Clinical Analysis Test and Procedures Flashcards
blood and blood-forming tissues
hemoglobin level and red cell count
Hematocrit (Hct)
values that rule out anemia
Hemoglobin (Hgb)
erythropoietic activity
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count
leukocyte response
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count
chemotherapy and radiation conditions
Platelet Count
changes in the appearance or quantity of specific cell types
Differential White Blood Cell Count
show the changes in RBC size, weight, and Hgb content
weight of the hemoglobin in the cell
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
size of the cell
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
concentration of hemoglobin per unit volume of RBCs
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
size differences of the RBCs
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
ability of blood to form and dissolve clots
adequacy of heparin therapy
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
thrombin and plasmin activity
amount of fibrin degradation products (FDPs) in the blood
Fibrin Split Products (FSP)
fibrinogen levels in the blood
Fibrinogen Test
liver diseases or deficiency in Vitamin K
Prothrombin Time (PT) or International Normalized Ratio (INR)
amounts of certain chemicals in a blood sample
liver damage
Alanine Aminotransferase Test (ALT)
alpha-fetoprotein levels in pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
amount of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in the bloodstream
Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) Test
measures the level that could indicate cirrhosis and hepatitis
checks the enzyme level that could indicate liver disease, cholesystitis, etc
levels of aspartate aminotansferase enzyme that may indicate liver damage
Aspartate Aminotransferase Test (AST)
amount of bilirubin levels in the bloodstream that could indicate red blood destruction
Bilirubin Test
acid-base balance by measuring the pH, partial pressure of the carbon dioxide and oxygen
Arterial Blood Gases (ABG)
amount of urea nitrogen found in blood, which could determine impaired renal function.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
levels of BNP hormone in the blood which could indicate congestive heart failure
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Test
level of CRP
C-reactive Protein High Sensitivity (hs-CRP)
CEA protein levels in the blood that may help diagnose and manage certain types of cancers
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Test
total amount of calcium in the blood, which could help determine or monitor the effects of renal failure
Blood Calcium
indicates risk of cardiovascular diseases
Total Cholesterol
shows adrenal hypofunction and hyperfunction
used to check muscle damage
Creatine Kinase (CK)
checks for cases that indicate renal impairment or muscular dystrophy
monitors therapeutic range to avoid toxic levels for drugs
Drug Analysis
show the sodium values that determine disorder of the kidney and adrenals
Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2 )
used to check diabetes, liver disease, or malnutrition
used for diagnosis of liver, specifically hepatobiliary problems
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
determines glycosylated hemoglobin level
Hemoglobin A1C
checks lung, kidney, and liver dysfunction
Lactate dehydrogenase
shows the level that could lead to either pancreatitis or pancreatic carcinoma
test that screens patients for the presence of prostate cancer
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
used to check liver and kidney disorders
Total Protein
serve as index in the evaluation of atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorder
used for early diagnosis of small myocardial infarcts
Troponin I
used to check levels that indicate gout and renal problems
Uric Acid Test
used to check for anemia and diseases of the small intestine
Vitamin B12 and Folate Tests
serum and autoimmune reactions in the blood
Serology / Immunology
shows autoimmune disorders such as systematic lupus erythematosus
Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)
indicates streptococcal infection
Antistreptolysin-O (ASO) Titer
checks cases of atypical pneumonia
Cold Agglutinins
shows the presence of antibodies to specific organisms
Febrile Agglutination Test
confirms syphilis
when positive, it is indicative of syphilis but it still needs confirmation
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
indicates rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
screens human immunodeficiency virus
a confirmatory test for CMV antibody
Cytomegalovirus Antibody (CMV)
checks for the presence of heterophil antibody, which indicates infectious mononucleosis
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
checks for the presence of hepatitis antigen on the surface of the red cells
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg)
indicates inflammation when levels are increased
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
the hormone is present when patient is pregnant
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Test
tests urine specimen
indicates the presence of blood melanin, bilirubin, or urobilin in the urine specimen
shows the presence of fat, chyle, or bacteria which affect the turbidity
Clarity / Transparency
suggests renal tubular involvement or ADH deficiency
Specific Gravity
hematuria could be due to hemorrhage, infection, or trauma
helps differentiate between obstructive jaundice and hemolytic jaundice
glucosuria may be a result of diabetes mellitus, renal impairments
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or starvation
indicates urinary tract infection if there is a lot of neutrophils
indicates acid-base balance
proteinuria s an indicator of renal dysfunction or disorder
positive results could mean bacterial infection
increases in amount when the patient suffers from hepatitic issues
shows the status of the urinary tract, hematuria, pyuria, etc.
Microscopic Evaluation
microorganisms in body fluids or tissues
used to monitor the treatment for TB
Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB)
checks for the presence of bacteria indicative of bacteremia or septicemia
Blood Culture
shows the presence of Helicobacter pylori
Campylobacter-like Organism (CLO) Test
indicates infection if there is growth in the pathogenic microorganism
Culture and Sensitivity (C&S)
used to determine the type of fungi if present
Fungus Culture and Identification
it is done to allow antimicrobial therapy while waiting for culture results
Grams Stain
checks for blood in the stool which could result from gastrointestinal bleeding
Occult Blood
solves ?etiology unknown? intestinal disorders
Ova and Parasites (O&P) Exam
blood for transfusion
Blood bank / Immunohematology
agglutination means presence of abnormal antibodies in the blood
Antibody (Ab) Screen
determines transfusion compatibility
Direct Antihuman-globulin Test (DAT)
shows the ABO and Rh blood groups
ABO and Rh Type
shows the blood group and screens for antibodies in the recipient’s blood
Type and Crossmatch
detects antibodies and antigen in both recipient’s and donor’s blood
Compatibility Testing