How does one get an acromioclavicular injury?
Results from a fall onto the tip of the shoulder resulting in variable degrees of
ligamentous disruption.
What type of AC injury is Acromioclavicular (AC) ligaments partially disrupted and
Coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments are intact. No superior separation of
clavicle from acromion.
Type 1
What type of AC injury? AC ligaments are torn and CC ligaments are intact
resulting in partial separation of the clavicle from acromion.
Type 2
What type of AC injury?AC and CC ligaments are completely disrupted resulting I complete
separation of the clavicle from acromion.
Type 3
What type of AC injury? AC and CC ligaments are completely disrupted with superior and
prominently posterior displacement.
Type 4
What type of AC injury? AC and CC ligaments are completely disrupted with CC interspace
more than twice as large as opposite shoulder.
Type 5
What type of AC injury?
Uncommon. Clavicular periosteum and/or deltoid and trapezius
muscle are torn resulting in wide displacement. Clavicle lies in either the subacromial space or subcoracoid space.
Treatment for type 1 & 2 AC injury?
Sling for 24-48 hours Ice Analgesics Home exercise that focuses on ROM RTN to full duty as pain persists, usually within 4 weeks.
Treatment for type 3 AC injury?
Ortho consult sling 24-48 hrs Ice Analgesics Home exercise that focuses on ROM Light duty until evaluated by ortho
Treatment for type 4-5 AC injury?
Surgery, Ortho Sling until further notice Ice Analgesics Light duty MEDEVAC
What is the most common bony injury?
Clavicle fracture
What is the most common location for clavicle fracture?
Middle third