Clinical Biochemistry Flashcards
When are laboratory tests used in diagnosis?
Confirmation or rejection of diagnosis
Why are laboratory tests used?
- Diagnosis
- Monitoring
- Prognosis
- Screening
When are laboratory tests used in monitoring?
Natural history or response to treatment
When are laboratory tests used in prognosis?
Prediction of course or outcome of the disease
When are laboratory tests used in screening?
Detection of sub-clinical disease
What are the stages in laboratory testing?
- Clinical question
- Request form with clinical data
- Patient sampled
- Transit to lab
- Reception and ID
- Analysis
- Quality control
- Collation
- Interpretation
- Reporting
- Biochemical answer
Can the method produce the correct result
Can the method produce a consistent answer
How are laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of diabetes?
-Random venous plasma glucose >11.1mmol/L
-Fasting plasma glucose >7.0mmol/L
-2 hour plasma glucose >11.1mmol/L in OGTT
-HbA1c >48mmol/mol (Type 2 Diabetes only)
-If asymptomatic, requires confirmation by repeat
testing on another day
When should HbA1c not be used to diagnose diabetes?
- Children and young people
- Suspected Type 1 diabetes
- Symptoms <2 months
- High risk patients who are acutely ill
- Patients taking medication that may cause rapid glucose rise (e.g. steroids)
- Acute pancreatic damage
- Pregnancy
- Presence of genetic, haematological or illness-related factors that affect HbA1c and its measurement
What biochemistry tests can be carried out in the acute monitoring of diabetes?
- Urines testing for glycosuria or ketonuria
- Glucose meter measurement of capillary blood glucose
Factitious hypoglycaemia
High insulin levels in absence of elevated C-peptide concentrations
Elevated C-peptide level indicative of insulin-secreting tumour
Give examples of chronic complications of diabetes
Macrovascular disease
- Stroke
- Angina
- MI
- Cardiac failure
Microvascular disease
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Nephropathy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Foot problems
What biochemical measurements can be taken in the chronic management of diabetes?
- Glucose (self-monitoring of blood glucose)
- HbA1c (Glycaemic control)
- Urine Albumin/creatinine ratio (Diabetic renal disease - Microvascular screening)
- Lipids (Macrovascular screening)
What should young people with diabetes have tested annually from the age of 12?
ACR to screen for diabetic kidney disease