Clinical Final Flashcards
What is the purpose of centrifugal force in centrifugal analyzers?
Mix sample and reagents, transfer reagents into separate analyzing chambers
What do the etched ring on the top of a pipet mean?
pipet should be blown out
What does TC on the top of a pipet mean?
to contain, to be blown out with diluting fluid
Why is CO toxic?
has a high affinity with hemoglobin, 250x stronger than oxygen
What are some precautions for bilirubin specimen handling?
protect from light, analyze no later than 2-3 hours after blood clotted
What enzyme test cannot be preserved by freezing?
lactate dehydrogenase
What is the cause of postprandial lipemia?
How does the electrophoresis pattern of plasma differ from that of serum?
fibrinogen spike in the gamma region
What is the order of migration of proteins on electrophoresis at pH 8.6?
a1, a2, B, and gamma
What is the principle enzyme in saliva?
The immunoglobulins migrate with what protein on electrophoresis at pH 8.6?
How do contraceptives affect total T4 and TBG in competitive binding assays?
affects the glycosylation of TBG and delays its clearance leading to an increased serum concentration of TBG and sits on T4 causing a decrease in free T4. This causes an increase in total T4, appearing as hyperthyroidism
Creatinine is the breakdown product of what substance?
With are some clinically significant metabolites of some hormones?
VMA, 5-HIAA, HVA, metanephrine, normetanephrine, estrone, estradiol-17B, estriol
What tests are affected by hemolysis?
What is the normal bicarbonate to dissolved CO2 ratio?
What is the anticoagulant of choice for blood gas analysis?
sodium heparin
How is serum globulin usually determined?
(total protein) - (albumin)
What is the predominant form of thyroid hormone in the circulation?
How is a bloody CSF handled in the chemistry lab?
Centrifuged and ran as normal
What is the unique value of enzymes as reagents?
act as natural catalytic substances
What are the major intracellular and extracellular cations and anions?
Na, K, Cl
What is the normal pH of blood?
What does the PCO2 electrode actually measure?
transfer of hydrogen ions
Describe transudate
clear, no clots, SG
Describe exudate
cloudy, clots, SG >1.015, TP >30 g/L, cellular