What type of hip dislocation is most common?
Posterior dislocation
With regards to a physical exam, what is the difference in presentation between a posterior and anterior dislocation?
Posterior-Affected limb is short, hip is fixed in adducted and internally rotated position.
Anterior- hip is held in abduction and external rotation.
What are the clinical symptoms for a stress fracture of the femoral neck?
- Vague pain in the anterior groin or thigh.
- Exacerbated by activity and bearing weight.
- Story of increasing activity prior to pain.
What is the special test for stress fracture of the femoral neck?
Log roll, positive with internal rotation.
What muscles are associated with a hip strain?
- Iliopsoas
- Sartorius
- Rectus Femoris
What is the special test for a hip strain?
Thomas test
What are some physical exam findings for a hip strain?
- Mild ecchymosis or edema
- Strength limited by pain
- Increased pain while attempting ROM.
In a thigh strain, what muscles are injured more often?
Where do thigh strain/tears typically occur?
Musculotendinous junction
What are the clinical symptoms of a thigh strain?
- Sudden onset of posterior or thigh pain.
- A “pop” may have been perceived
- Quad strains are associated with direct blows during contact sports.
What is possibly associated with lumbar spine disease, intraarticular hip pathology, significant
limb- length inequalities, inflammatory arthritis, or previous surgery around the hip
Trochanteric Bursitis