Clinical correlates Flashcards
Whatis Holopresencephaly?
Severe: Lateral ventricles fuse to form a single ventricle, so do eyes.
Mild: incomplete developmnt of midline structures
NOTE: Mutations of SHH have been implicated here
What is ancephaly?
Results form a failure of cranial neuropore to close, so skull doesn’t form
What is Arnold-Chiaari malformation?
results in herniation of cerebellar vermis, tonsils, and medulla thru foramen magnum. Associated w/ stretching of CN IX and XII
What’s coloboma?
Failure of optic fissure to close completely (usually defect inferior to optic disc). Can result in keyhole shaped pupil
How does detached retina occur?
Inner/outer layers of opitc cup fail to fuse
What is congenital aniridia
Complete absence of iris due to mutations of Pax6