenamine, and hydrocortisone
In an acute haemolytic transfusion reaction to a blood transfusion what do we do?
Caused by giving an incompatible blood bag to a patient
Early signs include fever, hypotension and anxiety
Late complications include generalised bleeding secondary to DIC
Management – stop the transfusion, give saline, treat DIC
In a Febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reaction to a blood transfusion what do we do?
Presents with fever, rigors/chills, but patients are otherwise well
Management – Slow the transfusion, give paracetamol
in a Transfusion-related acute lung injury what do we do?
Presents with pulmonary oedema and can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Management – stop the transfusion, give saline, treat ARDS
In a Transfusion-associated circulatory overload what do we do?
Presents with fluid overload
Management – Slow the transfusion, give furosemide
Name some late complications of blood transfusions?
Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
Iron Overload
What are the signs of a delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction?
Caused by an exaggerated response to a foreign red cell antigen that the patient has been exposed to before
Patients present with jaundice, anaemia, and fever, usually on day 5 post-transfusion
Describe iron overload in the context of blood transfusions
Iron overload may be related to the pathophysiology of the condition (eg. haemochromatosis) or iatrogenic (eg. related to a blood transfusion or excess oral iron)
There is no secretion pathway for iron and approximately 1 mg of iron is lost via gut mucosal cells
Absorption of luminal iron is mediated by enterocytes, which respond to iron stores in the body
The enterocyte is modulated via its transferrin receptor, which regulates transferrin uptake from the plasma
In turn, the HFE protein modulates transferrin receptor activity
Iron overload usually becomes an issue after 20 units have been given or if serum ferritin rises above 1000 µg/l
Subcutaneous desferrioxamine is required regularly to lower iron levels