Clinical aspects of bronchial carcinoma Flashcards
What is malignant growth?
Uncontrolled replication
What are paraneoplastic features?
Symptoms that are not due to the tumour itself but the hormones and chemicals it releases sometimes mimicking natural hormones - e.g. adrenal hormones
What are some signs and symptoms of lung cancer?
Cough more than 3 weeks SOB Chest infections Blood Weight loss Chest/shoulder pain tiredness hoarsness
Describe Haemoptysis in terms of primary and secondary tumour and what investigation you would do?
Symptoms of primary tumour
Need a CT scan - first line
Describe recurrent pneumonia in terms of lung cancer?
Its a worrying sign
Cancer may be hiding behind pneumonia
In lung cancer the affected lobe usually looks smaller
Describe stridor?
Distressing symptoms of difficult BREATHING IN
Usually accompanied by audible wheeze during inspiration
Most other forms of disease (asthma, COPD) produce EXPIRATORY wheezes and difficulty breathing OUT
Where may you get local invasion?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve pericardium oesophagus brachial plexus chest wall pleural cavity SVC
Describe what happens in local invasion of the pericardium?
The cancer can erode into this and then fluid can build up around the heart in the space (pericardial effusion), squishing the heart causing SOB
What is a pan coast tumour?
A tumour that is high up, usually in the apex of the lung, difficult to spot
What happens in local invasion of the pleural cavity?
It can generate a large volume of pleural fluid, called a pleural effusion. Causing SOB
What happens in SVC obstruction?
Local invasion of SVC obstructs drainage of blood from the arms and hear. Puffy eyes and headaches
There may be anastomoses to the IVC that can ve visible on the abdomen and thorax.
What happens if the tumour encases the left pulmonary artery?
Squashes the blood from getting into lungs. Erodes into the artery and into a major bronchus resulting in sudden death due to massive haemoptysis.
Name some common sites for metastases?
Liver bone brain adrenal skin lung
Talk about cerebral metastases?
Gradual onset
usually associated with fits, headaches (worse in morning), visual disturbance
What organ can you not do a PET scan for?
Brain (bladder also probably)