Clinical Considerations: Lab 13 Flashcards
Syncope (D and C)
“Sinking Sand” D: Fainting; a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness followed by spontaneous recovery C: usually due to decreased blood flow to the brain.
Shock (D, C, and S)
D: Failure of the cardiovascular system to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to meet cellular metabolic needs C: loss of body fluids S: systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mmHg, rapid heart rate and pulse, cool and pale skin, sweating, decreased urine formation, thirst, nausea, and altered mental state.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) ( D, S, and T)
D: The presence of a thrombus (blood clot) in a deep vein of the lower limbs. S: pulmonary embolism (blood clot caught in the a pulmonary artery), Postphelbitic syndrome Tx: anti-coagulants, compression devices, and take walks
Postphelbitic Syndrome
A complication of DVT; D: edema, pain, and skin changes associated with destruction of venous valves.
Orthostatic hypotension (D)
An excessive lowering of systemic blood pressure when a person assumes an erect or semi-erect position
Hypotension (D)
Low blood pressure; most commonly used to describe an acute drop in blood pressure, as occurs during excessive blood loss
Hypertension (D)
Persistently high blood pressure
Levels for Normal, prehypertension, Stage 1 hypertension, and Stage 2 hypertension
Normal (120/80); prehypertension (120-139/80-89); stage 1 hypertension (140-159/90-99); stage 2 hypertension (greater than 160/ greater than 100)
primary hypertension vs secondary hypertension
primary: no identifiable cause secondary: caused by hyper secretion of aldosterone or epinephrine/norepinephrine (pheochromocytoma); obstruction of renal blood flow or disorders that damage the kidneys.
Lifestyle modifications that can help with hypertension
Don’t smoke/quit smoking, limit alcohol intake, lose weight, reduce salt intake, exercise, and manage stress
Drug treatment of hypertension
Vasodilators, Diuretics and ACE inhibitors
Varicose Veins (D, C, T)
D: Leaky venous valves that cause dilated and twisted in appearance; most commonly present in the esophagus, anal canal (hemorrhoids), and lower limbs C: congenital defects, pregnancy, prolonged standing, or aging. stripping veins, elastic stockings, laser occlusion, radio-frequency endovenous occlusion.
Aneurysm (D)
D - thin weakened section of the wall of an artery or vein that bulges outward, forming a balloon like sac.
Thrombosis v. Embolism and Tx
T: stationary, healthy response to injury E: traveling in the blood and circulatory system both treated with anticoagulants, compression stockings, stretch and massage, quit smoking, and control BP
Thrombosis (Types, C, S)
Types (White thrombi, Red thrombi, and mixed); C: high coagulant factors, injury to endothelial cells, and aneurysm) S: SOB, heavy aches, healing injury